Very Rich Are Different: They Like Rick Scott
We can just call them The Usual Suspects.
They are the handful of the very rich in Broward County who can be counted on to give thousands to Republican candidates.
This week the money flows to Gov. Rick Scott, who will be feted at a downtown Fort Lauderdale reception for the state GOP.
The price tag is designed to keep out the hoi polloi. Its $3,000 for the VIP Reception and $1,500 for just your average well-to-do.
How out of step are these guys compared to the majority in Broward?
The last telephone poll I saw for Broward found 59 percent of voters disapproved of the job Scott was doing. Of that, 38 percent strongly disapproved of our governor.
The poll found that 34 percent of the voters approve of Scott’s work. But only 7 percent strongly approve of Scott, with the rest saying they somewhat approve of him.
Not an overwhelming show of support, like he will get on Wednesday from these high rollers. Click to enlarge the invitation:
May 4th, 2014 at 1:09 pm
They need the wages low for the average folks to keep them in Bentley’s.
May 4th, 2014 at 1:09 pm
May 4th, 2014 at 2:04 pm
These “high rollers” are rolling “snake eyes” – they will lose 100% of that money. Rick Scott loses in November and gets himself evicted. Goodbye & good riddance.
May 4th, 2014 at 2:58 pm
You are too kind to the skinflint get government money n overpriced contracts never donate much to arts n culture Republican low class born rich in Broward co. While democratic parts of the county have arts n culture n charities the Republican clowns in ft Lauderdale dumped the city art museum on a college. Everywhere else cities and private citizens support museums. I am embarrassed to see Monroe, Miami Dade palm beach counties full of rich people n governments supporting arts culture n education and the Rick Scott crowd just selfish cheapskates with no class.
May 4th, 2014 at 3:34 pm
Oh please! Enough of the them vs us nonsense. Enough of the anti rich sentiments. You act as though there are no Democrats in Broward that give to their anointed ones well in excess of $3000. You act as though only Republicans reach the “wealthy” status when in this county they are outnumbered two to one.
Buddy, stop being a shill and return to your objective self.
May 4th, 2014 at 11:57 pm
You are Amazing!
Circa: When Scott Rothstein was a wealthy man. In August, 2008, Governor Crist appointed Rothstein as a member of the 4th District Court of Appeal Judicial nominating commission, a body which is responsible for selecting new judges for appointment to the Court
May 5th, 2014 at 11:40 am
@Sham The Sham is an apologist for Rick Scott and his millionaire supporters
Scott’s policies include opposition to the minimum wage and opposition to Medicaid expansion. That means that the least earners in our society will be robbed of a few dollars more per hour for no reason. It also means the working poor will continue to get medical care in the most expensive way for taxpayers, which is in the emergency room. It also means approval of gutting public education. The backers of Rick Scott don’t care. They just want to keep every penny they make and don’t care about the welfare of anybody else but themselves.
May 5th, 2014 at 1:24 pm
Rick Scott is now appearing in a television ad where he says “I grew up in public housing.” Really? Somebody should check out that claim.
It was checked out during the 2010 election. He lived in public housing for three years. Whether that constitute “growing up” in public housing is up to you.
May 5th, 2014 at 1:27 pm
And speaking of minimum wage, Rick Santorum has committed an unforgivable sin among republicans. He went on the cable circuit this weekend to announce that he’s breaking from traditional republican rationale and advocating a raise of the minimum wage. Now maybe people will start believing me when I say Rick Santorum will be the republican nominee in 2016. His wheels are very much in motion for 2016.
May 5th, 2014 at 4:49 pm
I wonder if the mayor of Dania Beach, Walter Duke, will be interested in attending this shindig, or will he just send his wife, Lisa, the Republican in the family?
May 5th, 2014 at 5:11 pm
@ Naked Truth
Call me what you will. I like when a politician supports conservative policies and cuts waste. I dislike when a politician supports leftist or progressive policies, government profligation, redistribution of wealth and loss of freedoms due to over regulation. If that makes me a Rick Scott apologist, so be it.
BTW, rich people don’t want poor people to lose out on opportunities or jobs or success of any kind. That is just more class envy propaganda promulgated by the progressives. Rich people just don’t think they should be robbed at the point of government’s gun in order to subsidize liberal guilt.