State GOP: We Ran Florida Off The Tracks!
The Republican Party of Florida has finally admitted its mistakes.
That’s the way I read the advertising that the state party is mailing to voters in northeast Broward.
The ads are for House candidate George Moraitis. They have the headline: Let’s Get Florida Back On Track!
Who’s been in charge in the Florida House for the past 14 years? The Republicans.
Who’s had a majority in the state Senate for 16 years? The Republicans.
The governor has been a member of what party for the past 12 years? Republican.
So I guess it was the Republican Tallahassee that ran Florida off the tracks!
Moraitis’ opponent for House District 91 is Barbra Stern, a Democrat. Both are Fort Lauderdale lawyers.
October 6th, 2010 at 5:58 pm
They admit the obvious and George Moraitis will continue their destruction of education and the state in general. He is a conservative who bows at the altar of Coral Ridge Presbyterian and the North Florida Republicans.
October 6th, 2010 at 7:15 pm
A vote for Barbara Stern is a vote for the lesser of two evils. Just what we need is the daughter of a well known lobbyist (Judy Stern).
October 6th, 2010 at 9:15 pm
I see your take on the ad, and agree that the Republicans would be at fault for their mistakes.
However, my take was not that Florida went off track by its own doing, rather Florida like other states have been victims a poor national economy.
To my colleague Dr. Joe above, I would say that Florida has had a crummy public education system a lot longer that the Republicans have been in charge.
Does Dr. Joe not like Presbyterians or just not those who attend Coral Ridge?
October 6th, 2010 at 9:23 pm
I saw the same quote on Stern’s Facebook page so who stole whose line?
For many of those GOP years Stern was an active party member of BREC. I was in BREC and I don’t remember Stern fighting for all of these issues that are so important to her now.
I am voting for George because he is a man who never abandon his party because she wanted a house seat. Also I want someone who has good family values and is raising chilren. Sorry judy stern family values are not what we need.
October 7th, 2010 at 8:41 am
To Doctor Joan: Regardless of whether its the national economy or Florida’s economy, pretty much it’s been the Republican’s that have been steering us to the brink of destruction. And re presbyterians in general vs Coral Ridge Presbyt’s: there is a vast difference between Coral Ridge Pres and, say, 1st or 2d pres. I like people from 1st and 2d pres muuuuuch better. Coral Ridge Pres is full of right wing looney toons.
October 8th, 2010 at 1:47 am
When everything was going in the toilet in Florida Rubio sat in the center of it and now he’s our great leader?!LOL ! Right !The republicans are the reason our state and our country is in the toilet !
October 8th, 2010 at 10:49 am
Certainly Crist has contributed to the derailment. Kinda like Ms. Stern flip flop on who she is and what she stands for – Republican, Democrat? If she doesn’t know who she is how can the voters?
You either want good, honest person who knows who he is running your government or you want the daughter’s of corrupt lobbyists who is still finding herself. Take your pick.
October 8th, 2010 at 10:50 am
Certainly Crist has contributed to the derailment. Kinda like Ms. Stern flip flop on who she is and what she stands for – Republican, Democrat? If she doesn’t know who she is how can the voters?
You either want good, honest person who knows who he is running your government or you want the daughter of a corrupt lobbyists who is still finding herself. Take your pick.