Website: Many Broward Officials Face Fines For Failing To Disclose Finances
Dozens of Broward public officials have failed to file their 2011 financial disclosure forms and face fines, according to a non-profit research group.
The Florida Commission on Ethics and county supervisor of elections offices have already sent warnings to late filers which cost state taxpayers more than $20,000, according to the group’s website, Integrity Florida.
Many on the list of late filers as of Aug. 29 are employees of the Broward County School Board, including a number of principals.
As if he didn’t have enough problems, one of those named in the group’s report is school transportation chief Chester Tindale.
Other well known Broward folks mentioned by the website include Eric Schwartzreich, a member of the Plantation Planning & Zoning Board and a plugged-in attorney; Yolanda Rodriguez, Margate’s city manager and Larry Vignola, a Coral Springs commissioner.
After this was posted, Vignola had an explanation he passed on to His comments are below in a comment.
If the late filers do not send their required financial disclosure form to the Florida Commission on Ethics with a postmark that indicates it was mailed today, they face fines of $25 up to a maximum of $1,500.
To see the complete list of Broward non-filers, go to the Integrity website here and click on Broward County.
September 4th, 2012 at 4:21 pm
Your ears ringing Mayor Jack Seiler. Yes Buddy yes indeed its been like pulling teeth to get Seiler’s for 2010,11, 12. And yes you are right buddy this info etc, was to be produced by July1. Ok so I call over to his ast. and she tells me “oh we don’t have them anymore ,you will have to call The elections Supervisor,” (get this) “because as i am a City Employye i can’t call the County.” I mean, the charter does not state that, even though she was somewhat right(she still had no idea what she was talking about.). Oh I’ll get them. I put in a request record 2weeks ago, and am still waiting for them)i’ll get them). I mean then his ast.(no names-she is taking direction from Perry Mason over there). But yet Mayor John Rodstrom finacial disclousre forms where placed on my car, at City Hall-which I didn’t even ask for. Mayor Seiler to busy being Guardian at Litem for the Vanishing boater-(Guma Auigar)all the attorneys in Broward and the Probate Judge (Mark Speiser) I’m thinking what Buddy golfing buddies? -appoints Seiler -By the way Seiler stands to make over 3million dollars(you can taste it-can’t you Jackie boy)-but not so fast….
September 4th, 2012 at 4:54 pm
A couple of months ago, I handed in the form to my city clerk’s office. I did not realize that I had to hand in two of the exact same forms (one for my election, and one for holding office). I received a letter from Dr. Snipes office which stated that I did not hand in the form. After speaking to our city clerk, I became aware that I needed to hand in two forms. This is my second year in office, and I did not have to hand in two forms last year as I was not up for re-election. The second form was mailed and recieved by Dr. Snipes office last week.
If you have any questions, please feel to contact me on my cell at 954.632.7544.
This is from Larry Vignola, a Coral Springs City Commissioner.