Tim Ryan’s Victory: The Photos



Early in the campaign, I wrote that former House member Tim Ryan could win a seat on the county commission.

Then after watching the campaign develop, I started to believe Charlotte Rodstrom would be the victory. In fact, I predicted to two former colleagues of mine on Monday that Rodstrom would win.

So much for me being a political genius.  I have company since the Sun-Sentinel called Ryan’s election “a shocker”.

I watched Ryan in the Legislature, where he was a reasoned,  moderate Democratic voice for Broward.  He was instrumental in getting the Fair Districting Amendment passed, which changed the way Reapportionment was done.

I believe he will make a very good commissioner.

Here are two photos from his victory celebration taken by Fort Lauderdale activist and photographer Art Seitz.  I appreciate Art sharing the photo with Browardbeat.com.

Tim Ryan is greeted by former  Attorney General Bob Butterworth.



Ryan with his victory team.  Ryan is in the back row, partially blocked by his wife, who is dressed in black. 


13 Responses to “Tim Ryan’s Victory: The Photos”

  1. curious says:

    Buddy, I thought the winner needed 50% +1 to take the seat. Anything else should be a run off, no?

    No runoff for county commission. The non-partisan races — School Board and judge — roll over to a runoff in November if there is no candidate who wins more than 50 percent.

  2. voter says:

    amazing how the voters surprised us all. with new leaders on the county dais perhaps some already there will take note – their constituents are paying attention on how they represent us

  3. More about Charlotte Rodstrom, Maybe you should encourage the Inspector General, the Despicable “Them” and You Can Kiss half or all of D.C. Alexander Park (it’s in front of the FTAC/ISHOF) Good Bye!! says:

    Even though Charlotte Rodstrom came in a distant third in her well-financed bid to become a County Commissioner, once again, the lobbyists will win.

    Against all expert advice, common sense and researched current and future needs the redesign of the 5 ½ acre Ft. Lauderdale Aquatics Center, which includes turning the north half of D.C. over to RDC, Inc., will be approved by Mayor Jack Seiler and his lobbyist influenced City Commission on August 21, 2012. The new FTAC is going to be cheap-o and third rate.

    And, check out the small print in the back of the FTAC contract: On August 21st, the city will be giving away half of D.C. Alexander Park ($$$$$$$$), precious green park space to their chosen developer, Recreation, Design and Construction, Inc. (RDC), whose past performance in Fort Lauderdale and per the papers/blogs and in other venues raises many serious questions about our City Commission’s willingness to do due diligence. Yet the Sun-Sentinel City Beat writer refuses to write about this sweet heart deal.

    Would this be a case for the UNDERWORKED new Inspector General, who was hired to look into elected officials’ corruption, who according to Brit Wallman hasn’t found any ethics violations to investigate?

    Hello, Six bids, which costs $100,000. or more to produced, six companies (plus the sub-contractors, taxpayers, Broward residents and visitors) are being screwed – its unfair, their responses are chucked (there were 4 ½ pages of names on the Pre-Bid Conference Sign in Sheet) by the current, perhaps, some would say, ethically challenged Fort Lauderdale City Commission.

    Buddy Nevin’s nailed it…only one bid at $76.1 is submitted in response to a new Mayor Seiler seemingly backed RFP. I would guess, yes. If you agree, you have less than a week to raise hell via our elected officials..use the Broward County Inspector General’s contact info—its at the end of this post.

    Mayor Seiler’s gang, err, city commission ignored the experts and actually THREW OUT the paid ($65,000), LARC Consultants well received recommendations and design, which is still on the City Web Site. Excellent designs in 6 (yup, count them SIX) expensive to produce proposals, one was over 200 pages, two were teamed with world class South Florida architects were submitted in response to the “Implementing the LARC proposals” RFP.

    Seemingly, every effort was made to keep RDC’s response under the radar. Their response was at City Hall for a month, before the BRAB, discovered its existence.

    The 1989 CRA guidelines are being ignored. They call for a strong family and resident’s centered design.

    Planners will tell you, that the plans should include an elevated NSEW/360 degree vista promenade, like you’d find on a cruise ship or basketball arena– a multi-purpose green space, additional park space and event oriented space on the rooftop. Obviousl it should be be financially sound—yet none of them cares if its loses a million plus a year. There should be a year round activity calendar at the Fort Lauderdale Aquatic Center/ISHOF.

    Hello, Amusement Parks are a hot stock market area.

    The current politically driven, as of August 2012, RDC, Inc. design, unlike their first rendering, doesn’t even have a restaurant. VISTA RESTAURANTS ARE DESTINATIONS/ATTRACTIONS. DELRAY BEACH’S ATLANTIC AVENUE HAS OVER 40 RESTAURANTS, DEERFIELD BEACH IS SPENDING $3,500,000. ON ITS PIER AND IS BUILDING AN ICW VILLAGE OF RESTAURANTS.

    The rejected Lee Feldman/City Staff plan includes 8,000 sq ft of restaurant, banquet hall and a 3,000 sq ft kitchen and other revenue producers.

    Mayor Seiler, told the City Commission that he had received letters from hotels in opposition to the City Staff FTAC Business Plan, which included a loft style swimmer’s hotel—my expensive public records request, revealed zero such letters were received by our Mayor. Ditto my PRR asking for the letters in opposition to the air show that Charlotte Rodstrom claimed she received. Both the Mayor and Charlotte Rostrum refused to make available their AOL.COM correspondence.

    We need a multi-purpose design for infrastructure, which should first and foremost be designed to serve the proposed 2013 Fort Lauderdale Indy Car Races/Cycle Races—FYI the City is currently working on a “three year minimum” contract with IndyCar—THINK huge economic impact, the recent Baltimore IndyCar race drew 150,000 fans in Baltimore.

    Now is the time to use THE $25,000,000. In precious CRA funds and to raise money to build a multi-purpose _INDYCAR race oriented infrastructure FYI, the pit area would be the South Beach Parking Lot—THINK Monte Carlo Grand Prix — it will draw 50,000-200,000 fans Vs maybe 5,000 fans for a once in a long while (read Ballard*King and ADG, Inc), major swim and dive meet.

    If competitive diving and swimming is so important, why hasn’t at least one of our city officials attended a major swimming or diving event (the YMCA or ISHOF Induction Weekend Dive Meet) during the last two years? FYI, I was the only resident, who spoke before the Commission on behalf of the YMCA and the Air Show.

    Due to mismanagement and an oblivious beach commissioner the FTAC is currently losing over $1,000,000. a year. It could and should be in the black.

    Mayor Seiler and his city commission “dumped cold water on” the new City Manager and City Staff’s initiative, three months of hard work, which produced, an excellent FTAC/ISHOF Business Plan and Given the amount spent Amazingly good Architectural Renderings.

    The RDC, Inc. plans plans have been ripped by Ballard*King and ADG, who have called then “flawed” and “unrealistic”. Baloney to RDC’s claim that their design will draw 600,000 a year and be after one year a half a million in the black.

    Mayor Seiler, who has been and still is pushing for RDC, Inc. since the git-go, has recently called the Indy Car Races “A Pot of Gold (for info on Indy Car coming to Fort Lauderdale, read the May, 2012, Miami Herald Article—the Sun-Sentinel has been MUTE).

    It’s also long over due and common sense to support year round family oriented activities for Broward residents and visitors—a stead stream of income and keeping the proposed beach garages full. We need to make the FTAC and a themed ICW Promenade attractions—wide pathways for recreational bikes, pedestrians and skaters, gardens with piped in classical music, historical and educational stops, exercise stations, things for kids, perhaps in connection with the Children’s Learning Museum.

    As is done during the boat show, we need to link the up the FTAC and Bahia Mar peninsulas, to make better use of our South Beach. ICW Vistas, the International Boat Show, the Winterfest Boat Parade, Competitive Volley Ball—hot during Olympics, Competitive Diving, Clown Diving, Cruise Ship Diving Practice, Competitive Water Polo and say again, we need to have a world class themed ICW promenade/AIA Greenway/Scenic Highway loop with classy waterfront restaurants. Things that can be partially paid for, because they will be trail heads, by MPO funds, various grants and personal and corporate donations. We need a full calendar of events and activities, will help pay the $7 million plus in FTAC parking garage bonds.

    The deal that the city is making with LXR Properties/Waldorf Astoria is absolutely terrible.

    You can blame Charlotte Rodstrom for three year’s she refused to talk to LXR developer Peter Henn. Believe it or not by and large, he negotiated first with me and then with Mary C. Fertig.


    The promosed contract with RDC, Inc. and LXR Properties makes little to no mention of the A1A Greenway, Broward Florida Scenic Highway A1A, bicycles, using the roofs and or convention/vista related activities.

    How dare they!!! Let’s see if the Inspector General, can figure out why the first six proposals were ordered discarded in favor of a new request to which there was miraculously, only one $76.1 million response by RDC, Inc—whose financier went bankrupt in October, 2010. I had to tell/beg the Sun-Sentinel to verify that information.

    How can they go with a RFP Evaluation response that was so low?? Planning & Zoning #2, Wayne Jessup gave RDC, Inc. a 1 on a 0 to 10 and added half a page of critical comments. The RDC plan was not well received by the new city manager, who promised and did deliver a far better plan.

    I would give the far better city staff business plan and architectural renderings a 9 on a 0 to 10.

    It could make a profit and most certainly the city plan won’t be a white elephant that loses a million or more a year.

    The latest, RDC plan which is on a fast track to be awarded in the summer to RDC, Inc. on August 21, 2012, IS TOTALLY DIFFERENT than RDC’s first plan, which for example included, a since removed, elevated three star ICW Fronting up-market Dining Room. Say again, the first RDC plan included a second floor ICW Restaurant the latest plan has no Restaurant.

    In fact, Terry Stiles of Stiles Construction, indicated at the third RFP Evaluation Meeting, which was attended by myself, Sadler James, Fred Carlson, John Weaver and Lester Zlewski, that his company would lend a hand if needed to RDC, Inc. and that he might be willing to put his restaurant brand on the restaurant, which was in the renderings.

    Could it be possible that the selection was influenced by strong lobbying and donations to the Mayor and every Commissioner? Ya think???

    Take a simple look at the campaign donations, bundles of donations, from RDC, Inc., its lobbyists, Jim Blosser, Neil Sterling and Ron Book and its architect to County Mayor John Rodstrom, Mayor Jack Seiler and all of the city commissioners. Commissioner Bruce Roberts was the only commissioner, who expressed real reservations.

    Unbelievable, regarding a $76,100,000. Project, no due diligence, certification or verification was done on Recreation, Design & Construction, Inc., Wave House (Read “Art “I told you so.” Seitz). Read about how RDC’s financier “Wave House-San Diego” went bankrupt in October 2010, was foreclosed in June, 2011 and finally written about in the Sun-Sentinel in July, 2011. Ron Jon’s background, jail time, drugs, etc…you won’t believe.

    Charlotte “ITS ALL ABOUT ME” Rodstrom refused to press for verification on certification. Regarding due diligence on Ron Jean.Go to Google: Ron Jon + ESPN + September 2011 + DWI. Ron Jon is RDC’s new wave house/surf shop “financier.”

    What you don’t know and darn well should pay attention to is that half of D.C. Alexander Park, valuable green space, will be well on its way to being turned over without others having a chance to bid to RDC, Inc on August 21, 2012.

    These city officials, who are elected to represent residents’ wishes and needs and who have an obligation to protect, preserve and enhance our barrier island are not doing it…it’s “ALL ABOUT THEM.”

    Over a hundred emails were sent to our clueless beach commissioner, Charlotte Rodstrom, who just came in a distant third, in her attempt to become a County Commissioner.

    Our city commission and staff were given photos, articles, links and told about outstanding architects and internationally recommended projects; some close by in Miami Beach (1111 Parking Garage on Lincoln Road—four pages in Feb 2012 Vanity Fair), Hollywood, Deerfield and restaurant oriented Delray (Most fun place in USA)The commissioners were referred to the world’s 20 best water parks and best waterfronts web site. Go figure, I loaned Charlotte Rodstrom, a Time-Life Book on the World’s 100 Best Architecture-Buildings—she lost it. Three years into office, she couldn’t even name the north of e. las olas blvd., city barrier island park’s.

    The educational materials were ignored, beach leaders, activists were silenced, and what they said was barely mentioned in the minutes of the delayed (think four to six weeks) city commission minutes. I offered via Charlotte Rodstrom’s assistant, to put up $5,000. for a FTAC Design Competition, my offer was ignored.

    The recommendations of the $600,000. Sasaki Study are being ignored/trashed.

    Petitions in support of Bruce Wigo, his experts, passionate speeches and presentations by the Central Beach Alliance and myself to Mayor Seiler and his city commission asking for a new RFP, which could still be done in 120 days, were ignored.

    At one point, RDC’s Main Lobbyist, had the Chairman of the BRAB’s development company listed at city hall as a client and the best friend of a city commissioner on his web site. Conflicts of interest are the norm on the BRAB.

    The comprehensive Ballard*King and Aquatics Design Group evaluations, which called the RDC plan “unrealistic” and” flawed” were ignored.

    Bruce Wigo’s widely circulated, carefully crafted October, 2011, letter to Charlotte Rodstrom regarding the FTAC and the City Commission was ignored.

    Recommendations by the City Auditor, John Herbst, that a new RFP be put out, were ignored.

    The commission ignored the fact that the Sun-Sentinel, New Times, Buddy Nevins (who wrote that the one response was “greased”), Bob Norman and the State Attorney, all wrote negatively about RDC, Inc.

    Amazing, our elected leader’s and Allyson Love, the acting City Manager, whose 2002 audits nailed RDC, stone walled and refused for about half a year to answer my questions and to discuss the lack of certification and verification by Kate McCaffrey, the Director of Business Enterprises.

    Also off limits, was Pete Sheridan, the Asst City Engineer, whose mom’s home—allegedly received, an $11,000. SPA and a toilet from RDC.

    Upon being told by Kate McCaffrey, that no due diligence occurred, Mayor Seiler talked about due diligence being a given–used garbage trucks as an example, but did nothing.

    Given a fair new RFP, who knows, maybe Walt Disney World (record earnings), Busch, Wometco-Seaquarium, Six Flags (huge), Merlin (THINK London Aquatics Complex) or the Texas Developer of the proposed $110,000,000. Allegedly his money, Water Theme Park at Lockhart Stadium might respond or LARC as promised will put us in touch with companies, who have experience, world class instead of third class ideas and far deeper pockets, than RDC, which wants to use other people’s money.

    Its been pointed out, that anyone, even a twelve year old, could check Google for details pertaining to Welcome Park, the Allyson Love Audits, Joe Cerrone, Peter Sheridan, etc.

    In its sole response RDC, Inc., falsely claimed to have “built” and “completed” Walt Disney World’s Typhoon Lagoon, which was built in the 80’s a decade before RDC, Inc. was even incorporated!! Total baloney. Only Bruce Roberts, seemed to be a bit concerned about this socking development.

    Horrible or business as usual, you might say, but what was worse was that the commissioners ignored the beach residents, beach activists, solid ideas and advice from world class aquatics expert, Bruce Wigo, head of the International Swimming Hall of Fame. His track record in creating attractive profit making venues is a telephone call or a Google mouse click away…as are local urban design experts like EDSA’s, Doug Coolman and FAU’s Tony Abbate.

    The Fort Lauderdale Aquatic Center is right now, so bad that their only big client the YMCA left taking perhaps 3,000 to 5,000 annual visitors and big bucks with them — leaving the mismanaged center hemorrhaging over a million dollars a year.

    Thanks largely to Beach Commissioner Charlotte Rodstrom, its her district, we have left millions in, mpo, federal, fdot, scenic highway and other grant money on the table — the lack of preventive maintenance, our running a million plus a year in the red, with no one caring, the firing of Duffy Dillion, not being shovel ready, etc. all of this and a lot more, including her voting against the return of the Fort Lauderdale Air show, which drew 200,000 or more fans on a rainy day, happened during “oblivious” Charlotte “ITS ALL ABOUT ME” Rodstrom’s six year’s as the beach commissioner.

    This is proof that to turn things around we need a full independent investigation.

    We obviously and desperately need a comprehensive and cohesive plan for the entire city owned property on the beach—which would not be good for the darn lobbyists.

    The city needs to pause and issue a new RFP, find a better way, listen to experts, have a world-class vision and design competition and to eventually decide on a great architect.

    I am still willing to put up $5,000. In matching funds for a design competition.

    In my opinion, the city commission, should, immediately revisit and pay attention to the recommendations and business plan prepared by our new unlike George Gretsas, PROFESSIONAL City Manager, Lee Feldman.

    Oh, by the way, as Albert Carbon, the Director of Public Works and new City Manager Lee Feldman began to present the well thought out City Staff FTAC/ISHOF Business Plan, which came with $24,950. In architectural renderings. Beach Commissioner Charlotte Rodstrom walked out of the City Commission Conference Meeting in a huff. Her exit wasn’t reported in the Sun-Sentinel.

    The next day, former Sun-Sentinel Reporter Scott Wyman, the City Hall beat reporter, became her third assistant (at about $80,000. a year) in six years.


    You can contact, the Broward County Inspector General John Scott and his assistant Mike Mee. Demand an investigation into their being on only one bid.

    FYI, last December, the IG received, articles and city documents about the one bid and Fort Lauderdale’s failure to do due diligence, poor leadership, etc on the ISHOF/FTAC $76.1 million project.

    The same documents are available on line or from the City Attorney, City Auditor, Procurement, Business Enterprise/Asst City Manager or City Clerk at City Hall. Excellent articles were drafted by Brit Wallman and in July, 2011, by Scott Wyman of the Sun-Sentinel Staff. I especially liked the Art “I told you so.” Seitz was Right Article.

    Former New Time’s investigative reporter Bob Norman, Brit Wallman and Buddy Nevins have had their eye on RDC for a decade.

    The Inspector General can be reached at 954 357 7873 or JScott@Broward.Org, or InspectorGeneral@Broward.Org.


    Art Seitz, former member, Beach Redevelopment and Advisory Board.

  4. curious says:

    If Ryan does, has he says he will, keep his job as a Dania city attorney, sounds to me like there will be a conflict of interest going on.

  5. Rico Petrocelli says:

    Congratulations Tim….

  6. Nick Sakhnovsky says:

    Congratulations to Tim Ryan! To further explain the process: in partisan races such as the county commission (but not school board or judges) if there are only candidates from one party and no write-ins, then all voters could have voted in this primary. However, as is usual in Florida, someone arranged a write-in — in this case there were two, and there was a lawsuit in which it was revealed that another candidate arranged at least one of them. (see http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/broward/fl-primary-lawsuit-dismissed-20120803,0,3049338.story
    . (Also note: There is no filing fee for write-ins.) Tim’s name will be on the ballot in November with room for a write-in; everyone will be able to vote for him then.

  7. City Activist Robert Walsh says:

    Oh congrats from Rico Petrocelli-another crook. Ok so Rodstrom lost. She will now I would imagine that she will run in the special election. I thought that she could just withdraw her resigination letter-she can’t well Char get right back on that horse and refile for your District Comm. seat. Mrs.Rodstrom will be fine. I wouldn’t join some band wagon, Mayor Seiler, becaus e after your little stunt representing the Vanishing boater-guma there, your getting tossed out next. Run against Jack Seiler Char. To much time away from city hall Mayor, new glasses and all. Cheer up Charlotte-you win some you loss some.

  8. Seafra says:

    Tim simply applied that old faithful road to winning. H.W. Hard work. You can subsitute work for walking. He and his supporters walked to the homes of thousands of voters, and made it to many homes three times.

    I’ve know Tim for a long time, and when he puts his mind to accomplish something, he puts in the work to get it done. No short cuts.

    He will be a knowledgeable, fair and hard working commissioner as his was a campaigner.

    Go Tim!!

  9. Bob Adams says:

    This one election gave Broward two victories last night. First – Tim Ryan will be an excellent County Commissioner… second – Broward is finally free of the Rodstroms!

  10. City Activist Robert Walsh says:

    Art Seiz so you want to put up 5grand to what put it out for rebid. Mr.Seitz the blogs are ok for you to vent your frustrations fine. I will tell you right now in this public forum these accusations concerning Comm.Rodstrom and your name calling etc. will not be permited at the Podium. Take note Mayor Seiler he gets up to that podium and starts disrepected her, I will not put up w/ thi s bs. Seitz does not care for mrs.Rodstrom-fine. There is a time and place. I mean Art if you can do a better job, then by all means run for elected office. What is funny Art when she had you on the beach Advisory Bd oh she wa s wonderful then.. They pratically had to call th e Police at these meetings just too hav e you sit down.. Keep it cute. And Jim Blosser anytime you want to step up to th e plate to address his accusations alot of us support you. I mean Mr.Seitz over, and over , again w/ Jim Blosser and RDC-when is enough, enough. Come on Mr.Blosser take charge.

  11. RDC Dissertation says:

    @ Art Seitz – That has GOT to be the LONGEST BrowardBeat comment ever!!!

    I see you are very passionate about the RDC situation. I sure hope your Indy Car “solution” doesn’t happen, though. Greenhouse gases and fiery crashes aren’t a good fit for Broward.

    The Water Park idea might work, but I’d like to know exactly how this one would be any different from all the other water parks South Florida already has…

  12. Plantation's Historian says:

    Buddy, did you ever consider cutting off comments if they go over 5,000 words?


    Shorter comments get read by more people. I encourage everybody to post the shortest possible comments.
    If anybody doesn’t want to read especially long comments, just skip over them.

  13. Beth The Bounty Hunter says:

    So glad Tim won, he will do a great job.
    And for the person who posted the long post, you are right I just ran right past it.