Update: Judge Levenson Removes Political Material From Facebook


Broward Circuit Judge Jeffrey Levenson says he has altered his FACEBOOK page to remove political material.

I tried to check it out, but Levenson has either removed himself from FACEBOOK.  Or he has locked his pages tighter than Donald Trump’s prenup. 

Levenson said he altered the FACEBOOK page after reading a report about it on Browardbeat.com. 

The judge had joined several online groups through FACEBOOK, including one created by the campaign of state Rep. Ellyn Bogdanoff, R-Fort Lauderdale.

Browardbeat.com pointed out that judges are not supposed to be involved in any way in partisan politics. 

Levenson thanked Browardbeat.com for alerting him to the possible embarrassment such information on his FACEBOOK page would cause.

The original story is here.

5 Responses to “Update: Judge Levenson Removes Political Material From Facebook”

  1. The Long Black Robe (ret.) says:

    He did the right thing.

  2. Always Right After Wrong says:

    Judge Levenson seems to be the kind of judge that always makes very wrong decisions, then tries to right them. What is up with this guy’s decision-making inabilities? Is this the kind of person we need exercising his “decisions” on the people of Broward County? His thinking is way off base.

  3. Lina says:

    He needs a refresher course on Canons 1, 2 and 7 of the Code of Judicial Conduct. How long has he been on the bench?

  4. agree with Lina says:

    This guy is hopeless….he does not learn from his mistakes. Poor decision maker.

  5. Joker says:

    This judge makes inappropiate comments and makes decisions based on what will gain him favor….a joke for a judge.