Update: Yearbook Supports Principal Who Was Dumped
(Thank you, readers.
Your comments – many of them astute and very well presented – has caused me to rethink my position on the Yearbook.
My original post below was inarticulate enough to cause confusion. I’m big enough to admit that.
I applaud the students who worked in any capacity on the Douglas Yearbook. I also want to make it clear that a few pages in a large Yearbook does not reflect any other excellently executed material.
I also agree that Washington Collado’s trouble was a significant incident that warranted being mentioned. We could argue about how it was mentioned, whether it was fairly presented, and whether it favored the principal.
I think that the seven pages devoted to Collado — almost all of it favorable to him — is a little much. One page, written by Niki Wasserman, is a well done opinion piece that is clearly one sided. On the page is a poll of 303 students, a mere fraction of the number at the school, which found 60 percent believed the principal should stay. Putting aside the obvious questions about where and how the poll was taken (at the pro-Collado demonstration?), that still means that 40 percent of the students are in favor of him leaving.
Niki Wasserman’s opinion piece, well done but one-sided (click to enlarge)
That Collado’s situation had to be mentioned at all is my problem with him.
There are dozens of high schools in Broward County. Many have parents equally passionate about their cheerleading programs as Douglas.
Nowhere else has this situation been allowed to get out of hand.
A real leader would have found a way to skillfully negotiate a way to calm the situation. Instead, a minor situation between a small group of parents was allowed to fester and eventually boil over to involve the School Board and the media.
The merits of the two sides’ positions are not what counts. What counts is that Collado couldn’t find a way to bring the two sides together. I believe that this lack of leadership eventually cost him his job at Douglas.
As one reader commented below (Parkland Parent No. 13), most students and parents don’t care about any of this. Most aren’t part of the cheerleading program and none of it affects them. So it could be argued that less attention should have been paid to it in the Yearbook.
That said, working on the Yearbook itself is a worthy endeavor for any student.
Thanks again for participating in Browardbeat.com.
P.S.: For those of you mentioning the students’ Freedom of the Press:
Students don’t have absolute freedom to write anything they want in school publications. That was decided in court decisions years ago. The principal and staff do have the right to determine what appears in the Yearbook, just like the editor of the Sun-Sentinel, the New York Times or the Huffington Post can determine what appears in their publications. )
The Original Post is below:
If you had any doubt that Marjory Stoneman Douglas High Principal Washington Collado needed to go, exhibit No. 1 is this year’s school’s yearbook.
Collado was told earlier this year he would be transferred out of Douglas before next school year.
In an obvious editorial stand against the transfer, the Yearbook venerates Collado.
It mentions his bosses evaluated him as “highly effective” in 2012. It mentions that 200 demonstrated outside the school against his transfer.
And I thought Yearbooks were about the students’ year, not the principal.
The Yearbook also has two pictures of Melissa Prochilo, the former Douglas cheerleading coach dumped by the School Board after complaints about her.
There are no pictures – I am told – of the current coach.
It was in part the cheerleading dispute between two sets of parents over Porchillo that caused Collado’s transfer. In a lack of leadership, he failed to quell the disagreement, allowing it to get out of hand.
Now the Yearbook is stirring the pot again!
Some of the Parkland school’s parents are upset. A Board member said, “I thought this was over.”
Here are two questions:
(1) Doesn’t Principal Collado have any control of his school’s Yearbook?
(2) What does the Yearbook say about Collado’s respect for Supintendent Robert Runcie, who transferred him, and the School Board that backed up Runcie?
May 15th, 2013 at 11:40 am
I don’t know what this says Buddy other than
NO the principal does not censor the students’ freedom of speech
YES clearly the students have a total lack of respect for Runcie (that is actually an earned right, not a given)
AND why are you still writing Buddy? No one believes you!!!!
May 15th, 2013 at 11:40 am
Perhaps the students on the yearbook staff, perhaps at the school in general, felt genuine affection for their departing principal and wanted to do something to show their support for him and their opposition to his transfer. If so, then it is about the students, isn’t it?
May 15th, 2013 at 12:07 pm
I cannot believe that after all of the harm and mental and emotional distress this coach and principal have caused these children and their parents that the school leaders would allow that the peopple responsible for this unacceptable conduct be memorialized in the school’s yearbook.
Does anyone think of what this will do to the affected kids and parents for years to come when they look back at their high school memories.
The memories were already going to affect these kids forever and now the Yearbook will haunt them too.
The people in charge of this travesty have no heart, no conscience and no CLASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope Collado and others have bad memories too wherever they may have landed.
May 15th, 2013 at 1:12 pm
My son brought home his yearbook this year and I was amazed . Was the whole year about Melussa Prochilo and Collado . They have brought disgrace to this school .
Can’t wait for next year , without them !
May 15th, 2013 at 3:46 pm
Cheerleader moms are a trip.
May 15th, 2013 at 4:23 pm
Buddy, your logic escapes me. Obviously, the students liked the principal. Students write and publish the yearbook. It’s their work and they should be allowed to say what they want within the bounds of discretion. Let me ask you this, what sort of piece would you have written if the yearbook were critical of the principal and he had censored it? You would have been screaming mad. It’s kind of sad that you are so married to your point of view that you don’t recognize there apparently was genuine affection by many of the students for this principal.
May 15th, 2013 at 5:40 pm
This is my school , not yours to do your dirty laundry .
I feel bad who ever gets Collado as a principal , maybe he can cause as many disruptions in your school as ours .
He is so self centered he didn’t care how this has effected our school . Leave already . BYE !
May 16th, 2013 at 7:34 am
It is clear the yearbook reflects how the past year’s affected the development of the senior year.
It is also clear some students liked Collado and a very few liked Melissa Prochilo. If you were not a cheerleader, you had no idea who she was.
If you were a bright, dedicated student Collado was not your inspiration or leader. He had no impact on students who were there to learn barring the controversy he placed on the school. The teachers need to be complimented on their outstanding dedication to teach and create top-students who had to endure Collado selfish in appropriate behavior during a rally during school hours.
The top students in MSD never even have any dealings with the Principal. He lacked character, care, and inspiration to those wanting to continue to higher levels of achievement. He reflects a man who was disciplined on inappropriate actions and will not face his own consequences.
If a yearbook by students was published, they should receive an “F” in Journalism and the Editor of this poorly composed book with the supervisory committed that ensures a true journalistic view should be removed from future dealings at MSD in the yearbook staff.
True Journalist would have printed two-sides of a story and not make a judgement or conclusion of an entire school. How about interviewing the students affected by Collado and Melissa Prochilo.
It is not the the entire MSD Staff, students, community or parents who wanted him to stay. Reality of the real world is there are two-sides to a story and the “cheer moms”, “entitled moms”, seem to reflect the people who continue to publish false statements, inaccurate information, and at best, made judgements against innocent students affected by Collado and Melissa Prochilo.
The future of MSD is with a New Principal, a New Cheerleading Coach and a New outlook on MSD future. Congratulations to the Class of 2013!
Our future is bright at MSD, too bad Collado and Prochilo were not removed immediately, as in life……you are removed to prevent what transpired these last few months.
May 16th, 2013 at 9:40 am
Did you even look at the yearbook? Did anyone here except Parkland mom even look at the yearbook? I don’t believe for one minute Susie is telling the truth because there is so little about Porchillo and Collado in here!
You see, I’m holding this beautiful, amazing yearbook in my hands. This 400 page yearbook (which must weigh 5 lbs) is just so much fun to read through with all the great stories featuring the students, that I had a great time reading it. In fact, when I read your story, I had to look in the index to find any photos of Collado in there!
I hope Parklandmom finds peace and knows that maybe there are students that genuinely loved their Principal and coach. They have fond memories. This is their year…not yours. This is the student’s yearbook….not yours. Please find peace and enjoy the wonderful stories of all the great students in there who are next generation of leaders.
Also, appreciate the hard work that our yearbook staff did in putting together this yearbook…which by the way, you can download an app and view the cover in 3D and watch it come to life! So much different than the yearbook that I grew up with!
May 16th, 2013 at 9:56 am
What kind of irresponsible, nay malicious “reporting” this is? Nevins is stirring the pot. What kind of writer trashes the yearbook teacher and staff without making any attempts to hear, and report, their story?
May 16th, 2013 at 11:11 am
Buddy have you even read the stoneman Douglas yearbook yourself?
May 16th, 2013 at 11:15 am
I do enjoy your writings and opinions! I have not seen the MSD yearbook, but why would anyone parent, student or staff waste time on stories with regarding a two employees removed? Not everyone knew the coach and high school students do not deal or want to deal with the principal. Teachers…YES.
Whether it is one, two or three pages, it should have been used to promote the students, teachers and staff that try to keep the MSD school in a positive light.
The yearbook is no place for incidents that occurred giving only one opinion. I agree with Tennis, two-sides to every story….the yearbook Editor should be ashamed of themselves not moving the school in the right direction.
DECA, Tennis, Mu Alpha Beta, Chemistry Club, NAHS, NHS, Color Guard, Band…so many beautiful stories lost because of two employees being removed.
One was not even hired, just told she was not to be renewed as coach. Principal not being renewed. Realistic situations, from everything I read, life goes on.
May 16th, 2013 at 11:28 am
This Collado mess is meaningless to the majority of MSD students. A small group of cheerleading parents are obsessed with him because he supported the cheerleading coach. These are women who have nothing else in their lives except to live through their daughter’s cheerleading and shopping. Why not more concern about academics? I bet their daughters can’t even add 2 and 2. Get over it. Nobody else cares who the principal is. If Collado leaves, maybe we get can on with education.
May 16th, 2013 at 12:06 pm
Maybe your daughter cannot add 2 plus 2 but mine happens to be a straight A student and very diligent with many high achievements. You shouldn’t judge a book by its cover and make such harsh judgments. Just because you dress nice and are athletic in your sport doesn’t mean you don’t achieve in academics as well. Did you ever hear of a well rounded person? which apparently you are NOT. Only small minded people make harsh incorrect judgments about things they know nothing about. Sounds like someone needs a hobby or maybe a job.. The ugliness is not only outside but way deep within. All you know how to do is criticize, judge and make problems. It’s a shame your life is so empty!!!
May 16th, 2013 at 1:18 pm
This is clearly the doing and approval of the Principal . This is the reason in any good company or business when a person is being transferd , fired or terminated they are immediately removed from their place of buisness because they will continue with their tactics and make it is bad as possible.
He is a disgruntled employee and so is the ex cheer coach .
The problem now is she is still allowed to be in the school and because she has kids there . Her obvious presents at the cheer meeting the other night was a show , with her loudly telling everyone how she made the yearbook , and her older daughter Staring down . So disrespectful to the Coach from last year and the coming year . I hear the current coach was mentioned but no pictures of her with her amazing coaching skills for this year .
May 16th, 2013 at 1:50 pm
Mothers have plotted to murder people over high school cheerleading. It’s not surprising that a few of them would go after a coach and principal’s job because their little angel didn’t make the cut.
Take a hint from A Rod’s dad. When his first high school baseball coach told Pops that freshman don’t start, Pops moved the kid to another school where he would start. He didn’t try and get the coach and his principal fired or transferred. Rejection in one form or another is a part of life. Deal with it. What’s going to happen years down the line when another rejection comes along and mommy and daddy aren’t there to raise hell about it?
May 16th, 2013 at 2:25 pm
I have looked at the beautiful MSD yearbook and with the exception of a few very disturbing pages find it to be quite impressive. However, I do think it’s absurd that a very infamous coach from last year who was not REHIRED this year, would be in the yearbook and quoted as she states she is trying to get her job back despite the Superintendent and School Boards decision not to REHIRE her. If that is her desire, perhaps she should seek a legal avenue rather than a page in the schools yearbook. As for the Principals 4 FULL PAGES in the yearbook stating that he also will not be returning to MSD, that is the icing on the cake for me. I think the public should be aware that the Principal is involved in a lawsuit over his actions during the last two years at MSD and it is costing the taxpayers a ton of money. So to see pages in a yearbook that say stick with the truth….Leave Collado Alone…does anyone really know what the truth is? Lets let the law figure out that one too….just my opinion!
May 16th, 2013 at 4:38 pm
Why does anyone have the right to talk about girls adding 2 and 2 or mothers shopping or what rejection?
Melissa Prochilo had not been rehired for her lack of skills, leadership and above all her ethics towards innocent high school girls. She also had a history in Coral Glades in an article I read regarding bullying toward another cheerleader.
The principal is also not rehired, thankfully, because MSD is no longer ranked in the top 100 High Schools in Florida. He had promoted chaos with the inappropriate cheer coach, football coach and calls a SWAT team for a food fight! The favoritism he demonstrated for his “click staff” is horrific.
Thank goodness for a new principal, new cheer coach and new football coach. Hopefully, some of the lazy administrators will be removed.
There is too much nepotism in MSD.
Leave children, at any age, out of the arguments of adults; they are innocent. That by far was Prochilo’s biggest problem….she chose who to affect young people who are impressed upon. Rejection is hard to deal with, yet every girl made the team this year. I would suggest, SHAME is what Prochilo should deal with!!
Collado should look and reflect how he disgraced MSD with his poor leadership. The yearbook being used as a tool to state once again his view, the yearbook to reflect the kids of MSD. A comment or quote of him stating good-bye would have due, or encouragement of their future; not his!! He is not a man of leadership a coward.
May 16th, 2013 at 6:00 pm
1. having or regarding the self or the individual as the center of all things
2. having little or no regard for interests, beliefs, or attitudes other than one’s own; self-centered
Syn. 2. self-absorbed, self-obsessed.
I believe Senior students get a 2×2 picture in the yearbook and underclassmen get a 1×1 pic.
Ousted Principal….Four pages…Can you say egocentric…?
May 16th, 2013 at 6:12 pm
Wishing the cheerleading squads at MSD a joyous 2013-2014 season. Maybe the program can get back to normal again now that the “dysfunction” has been removed.Good luck Eagles.
May 16th, 2013 at 7:45 pm
Instead of criticizing the work of a high school yearbook staff, you yourself should reconsider your own merits as a journalist. As one of the editors on the yearbook staff, I believe that my staff and I approached this year’s controversies much more rationally and professionally than you did this one. If you had bothered to read our stories thoroughly before insulting them, you would know that they contain nothing worth insulting. Both the story about the cheerleading coach and the story about the protest for Mr. Collado yield only factual information regarding the events and are supplemented by student opinions, the basis of all successful yearbook stories. Our job as student journalists is to capture the events that transpire throughout the year accurately and without bias. To leave out such monumental events that, no matter how unfavorably, had effects on the students at our school would be wrong. We organize our book chronologically on a weekly basis and, if something happens during the week, we cover it. I think that you should be ashamed of what you’ve written because it clearly was not substantiated with any legitimate information. We worked very hard throughout the year to produce such a large publication and the way that you defamed our efforts was very hurtful to all of us.
May 16th, 2013 at 9:41 pm
What yearbook are you all looking at? I guarantee these trolls don’t even have one in their hands. I’m looking at it now and I see one photo of Collado and another one that’s tiny. This is a huge book and there isn’t many photos of him at all.
If they are talking about the rally photo. Are the students supposed to pretend the rally didn’t happen this year? That was pretty big news. Isn’t this the student’s yearbook?
I think these parents need to give these books back to their kids and quit obsessing over what they hate, and just relax. This is what happened this year. Quit being such a helicopter parent to you kid. What’s going to happen when you kid enters college and you can’t control what’s going on?
And Melissa’s last name is Prochilo as well.
Love your stuff anyway, Buddy.
May 16th, 2013 at 9:42 pm
I truly am repulsed by some of the comments made over this issue and by this article. Why are we bashing a student-made yearbook? Let’s not forget that these are YOUNG ADULTS (sons and daughters) who labored hours upon hours working on a book that captures the WHOLE school year.
I highly doubt many of you have even looked through the whole book except to criticize the Collado/Prochilo story. The yearbook is done in chronological order and no week is skipped. When a major event happens that week, it is covered and not overlooked. That major event was students’ decision to conduct a march in protest of Collado’s removal and also to inform students of an event that rocked the dynamic of the school (the scandal). It was not about glorifying Collado and Prochilo.
You are all entitled to your opinion about the Collado/Prochilo situation, but keep the yearbook out of it. It is disrespectful to attack one little thing, when there are so many other great aspects to this yearbook. Do not drag down a great moment for young adults on completing something great. They worked so hard on something meaningful and you should all be ashamed of yourselves.
May 16th, 2013 at 9:43 pm
The yearbook’s purpose is to capture and report on the EVENTS OF A YEAR, and Mr. Collado was very much a part of the school. That is a part of investigative, honest journalism. If you want to raise your kids in an environment where the truth is hidden or ignored, go ahead. But don’t take it out on students who are doing their jobs and putting in countless hours to create a yearbook for the student body. It is ridiculous, laughable behavior.
May 16th, 2013 at 10:07 pm
Egocentric, right on the mark! He should have been removed for his lack of leadership as soon as he showed his true colors. Hopefully his fan club follows him anywhere he goes. The true downfall of MSD was him allowing the entitled parents to run the school, that he wasn’t able to, into the ground. The cheerleading parents are taking the heat, if only the truth was told.
May 16th, 2013 at 10:26 pm
Lol you guys are all pathetic.. I’m apart of the msd aerie yearbook class and I’m proud to say our book is one of the best yet, and of you don’t like it then keep it to yourself. You obviously have to much time on your hands to write about how we shouldn’t feature an old coach or a principal who is leaving next.. but IT’S NOT YOUR YEARBOOK.. why do you have to worry about a young adult yearbook, it’s theirs not yours. We worked long and hard on this yearbook and for you people to sit here and bash it is disgusting and disrespectful. I’d like to see you people come into our posistion, you all wouldn’t last a day. Pshh
May 16th, 2013 at 11:53 pm
@march on washington
That sounds more like narcissism
May 17th, 2013 at 5:49 am
Tamarac talk its time to take your web down the principal will be gone in a few days . Maybe it can be renamed “Please hire Collado because no one else will ”
Tamarac talk just for the record you are part of Douglas High School … You admit it when your last statement said ….. The hard work that OUR yearbook staff put in . You must be so proud !!!!
We just laugh !
May 17th, 2013 at 7:39 am
I do want to give credit where credit is due . The yearbook was so well done and yes you can see the hard work that went into it . It is jam packed with timeline events and statistics . I do not want to take away from the students that worked long and hard on this and it is such an amazing book . I to as a student worked on mine and that was many many years ago and it’s amazing how advanced and professional this years book is .
What I do want to highly criticize is the person that approved 2 pages on an ex coach and another 4 on a transferred / fired principal . Maybe a sentence or 2 but to honor them they way they were is appalling . Why not pick some amazing teacher or advisor or assistant principal to do a spread on ????? But to comment and promote the 2 without knowing all the fact , all the facts on either are not out yet . If you were going to talk about a controversial subject then get both sides . Don’t just print what you know . The 2 of them have been an embarrassment of our community and now they will be forever in print in our kids yearbooks . I bet years from now when all is revealed , the person that allowed this will look ridiculous.
May 17th, 2013 at 8:20 am
Tell the Truth,
Pick up a book or something and put down you child’s yearbook, clearly you need something else to do. Yes, it is OUR yearbook. MY SON GOES TO MSD. While he did not help write the books this year, he helped distribute them and I’m proud to say that he took it upon himself to interview for the great Yearbook staff for the 2013/2014 year.
After perusing that fantastic yearbook, which is better than the yearbooks of my day, I am proud that he was selected to be on the Yearbook staff.
They did a great job and already are getting first-hand experience on how some don’t understand our rights to Freedom of Speech by censoring your content. Congratulations. Stick to the facts from the course of the year just like you mentioned and carry on.
May 17th, 2013 at 8:55 am
The MSD Editor or one of them that wrote a response should consider what they wrote is more than inaccurate. Using the students to publish more false statements. I am sure they would rather have had a positive yearbook to reflect on in years to come than two people who had no meaning to them.
Stating Collado “yeild only factual information”, are you serious? “our book chronologically on a weekly basis and if something happens during the week, we cover it’?
The ex-cheerleading coach was not rehired…..who cares!
The only one that knew of her was cheerleaders who wanted her (5) and administrators she is family friends with maybe?
Collado being told he was not having his contract renewed………who cares!
He constructed a rally during school hours allowing kids who wanted nothing to do with him or his fake rally affect class time. Announcing the TV people will be outside 9:00 am…..better yet their ridiculous “SAVE OUR PRINCIPAL” facebook. He is gone, your comment to stirring the pot…..you published inaccurate information in a High School yearbook, Buddy didn’t.
FACT: Cheerleading coach collected $70,000 and broke BCSB Policy.
Cheerleading coach had no approved chaperones for over-night trip.
Cheerleading coach paid-out money to two out-side coaches $600 per month using Booster Club Money.
MSD is no longer the top 100 HS in Florida. MSD Enrollment is down.
MSD Scores for students for college readiness in down.
MSD had SWAT team to break-up food fight.
MSD has been publicly disgraced due to the lack of leadership. (You think it is a cheerleading coach)
You and your staff should be ashamed of covering a one-term coach and a two-year principal that only their supporters cared about…..at best, a handful.
Yet, you never once considered the people who were not happy with these people…Why?
You never care to think that the people affected by this had “factual information”.
The facts remain and never alter the truth is a yearbook put out by hardworking students wasted one line, one page and one more moment of MSD students on two people not worth mentioning! “TRUE” is the reason they no longer a part of MSD.
Maybe the people and students running the Yearbook should attend every Play, Sports Venue, Academic Venue and chronologically put that in the yearbook……..instead of wasting one page of people of no substance or credibility!!!!
True Journalist would have.
May 17th, 2013 at 9:57 am
Coach Florio was let go this year after being the Head Baseball Coach for 16 years. I believe he coached many successful seasons and his teams won many regional/district championships. I believe he assisted many of his former athletes with scholarships and some former athletes are professional ball players now. Why not even a mention of this former coach?
May 17th, 2013 at 10:44 am
Responding to Tamarac talks .
Maybe you need to get your facts straight before posting your comments for the great city of Tamarac ( so you represent Tamarac??) please read Buddy’s post on freedom of speech . Students can not write what ever they want in a yearbook , it’s been determined in the courts
I believe the governing case is the U. S. Supreme Court case of Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier, 1988.
The principal ordered articles removed from the school paper concerning teen pregnancy because he believed it was inappropriate. He also censored an article about divorce because the student writer did not give the parents of one of the people mentioned a chance to respond.
Some of the paper’s staff sued in federal court, claiming their First Amendment rights were violated by the principal. The Supreme Court disagreed and backed the principal’s right to censure a school publication.
May 17th, 2013 at 11:42 am
So happy that you finally revealed that you do have a child that attends MSD. I truly hope your son enjoys his years at MSD and working on the yearbook which is something that he apparently loves and wants to experience.
Now to point out to you and others, students at MSD were affected and did not get to enjoy or participate in something that they loved…cheerleading…due to the actions of the former coach and soon to be former Principal.
If this happened to your son I’m pretty sure you would be looking at things with a different perspective.
The affected children did nothing wrong and their high school memories will forever remain with them as well as their yearbooks.
May 17th, 2013 at 2:42 pm
First off, if you are going to mention the student who wrote this story, you should have the audacity to spell her name correctly. What was written was a fantastic peice of investigative journalism about A RALLY OF STUDENTS THAT WANTED TO KEEP HIM. Was there a rally of students trying to get rid of it? No. Is it necessary to poll all 3000 kids at the school? Again no. A poll is representative of a population that shows a general trend, and out of 300, those were the results of the poll. You’re rude and inconsiderate comments have enraged many around the school.
May 17th, 2013 at 3:49 pm
PLEASE, Buddy, explain how this piece is one-sided. It is entirely objective. The only opinions in it come from the students who were AT THE PROTEST. The story is about the protest because the STUDENTS attended it. Though it may not appeal to all students, it does appeal to some students, as do ALL of the stories in the book. From the pictures, it appears that many students made posters and wore t-shirts in support, clearly very passionate about the issue. So, yes this topic is relevant to the school year and the students at the school. STOP ATTACKING HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS AND TAKE THE NAME OF THE WRITER OFF OF YOUR WEBSITE. Your claims are horrifically untrue and very malicious towards a hard-working student who bravely covered the controversial event and did a wonderful PURELY OBJECTIVE job of doing so.
May 17th, 2013 at 3:55 pm
1. I before E, except after C
2. I think the rally went a little something like this – Students, we are dismissing you early because there is going to be a rally to try to save our principal’s a$$. There are news cameras out there and you will probably be on tv. Please come join in the fun!
2. 40% of the students wanted him gone, according to the poll. That speaks volumes.
May 17th, 2013 at 3:58 pm
I pay Parkland Taxes which are more than any other city. Why do kids from Tamarac get to go to the school that my tax dollars pay for? Don’t they have schools in Tamarac?
Florida does not have city school systems like many states. Most schools in Broward take students from other surrounding cities.
May 17th, 2013 at 8:28 pm
I think this school has few chance to prove to the students and their parent that parkland schools are worthy of them .
It would truly be to the city’s benefit for people to not jump on the bandwagon because it looks like the popular thing to do . Of those in power it I think it best to have all the facts before rallying
May 17th, 2013 at 9:49 pm
Sharon aka Tamarac Talk
For you to talk about free speech protections is a joke. How many posts did you remove from the Recall Atkins-Grad Facebook page that called for the recall or Talibisco or were supportive of Patty.
Was it not you that begged the School Board to remove Tom Lauder from the Diversity Committee because you didn’t like what he wrote on his website?
The kicker in this situation as we all know is the fact that if the kids on the year book committee had been anti Washington or Prochillo you would have asked for their heads.
By the way where is Gloria Allred, Prochillo’s big time attorney that was going to take down the school board for firing her? Nowhere to be found? He firing must have been legit because some local bottom feeder lawyer looking for some publicity would have taken her case if there was anything there.
May 18th, 2013 at 8:35 am
If anyone wants to see some of Sharon Baron’s aka Tamarac Talk’s journalistic skills simply go on facebook (if you have one) type in Save Our Principal and you can see for yourselves what a delightful person Sharon Baron is. You can also see the respect she has for the Superintendent of Schools and all the School Board Members. Hmmmm…why exactly does her son go to MSD and why would she want him there if she is so upset about a new Principal coming in. Please just look at this woman’s posts you won’t believe it till you see it.
May 18th, 2013 at 8:59 am
If the diagram is correct about the number of students that are happy/unhappy with Washington Collado as Principal and they polled 300 students while 3000 attend MSD, that indicates that there are many students that are unhappy with the soon to be ex-Principal. Way more than the few (cheerleaders) that the Collado supporters want you to believe are the cause of his demise. Forty percent is nothing to ignore.
May 18th, 2013 at 9:47 am
Looking forward to a New Principal who will be a leader and positive role model to motivate the New Coaches and hopefully, new Administrators toward the true success of MSD High School it deserves.
The new Principal, hopefully, will ensure moving in the right direction will include other toxic administrators are removed from MSD. Collado and Prochilo’s “Click”…..to many family friends and relatives in the school to be in such important positions without bias.
May 18th, 2013 at 4:22 pm
So Stoneman Douglas wasn’t your first choice?
May 19th, 2013 at 10:28 am
Finally had a look at this yearbook.. Much Ado About NOTHING! Please people find a hobby. Let the kids enjoy their last few days at this school.
May 20th, 2013 at 12:41 pm
As a former MSD student, who was active in the school’s journalism community, I can say that these students are far more intelligent than anyone appears to be giving them credit for. These kids are not being manipulated; and in fact, would cherish the opportunity to critique their administrators and authority figures given the chance. Yet instead, they chose to support their administrators, which shows that the students clearly connected with their principal–regardless of whether Collado was right or wrong. While they still have a lot to learn in terms of reporting, these young journalists are far more observant about their world, than the parents who are treating this situation as an end all-be all.
The yearbook is a publication created BY students, FOR students–not merely to please their parents. Aside from being a form of documentation, it is serves as entertainment. It seems that these students took enjoyment from these cheerleading parents antics, and thereby deemed it appropriate to include in it their yearbook. So congratulations to those who gained their 15 minutes of fame from all this–you’re behavior was documented for these students to look back and laugh at in years to come.
May 20th, 2013 at 9:15 pm
MSD Alumna ~ should stop acting as if it is “cheerleading parents” . The students and editor without a doubt showed the poorest of journalism and chronological order of events.
When you stated is no more that a reflection of what people have been complaining about.
These students will look back…the entire Senior Class of 2013, not the small minority that cares whether a “poor” principal did not return or a cheerleading coach that did not return after a “poor” performance.
The waste of pages used on meaningless reporting is sad. So many wonderful things happened at MSD that was not covered.
BY students and FOR students, you need to look at those numbers again!!
Every problem at MSD does not come from a few moms who had concerns. Concerns that after all this time seems to be more worthy of a true story, factual story never mentioned.
Kuddos to those women. The people looking for 15-minutes of fame are the ones creating a facebook “Save Our Principal”! Those people have done nothing for MSD, but caused unnecessary chaos. Now what?
May 20th, 2013 at 10:12 pm
These Parkland folk have such a sense of entitlement. If my daughter can’t be a cheerleader it’s the coaches fault. One parent blame the book for allowing her son to fail math. As if the book was organic.
The problem too is they have deep pockets to make political contributions. It is no secret that many board members have greater political goals and their posturing on the dais for those televised pandering sessions are to influence that goal. One of the member’s mother is even running for governor and she has pressured staff to give special consideration to a school with an other politician for an AP.
May 21st, 2013 at 8:24 am
Hey Buddy,
I totally agree with what you have to say about the yearbook…NOT! You’re a 40 year old man who gets no pun and insults teenage girls. You’re soft and have no heart. You have no life insulting a highschool yearbook. Have a nice day pussy
First of all, this is most likely not from a Douglas High student.
Second, thanks for the complement. I was a “40-year-old man” when the first Bush — George H.W.Bush — was president.
May 21st, 2013 at 1:08 pm
Unless you leave a name, don’t ever talk about the past or present cheerleaders.
They are young girls who deserve every opportunity anyone else does. Each student is an individual who can smile on the outside and hurt inside.
No Mom or Dad can fix all problems, but as adults we are responsible to have respect for each other and students of a High School deserve an equal chance.
No one complained about not being on a team or not making a team. No one took on this task regarding that issue. Read about the issues, knowledge is power; not money!
We lost a young-lady today in our Parkland community. Stop talking about or discussing the students “cheerleaders”. Young people are hurting.
There is too much anger in this community…..STOP!!
May 23rd, 2013 at 1:17 pm
Amazing that School Board Member Abby Freedman was seen at Falafel Bistro in Coral Springs yesterday with Joann Gavin and Shelly Himmel. Where is the transparency? Sounds like a conflict of interest. Isn’t there a lawsuit against the School Board with one of these women and our District 4 representative is having lunch with her? If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck . . then it’s a duck!!!
Lobbyists Ron Book and Mike Moskowitz, among many others, have seen and talked to School Board members at the same time their client is involved in a law suit with the system. This allegation — which Gavin says it not true in a comment below — is meaningless and an attempt to divert attention from the Yearbook to another issue.
May 24th, 2013 at 12:04 am
To missdoright says:
I never had lunch with Abby Freedman and Shelly Himmel yesterday at Falafel Bistro in Coral Springs.
I did go buy two candles. I am allowed to say Hello to both women in a public parking lot.
A young girl took her life and the community needs to pull together and stop the negativity that people are creating. If you have something honest and constructive, leave your name. Duck, Duck…..Goose!!!!
I did tell Abby it is a shame that young people are under tremendous stress and sad of this recent tragedy. I also informed her the CBS 2 truck was parked at the school. She immediately said I will leave now and prevent them from trying to talk to any students.
Whoever you are, you should be ashamed of what you just wrote. Don’t hide behind made up names if your going to lie. Good-night!
May 24th, 2013 at 1:21 am
Sounds like it would be a fun lunch with Joann Gavin, Shelley Himmel and Abby Freedman, what’s the problem? Are people supposed to drop their friends because of a lawsuit? You seem to know the first and last names of all, let alone the faces and one can only guess who you are. Always ready to stir the pot with “sightings”, your interpretations and rumors. Upset you weren’t invited to lunch? Since you like to watch and report why don’t you report each and every kid that leaves the school on a daily basis? That should keep you busy and out of peoples business.
May 24th, 2013 at 11:10 pm
Y’all have some deep issues and really have no lives. You rich people are just mad because your daughters are not up to par In the cheerleading world therefore, y’all throw money around thinking that money is going to give them talent but in reality you are teaching them everything but hard work and dedication which it takes to become good at anything in life ie cheerleading. I guess I understand I would be jealous too if my daughters weren’t up to par and I was bored and had nothing else to do. Joann Gavin you have the audasity to bring up negativity in a community and your the main one who causes it. You should be ashamed hypocrite. Leave mellisa alone stop being mad at her because she’s beautiful and your ruff on the eyes. When will y’all grow up and stop the childish games with the lying and all this bullying stuff like come on there’s real bullying situations that occur and your basically slapping those who really do get bullied In their face with this nonsense. Y’all have deep disturbed issues period.
You are correct when you write, “Y’all have some deep issues and really have no lives..”
Much of the rest of your comment is again an attack on Ms. Gavin, a parent who had nothing to do with the Yearbook.
This thread has become a forum for angry parents to attack other parents. Again, as I wrote: You really need to get lives. What kind of lesson are your teaching your kids with your vicious remarks hidden behind the cloak of anonymity?
I suspect that someone is coordinating these attacks in an attempt to divert attention from outgoing Principal Collado’s failures.
May 27th, 2013 at 10:12 pm
Ms. Gavin may not be involved in the yearbook issue but she sure is involved with everything else. The only failure Mr. Collado had was standing up for truth and for what is right. His failure was not getting Ms. Gavin and her daughter thrown out from the start. The cancer would not have spread as far if that had happened. And Buddy you need to get a life when professional journalism is only one sided. Time for you to open your eyes instead of your pocket.
May 28th, 2013 at 6:31 pm
I’m so glad my kids are out of school! Shame on all of you! Your kids know the price of everything but the value of NOTHING! Lead by example!
May 28th, 2013 at 7:13 pm
Did anyone read how the PTA at Manatee Bay elementary school in Weston was audited and shut down ? Guess they were misuse of funds . Wonder why the PTA at Douglas was such a big supporter of Collado and Collado let all sorts of rules go when it came to funds .
May 28th, 2013 at 11:31 pm
So many people missing the point regarding the Blog. A new Principle for MSD and this Melissa person hasn’t existed in a year (who cares about this cheer mom who was a been coach).
Very excited for a new attitude in MSD and all you negative commentators bring up OLD news.
The community suffered a great loss last week. Leave the students out of things and stop being so hateful. No one should mention other peoples children.
Everyone has moved towards a positive attitude……all the negativity comes from the negative comments that change nothing.
Have a wonderful Summer!! Go Eagles
June 3rd, 2013 at 8:46 pm
@ disgusted parent, you haven’t a clue as to what was really going on in Douglas if you make an ignorant statements as to “the only thing Collado did wrong was to not get rid of…”, “standing up for the truth”, guess you all have your own truth. Maybe MSD should take a page out of Manatee Bay and shut down the PTA,a huge part of the true cancer of the school. With Collado gone maybe Douglas could be restored to it’s BC reputation.