You Know Clerk Of The Courts Is Running Because….


You can get a hint that Broward Clerk of The Courts Brenda Forman is running for reelection by just looking at her website.

It is resplendent with Jewish stars.

Jewish stars dot Brenda Forman’s site

Brenda’s leading opponents in 2020 are former judge Paul Backman and Howard Forman, her ex-husband and the former clerk.

Backman and Howard Forman have Jewish-sounding names.

I don’t remember any previous Clerk making such a blatant display of Jewish (or Christian) symbols in the past on a government website. Forman’s notice that the office will be closed on Yom Kippur raises many questions.

Did Forman need to add Jewish stars to the notice? Were the stars added solely to appeal to Jewish voters?

Is Forman’s use of Jewish symbols over-the-top?

You decide.

12 Responses to “You Know Clerk Of The Courts Is Running Because….”

  1. Jewish by injection says:

    Brenda had to endure sex with a naked Howard Forman, she at least got to keep the Jewish references and recipes in the divorce

  2. Barack Obama says:

    get rid of her. she committed perjury.

  3. Rightwinger says:

    She is over the top on most everything she does. She will not have the backing of her husband this time around. She knew exactly what she was doing, dating the boss and marring him. Howard seems to be picking up where he left off. Gaining more and more momentum. That whole office has been in disarray. They can never find any files, and nothing is done in a timely fashion. She will be one and done. Bye Madam Clerk.

  4. Charlotte Greenbarg says:

    She’s over the top, so….

  5. Chaz Stevens, Genius says:


    I’ve been doing IT forever … and well, the Clerk should do a better job at managing the site than putting up religious fucking banner ads on a gov’t site.

    So much for the 1FA.

    Anyone else try to enter the site and have the CAPTCHA fail? Blame the domain admins … they’re fucking clueless.

    PS Having issues with your SSL cert, are we?

  6. Really? says:

    Slow news week??? This is such a non-issue. Sheesh!

  7. FTL Voter says:

    Are you sure this wasn’t just some tacky clip art image some geriatric employee added thinking it “looks cool”? Doesn’t look either political or well designed.

  8. Chaz Stevens, Genius says:


    So, let me get this right…

    You’re thinking some old geezer has admin rights to the production site, and there’s no content approval?

    Sort of a willy-nilly nickers in your face kinda operation? And that’s how the site’s supposed to run?

    And, following your logic, ill-designed content is allowed to remain on the site … I suppose because no one gives a fuck-all about it?

    This is not your Mom’s orchid blog, homey. This is the Clerk of the Court for a major metropolitan area.

    What’s next? Some classic 70s porn video stationed above the fold?

    The broad in charge won because she pulled of the perfect grift — the woman’s version of Eddie Murphy’s The Perfect Gentleman.

    Foreman! It’s the name you know!

  9. Critic says:

    What’s your problem with our clerk? She is doing her job.

  10. Anonymous says:

    I know I am naive. I believe ethnicity doesn’t belong in politics

  11. Practicing Attorney says:

    To No. 9: Oh, NO, she is not! The service, the attitude, website are all horrible.

  12. Rightwinger says:

    Madam Clerk, what happened to CFO? It will All come out soon. You have no ethics whatsoever. Mr. Forman will be coming back in.