Your Tax Dollars At Work: State Offers Job As Psychic


The economy is in the toilet.  The unemployment rate is climbing.

Where is Miss Cleo when we need her?  She would be able to tell us in that soft Jamaican accent when everything is going to be alright.

The state’s Workforce1 job site is ahead of me.  They have a job available that when filled, just might help us scope out when things are going to get better.

Here is the ad (I can’t give you the link. You appear to need to register to logon.) right from the state’s Internet website:

Need experienced psychics to work for psychic hotline that is just getting started.
Call Tina: (I remoeved the telephone number)
Willing to pay 30 – 40 cents per minute depending on experience.


Miss Cleo

And you don’t even need a Jamaican accent like Miss Cleo.

I wonder what the job interview is like?


9 Responses to “Your Tax Dollars At Work: State Offers Job As Psychic”

  1. Boots says:

    “I wonder what the job interview is like?”

    See, if you were psychic, you’d already know. Don’t be bothering to apply, mon. You’re clearly not qualified.

  2. Sam Fields says:

    The North Broward Hospital Districts support for Therapeutic Touching makes this look good.

  3. Frankie says:

    Therapeutic Touching is a proven therapy that leads to well being. Haven’t I seen you, Mr. Fields, in a massage parlor?

  4. jt says:

    can you even imagine what senor fields would look like or even do in a massage parlor, scary

  5. Sam Fields says:

    My little purient friends:

    “Therapeutic Touching” (also called TT) is not found in massage parlors and has nothing to do with “happy endings” or “full release”

    It is quack medicine that claims humans have an energy force around them that practioners manipulate without touching you.
    The North Broward Hospital District (now called Broward Health)still lists it as part of its treatment options. Your tax dollars at work.

  6. Sam Fields says:

    On second thought, if medicine is about making the patient feel good than maybe they should include “happy ending” therapy along with TT.

  7. mister courthouse says:

    Sam, Sam,Sam,

    Always in the gutter. When one doesn’t have a believe in anything, one ends up in the gutter.

  8. Sam Fields says:

    Mr Outhouse:

    Although this was hardly bawdy, I find bawdy humor to be fun. Abe Lincoln was one of the great tellers of dirty jokes.

    You, one the other hand seem to be embarassed or confused about your sexuality.

    I can see why your sexual identity crisis has driven you to puritanical, religious fanaticism

  9. Ivan Fyodorovich says:

    What ever happened to Miss Cleo anyway?

    FROM BUDDY: Got in trouble with the feds and left the airwaves.