Wasserman Schultz’s Hubbie Goes To Bat For Uber
The spouse of one of the nation’s uber Democrats went to bat this week in Fort Lauderdale for the ride sharing service Uber.
Steve Schultz, hubbie of Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Weston, telephoned at least two Broward County commissioners this week to back Uber. He made the calls prior to a debate Tuesday on regulating Uber and other ride sharing firms.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Steve Schultz arrive at a state dinner in the White House, 2011
“He called to support Uber,” Commissioner Lois Wexler says. “He told (my aide) he had taken Uber many times and that he is a satisfied customer.”
Schultz is not a registered Uber lobbyist. Broward County’s lobbyist law does not require registration of anyone contacting commissioners to express their opinion if they are not paid.
In addition to Wexler, Schultz called Commissioner Barbara Sharief.
Wexler says Schultz’s call didn’t change her opinion.
“Barack Obama could have called and it wouldn’t make a difference. I’m trying to make it happen for Uber here,” Wexler says.
New rules for Uber, Lyft and any other such service are still up in the air. Commissioners will debate the issue again on April 28.
Under pressure from the taxi industry, commissioners are considering requiring ride sharing drivers to have commercial vehicle licenses, county permits and undergo extensive background checks and vehicle inspections. Uber says the background checks duplicate their own efforts.
April 17th, 2015 at 11:33 am
Headline should read:
“Wasserman Schultz’s hubbie goes to bat for Uber after large donation to DNC”
April 17th, 2015 at 10:07 pm
Steve Schultz attended a state dinner in a cheap business suit? Yeh real class!
April 18th, 2015 at 9:20 am
The DNC paid for that dress and shoes? Where? Payless? At least Sarah Palin got Valentino from the RNC. And hello Steve it’s the 1890’s we’d like our collar and tie back.
April 18th, 2015 at 10:16 am
There is presently a big scam concerning Uber and when you use your credit card. It involves trading credit payments , to “bitcoin” then charging the c/c for payment above and beyond the fare. I would suggest you use a “secured card” w/ a specific amount of money on it, opposed to using your regular c/c for the world to see(be careful). Also a lot of “people on the run” are using Uber because they can stay under the radar. (I’m one step ahead of you “G” al;ong w/ your mobster fake father(your going down to-listen to your wife because all else fails its on her-and she knows it-and I could care less if she is 100). These Uber drivers have no idea who they are picking up. The county should want to see the actually customers to prevent a lot of this. Uber has many problems w/ c/c fraud which they are not telling us. There just payin the fines etc. Also sweeten the pot by donated to these elected officals. I feel bad for the common Joe just trying to get to work to end up having his credit card compromised by these scammers(be careful)….
April 18th, 2015 at 11:21 am
When I get my checkup this year, I am going to ask my doc if it’s possible I could get “brain cancer” simply by reading your dribble.
No really man. My fucking brain aches after getting only 6 words into your nonsense … and citing safety concerns, I stop reading.
Have you considered asking the Stat to baker-act you? I’m willing to bet they’d not only go 72 hours, but 72 days.
April 18th, 2015 at 8:25 pm
Geez, leave the hubby alone. He has a right to express his opinion. And he must suffer some grief from being married to a never at home Mom.
April 19th, 2015 at 1:34 pm
The national spotlight seems very important to Debbie but try naming one memorable thing she’s done for the district she represents. I can’t think of anything. It’s part of why people find her annoying.
April 19th, 2015 at 2:41 pm
Debbie works very hard. She has never cared how she looks or how she dresses obviously. It’s true she is never home but it’s because she is more committed to her work than her family. Lots of men are like that. Why not a woman?
April 20th, 2015 at 8:19 am
@5 Reading his comments is like stepping into another universe where different laws of physics apply and bizzare thinking somehow becomes rational. Best to just avoid looking at it for fear of contamination.
April 20th, 2015 at 9:29 am
# 5-Chaaaz Stevens. to the contrary fatso. I just had a complete physical. Blood pressure 121/67. Prostate fine. Talk about a cheap thrill that day. So as far as me being unstable, or ill think again. That’s why I have to be soo careful. If I go before a judge. I can’t say I’m bi-polar, hear voices, ,mental health issues etc. Nope judge would say nice try. Next. So your insults mean nothing. I can’t stand you. You are a braggart. also you are a cancer in Broward county. Election officaLS don’t put up w/ his crap. Call me….