Who’s Behind Mystery Attack?



Who smeared who?

In the hotly-contested central Broward Florida House race, Democratic candidate Louis Reinstein accuses opponent Katie Edwards of smearing him.

But Edwards hints that Reinstein may mailed the attack pieces to get sympathy and smear her.

Reinstein’s yowling concerns a mail piece from a Palm Beach County committee that accuses him of wanting an income tax.

I don’t know who was responsible for putting the piece out but it denigrates the intelligence of the voters and is incredibly stupid.

Likely primary voters are the smartest, most informed of any voters – especially in this race when a turnout as low is predicted to be as 10 percent.

Only 3,000 have voted Davie, Plantation and Sunrise race by absentee and early voting in the district to date.  I can almost guarantee such foolish advertising wouldn’t sway those folks.

Even if Reinstein favored an income tax, it would be meaningless.

Let me go on a limb. There are three things you’ll never see:

  1. A blizzard in Broward.
  2. Pigs that fly.
  3. A Florida personal income tax.

An income tax, which is prohibited by Florida’s Constitution, is a dream of the muddled far-left.

All but the most naïve realize that the Legislature will never approve an income tax even if Reinstein gets elected and supports it.

And if by some miracle an income tax got on the ballot by petition, voters would reject it in a landslide.

So the latest hubbub in House District 98 is beyond ridiculous.

Is Edwards behind the piece?

Edwards said she had nothing to do with the piece, mailed by a committee. She says Reinstein may have generated it to paint her as a dirty campaigner.

“Whoever they are, they are doing me no favor,” Edwards said. “If I want to say something, I say it.  I don’t hide behind some committee.”

I don’t know who’s behind the smear.

I do know it would be out of character for Edwards to do this.

And I do know that every attack reaching me in this race was aimed at Edwards, not Reinstein.  I wonder why?


8 Responses to “Who’s Behind Mystery Attack?”

  1. Logic says:

    This article is the first mention I’ve seen about this, so I have no idea if he really favors it or not. Your logic is off though Buddy.

    The facts [it would “be meaningless,” we’ll “never see” it, it’s prohibited by the Fla. Constitution and the voters would reject it by a landslide] don’t prove Mr. Reinstein doesn’t support an income tax. They just show that he has really poor judgment if he does.

    I’m sure someone from his campaign will clarify his position.

  2. Who's Down with DLP? says:

    You really don’t know who’s behind this? Come on.

  3. Elroy_John says:

    Buddy, you should really attach a disclaimer at the end of this article.

  4. JP says:

    The PAC behind this is tied to Alex Sink and the charter school money men. Considering we know Reinstein is going to be a proponent of public education and anti-vouchers and charter schools, and KE will likely be for them, it is obviously a group working to get her in. No doubt she has nothing to do with it, but that being said it is obvious what we have to look forward to if she gets elected. Vouchers and more guns in Florida. Just what we need.

  5. Chaz Stevens, Genius says:

    What about a voucher for a gun? Clippin’ coupons for an Uzi?

    1/2 off a Barrett 50cal with purchase of an algebra book?

  6. Plantation Historian says:

    Reinstein never taught in a Public School yet would like us to believe he spent time as a Middle School teacher like my parents did.
    Saying you want to improved education is like saying you support being free. His campaign is all fluff and an insult to the educated voter.
    Buddy, the only hit mail I have received is from Reinstein himself also. I have been in Plantation most my life and never saw Louis at any Demoractic Club meetings until he wanted to run for office. Now is thinks he is the Demoractic Czar and gives life long members his rating. (laughable)

  7. Oy Vey says:

    Reinstein began his campaign in earnest as a good candidate. Worthy of consideration. I think his campaign strategists gave him bad advice.

  8. Resident of 98 says:

    Katie is a dirty campaigner and this is not above her tactics. Buddy, I have read your blog since you started it a few years ago because I felt you were impartial. I’m very surprised that you are taking sides, especially for Katie. Is it because she looks better in a skirt than Louis?

    I don’t know about that. I’ve never seen Louis in a skirt.