Election Chief Snipes’ Latest Problem: An Opponent
Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes, who has been embroiled in a conrtroversy over her lawyer’s involvement in local campaigns, now has something else to worry about:
David Brown of Hollywood, a veteran campaign consultant, launched a campaign against Snipes on Wednesday.
David Brown (on right in blue shirt) with another campaign consultant, Dan Lewis
It is Brown’s second try at the supervisor’s job. He lost the Democratic primary in 2000 against Miriam Oliphant.
Brown had some good ideas 15 years ago, but he couldn’t overcome the powerful political organization of Public Defender Al Schreiber, who was strongly backing Oliphant along with other elements of the Democratic organization.
Oliphant was later removed from office by Gov. Jeb Bush for incompetence.
Bush appointed Snipes, a Democrat, to replace Oliphant in 2003. She has remained supervisor since that time.
Snipes has said she would run for re-election, but has not filed papers to officially launch a campaign.
The supervisor recently has been criticized by some County Commissioners for defending the campaign activities of her office attorney, Burnadette Norris-Weeks. Commissioners complained that allowing Norris-Weeks to campaign for candidates created the appearance of impropriety and bias in the Elections Office.
(Not all commissioners oppose Snipes. The speculation in political circles is that Norris-Weeks is backed by Commissioner Dale Holness.)
Brown mentioned the controversy in his news release below.
Although many in Broward’s political whisper that it is time for Snipes to go — long lines at the voting booths during the last election are just one of her many missteps — it is not known how many will openly oppose the most prominent black office holder. Democrats, in particular, are reluctant to be oppose her for fear that they will be labeled anti-black.
It will be interesting to see if Brown can make headway against this deeply flawed supervisor, despite his list of worthy proposals in the news release that follows:
July 1, 2016
Democrat for Supervisor of Elections
Today I filed to become a Democratic candidate for Broward County Supervisor of Elections. Fifteen years ago, in 2000, I ran for this office against Miriam Oliphant. My platform then was “Running fraud free elections and maintaining voter registration files is no longer good enough. We must expand the challenge of the office to include energizing voter turnout”. I still believe this today. Ms. Oliphant won but was removed from office in 2003, before the end of her term, by Governor Jeb Bush who then appointed our current Supervisor.
I know that I have the energy, qualifications, experience, business background and integrity to accomplish those goals. Having run nearly one hundred campaigns, I know first-hand what it takes to run county-wide elections, eliminate problems and increase voter turnout. My parents instilled in me and my sister the value and importance of community participation. I have held leadership positions on many boards and organizations. I served as President of the Jewish National Fund for Broward and Palm Beach and on the JNF National Board, as Chairman of the Federation Business Executive Forum three times, was a Member of the United Way Marketing Committee and many more.
On my first day in office I will establish a comprehensive ethics policy to curtail the involvement of Supervisor employees and contract attorneys in any elections in which Broward voters cast ballots. I was flabbergasted at the recent disclosure that there is no ethics policy at all in the Supervisor’s office and that her contract legal counsel has been contributing to and participating in campaigns about which she has been called upon to advise the Supervisor and litigate on behalf of the Supervisor’s office. The absence of an ethics policy and the reluctance of the current Supervisor to recognize the need to institute one, as she has the power to do, is a serious breach that once again has produced the wrong kind of headlines in the media.
Broward has the second highest number of registered voters in the state (1,093,633) but the second lowest voter turnout. In the 2014 General Election turnout was 44.5% in Broward and 50.5% statewide. That 6% difference could have, for example, changed the outcome of the Gubinitorial election. Broward can wield more power in Tallahassee and Washington, D.C. and get more attention and dollars for our needs if we achieve higher voter turnouts that impact elections.
It reduces voter confidence in elected officials and elections and Broward’s ability to attract new businesses and jobs when Broward continues to be the brunt of jokes both statewide and nationally for the stories that are generated by our elections.
My campaign platform will include:
- increasing early voting, establishing temporary voting offices at malls, community facilities, and large public events such as Panther Games, concerts, festivals and other gatherings,
- adding postage to Absentee Ballots and asking absentee voters which of several languages they would prefer,
- improving training of Election Day poll workers to reduce voter confusion and make voting more accessible,
- creating public/private partnerships with area employers, retailers, movie theaters and the media to increase voter registration and voter turnout,
- re-locating polling places to locations consistent with the goal of increasing voter turnout,
- keeping the Supervisor’s office an elected position to ensure the integrity of elections and to keep the office free from potential intrusion or political influence of the County Commission or individual Commissioners,
- working to restore voting rights to citizens who have been convicted of non-violent offenses and have completed their penalties, and
- posting on the Supervisor’s web site proposed state constitutional amendments, county and municipal charter change questions and referendums as soon as the final language is available to give voters more time form an opinion. It will help to bring better informed voters to the polls and reduce the time it takes to fully complete the ballot in the voting booth.
I championed many of these ideas when I ran in 2000. I understood then, as I do now, that some changes may require legislative action and I will fight to get them incorporated into election laws and regulations.
After earning a Masters Degree in Public Administration and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration I worked in Washington, D.C. as Chief Legislative Assistant to two Democratic Congressman. In 1981 my wife, Laurie Gordon-Brown, and I moved to Broward. I established a Broward based office of the promotional products firm started in 1946 by my now 94 year old father. My wife ran her own dental practice for 28 years in Pembroke Pines and is now an Assistant Professor at the NOVA Southeastern University College of Dental Medicine. Our daughter went to school in Broward and now lives on the west coast.
I look forward to discussing these and other issues with Broward voters. Just look around, the results of our elections play an important role in so many aspects of our daily lives. We should always look for creative ideas to improve citizen participation while guaranteeing the integrity of the election process.
David G. Brown Campaign
P.O. Box 223250
Hollywood, FL 33022
July 1st, 2015 at 10:33 pm
Is Snipes even running for re-election? I don’t see her listed as a registered candidate…
And speaking of people whose latest problem is an opponent…
When it comes to filling a venue, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is not exactly 2016’s underdog. Sanders, who is running as a progressive alternative to presumed Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton, spoke Wednesday at Madison’s Alliant Energy Center, which seats 10,231 people. … Arena staff said 9,600 people were in attendance. …
Wednesday’s rally was Sanders’ largest yet, and may be the biggest of the 2016 cycle overall. Clinton’s campaign launch drew approximately 5,500 people to New York City’s Roosevelt Island, while about 3,000 supporters attended Jeb Bush’s kickoff in Miami. …
As the article said, she has announced she is running but has not opened an account yet.
July 1st, 2015 at 11:26 pm
If David Brown is elected as Supervisor of Elections will there be misspellings on the ballot, and way too much text crammed into a very small area??? Or maybe printed on sponges?
July 2nd, 2015 at 7:14 am
Great news! David Brown will successfully fill this office with efficiency. His working knowledge of election mechanics, coupled with his deep understanding of what brings voters to the polls could only result in a winning combination that this office is sorely in need of. On top of ability, wouldn’t it be lovely to have a Supervisor of Elections with charisma, concern and a gift for communicating with people? Good luck, David!
July 2nd, 2015 at 8:13 am
Good news for Broward. I have seen David Brown, he energetic and creative, it’s exactly what we need in a new supervisor. I have seen him in action. Good Luck David!
July 2nd, 2015 at 8:54 am
This candidate is so typically Broward County: a political insider who is biased and loyal to the Democrats. How does that fit into the establishment of an ethics policy for the SOE’s office?
If he is elected, I hope he uses spellcheck.
July 2nd, 2015 at 9:49 am
Boy I want in so bad , I can taste it-huh some of you that know me. Any how I’ll get there. As far as Mr.Brown here, good luck. I seriously don’t believe he could beat Dr>snipes. Comm.Stacey Ritter(you blew it w/ your withdrawal motion) -on th e other hand, well “Houston “we have a problem”(if Stacey runs). Run Stacey ,run, why not?? As far as Att.Weeks less is more. PS-somebody pinch me , I think I’m dreamin(nah, I’m wide awake). What a week this past 7days, huh???. Also thank you to my deceased parents for lookin out for their son-. Now pay back is a bitch. Grizzly bear, good job. To the ” screws -“work your magic”. To the bailbondmen-I told you to trust me(your welcome). To the meth dealer in Oceanside-your welcome. What a difference a day makes(love that song-story of my life) or should I say what a diference from that 3am prank phone call in Feb(told you Major Marvel 1, that I would never lie to you, 2, I would prevail)(Hmm).. Now tomorrow I ‘m off to Southbeach(dinner/drinks@ the Delano(trust me I can afford it after last Friday-and If I get an itch I’m gonna scratch it-sure Robert(well see)…..
July 2nd, 2015 at 10:02 am
I give him credit for running. Dr. Snipes absolutely needs to go, and I hope that other candidates will file as well so that we have a vigorous primary and can elect the best candidate for the job. The political machines are gone, the Democratic Party is worthless, and the people can finally elect a qualified person for the job. May the most competent candidate win.
PS-Wish all elections were run as ideally as I wrote above.
July 2nd, 2015 at 10:09 am
To commenter #3, Strong Supporter:
I’m sorry to say Mr. Brown, your son will not make a good supervisor. But it’s nice that at least he has your support. When he comes in 3rd in a 2 person race, no doubt it will bring back a lot of his childhood memories for both of you.
July 2nd, 2015 at 11:18 am
To #2 above: I don’t know if David Brown can cure the spelling mistakes on the ballot when he can’t spell “GUBERNATORIAL” correct in his own announcement.
Also, I’m wondering whether this is a real campaign or just a way for him to raise money to spend with his company for campaign swag at inflated prices?
July 2nd, 2015 at 2:23 pm
Never mind spell check; did you notice the date on his press release – July 1, 2016??
Far more importantly, this man is one of the filthiest partisan campaign “consultants” in Broward County! Do you want Broward County’s Supervisor of Elections office turned into a political machine (and a dirty one, at that)? If not, SAY NO to political hack David Brown!
July 2nd, 2015 at 3:20 pm
I was a support of Dr. Snipes, but based on several questionable matters, including her attorney, I don’t know anymore.
I don’t know much about this Mr. Brown and if he would be any good, but I will seriously consider him or anyone else.
Based on what I see, a tie may still have me vote for a challenger to see if something more positive might happen. Doing the same thing and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.
July 2nd, 2015 at 5:31 pm
The sentence “Democrats, in particular, are reluctant to be oppose her for fear that they will be labeled anti-black” should infuriate every voter in Broward!
So any time a candidate challenges a black official they are automatically “anti-black”?
July 8th, 2015 at 12:39 am
Jane Caroll told me that David Brown could ‘fill her shoes’.
So Mr. Brown will have my vote.
July 9th, 2015 at 10:51 pm
People who were not in Jane Carroll’s presence on a regular basis never realized that she has a very dry but intense sarcasm. I was around her throughout the entire campaign to elect her successor. I guarantee that, IF (and I stress IF) she ever said that, it was Jane’s sarcasm at its best!