Tally D’s Prove They Are Just As Spineless As R’s





Two generations ago, John F. Kennedy wrote “Profiles In Courage.”  The Pulitzer Prize-winning book featured short stories of eight U. S. Senators who took stands that were brave and right.

One problem today is that there are few courageous politicians.

They are frightened and fearful they will be the target of attack ads if they take principled stands. Their re-election chances determines their every vote.

This is a Republican and Democratic problem.

GOP lawmakers back gun rights proposals they privately say are ridiculous. They are so afraid of the National Rifle Association that they won’t vote their conscience.

This week it was the Florida House Democrats who were gutless.

Take State Rep. Jared Moskowitz, a Democrat who says he lives in Coral Springs.

Moskowitz spent what seemed an interminable length of time in Tallahassee this week attacking a Republican tax cut.

Then he voted for it.

It reminds me of John Kerry, who infamously said when running for president and taking about the Middle East wars: “I actually did vote for the $87 billion, before I voted against it.”

The bill in front of the House Finance and Tax Subcommittee would slice motor vehicle license fees in half. It would save Floridians $400 million annually.

Democrats don’t like the bill:

  • Democrats would rather not give the money back to vehicle owners.  They prefer to use it for some other purpose.  Maybe education.
  • Democrats believe that rolling back license fees, which were hiked under then-Republican Gov. Charlie Crist, are being done for political reasons.  They believe Gov. Rick Scott proposed the cut to use in the campaign against Crist.


So Moskowitz and others spoke at length against the tax cut during the committee meeting.

Then every Democrat voted for the bill!

It passed the committee unanimously.

Democrats prove every day in Tallahassee that they are as spineless and craven as any Republican.  It just gets little attention here, 450 miles away.

Think I’m being too cynical?

Ask Jared Moskowitz, who spoke for all Democrats when he explained candidly their flip-flop like this to the committee:

“We’re all going to vote for it, including me, because otherwise you (Republicans) are going to say I want to raise taxes. That’s the name of the game. It’s just a sad reality.”

Broward Democrats hold their annual fundraiser Saturday night. They’ll pat themselves on the back and brag how they hold the moral high ground.


Career politicians who care more about their re-election than voting for what they believe in infest both parties.  Despite Term Limits.

When a politician attacks, attacks and attacks an issue and then turns around and votes for it because he is worried about his re-election, this is not a honorable stand.

It is “Profiles In Cowardice.” Both parties belong in that book.






13 Responses to “Tally D’s Prove They Are Just As Spineless As R’s”

  1. Charlotte Greenbarg says:

    I’ll give you an Amen, Buddy.

  2. Commissioner Angelo Castillo says:


    I said it before and will say it again. Term limits simply puts the staff in charge. It takes years to learn how to legislate well. In a term limited scenario on average, once a legislator figures out how to do their jobs well their time is nearly up. Next one comes along only to start from scratch, relatively clueless.

    There are no senior statesmen under that system and without them you lose your sense of history, which at the state level is essential to understanding why laws exist. How they came to be. Who is impacted by them and why. What happens if there is change.

    It takes time to learn who can make things happen or how things get done.

    Staff in that scenario become the zookeepers and you become their captive. You become about as effective as their direction permits. Thing is, nobody elected them. They elected you. I’ve watched this go on for years now, it plays out predictably over and over again.

    The smarter way to reform democracy is not with term limits.

    It starts with fairly drawn districts so that the people who represent us share a common, majority interest with a geographic area that elects them.

    Changing election rules to help make sure every citizen possible can easily and reliably cast a vote is essential. The more people vote the stronger our democracy becomes and our voter rates are dismal. Just terrible.

    Last, we need campaign finance reform. No more PACS and anonymous committees. Put every contributor on record. Do those three things and democracy gets stronger. Do them not and it gets weaker.

    Term limits only throws gasoline on the fire. It makes things worse.

    When the people see that someone they elect is not performing as they wish, they replace them. When someone sees they can do a better job, they get challenged. In the end the voters decide who they want working for them. Those are the only term limits that make sense.

    This business about “career politicians” is bullshit. Some get better with time and others get worse. Some perform and others don’t. Some keep their word and others choose not to. Some can deliver and others are worthless in that role. It’s not so complicated and all these other labels, stereotypes and such are for the birds. It’s really so much simpler than all that.

    I respect that term limits was done with the best of intentions, but it was the wrong prescription for what ailed us. The measure has hurt our state much more than it has helped and what you describe in your post is merely a symptom of that reality.



  3. Ciar to have my vote says:

    Angelo the consummate politician only slurping gruel at the public trough.

  4. Andrew Ladanowski says:

    OMG I actually I am not sure how term limits go into the discussion, very weak link. But I agree with Angelo Term limits simply puts the staff in charge. We see this problem with the school board. Fresh board member working with the same senior staff members that caused the problems with their predecessors. We might need term limits in senior management positions.

  5. Plain Language says:

    @3.How childish.Add a comment of value or go away.

  6. Cit Activist Robert Walsh says:

    You state that the governor here(goober) intends to lower our licenses(fees) ,along w/ our car reg. etc. What is Scott waiting for. Charlie Crist has been stating for months “lets do it already”. Yes fees went up Mr.Crist was governor during the beginning of the biggest recession since the “great depression” Yes. Crist took money from the feds(thank God). Do you know how many teachers, cops and firemen would have been let go. I mean Scott bank roll your campaign(good spend 100mill- your out). Speaking of raising money Comm.Trantalis(dino) is having a fund raiser for Mr.Crist Wed night(coming up). I would love to go to Dean’ house w/ the Rodstroms and point out to Charlie Crist ,see that one in the corner w/ the blond hair(who is losing it), oh yes the fifty yr. old boy toy (Dean former partner), no other than Richard Smith voted from this house Charlie during an election against Dean/Charlotte last year(probably hanging out w/ Dean comm ast. no other than Scott(scooter) Wyman-and watch him state to you Charlie -“don’t look @ me I have to go w/ who butters my bread” ask him Charlie who gave him the bread to begin w/??) when he didn’t even live here-which charlotte here lost by 19 votes. Then get introduced to the 91yr.old mother who Dean claimed also lived there(telephone town hall). . My advice Charlie Crist go to Dean Trantalis fund raiser and then run(fast)out of there…

  7. tell the truth says:

    @Comm Angelo
    i have to agree with the term limited scenario
    he is right and I disagree with him plenty
    Only the lawyers elected to Tally have an edge, and even thats not much

    Districts where residents share a common interest and are likewise involved and voting are the only way this can change

  8. Abolish the BOCC says:

    Term limits is the way to go. ONE TERM. No more career thievery.

  9. Abolish the BOCC says:

    If you are so ineffective that you let your staff tell you what to do, resign immediately.

  10. West Davie Resident says:

    The US House of Representatives was intended to be a citizen legislature in which farmers, fisherman, and merchants met periodically to evaluate, adjust, replace, or legislate our laws. After their periodic meetings, they were to go back to their professions. Now it is a full time avocation with many making careers of it. And they have staffs that total in the tens of thousands.

    Thankfully the Florida House of Representatives still only meets 60 days a year and, thanks to term limits minimizes the potential for career politicians although simply seek other elected office.

    There is an easy solution to the influence of staff members who hop from state legislator to legislator. Limit the number of years they can be on the legislature payroll.

    Yes lobbyists might hold more sway but with so many fresh faces every term in the office staffs, fewer potential laws will make it through committees and into the law. And fewer elected officials will be as spineless as Buddy contends because they will not have staff fearful for their supporting role jobs advising them how to act or vote.

    Not a perfect solution but far more beneficial than letting the likes of Commissary Angelo and his government dole proponents run our governments.

  11. Rinse and Repeat says:

    If we didn’t have term limits in Tallahassee we would have way too many Frank Underwoods.

    What we really need to stop is allowing electeds to anoint their replacements. Lieberman picked Kiar, and Parrish is having him replace her.

    2016 will be a free for all in Broward. Ritter, and Jacobs are working a deal to see which county job each will take.

  12. in the background says:

    I thought Jacobs was running for a State Rep post. And Ritter’s not done until 2020.

  13. The Guess Who says:

    Ritter is done in 2020, doesn’t mean she won’t seek SOE or another spot in 2016. Everyone knows Marty will be running for Property Appraiser in 2016.