Stacy Ritter’s First Re-Election TV Ad
County Commissioner Stacy Ritter’s first television ad in her campaign for re-election began broadcast today.
The ad is accurate. Â Ritter is largely responsible for getting passed the airport expansion which had languished at the county commission for years.
It is being broadcast in Ritter’s northwest Broward district.
October 12th, 2012 at 4:30 pm
Ritter has my vote.
October 12th, 2012 at 4:52 pm
These types of ads are usually hit or miss. Mostly miss as candidates do not usually crossover too well.
I have to admit that she looks very good, very natural in that clip.
The other day, or was it yesterday? She was also endorsed by the Sentinel. She will be reelected no problem.
October 12th, 2012 at 5:09 pm
I dont like her, I think she is what is wrong with politics in Broward County, but it is a good and effective ad.
October 12th, 2012 at 5:51 pm
Wow, after looking at the video, she sure has become one of the Heavy Weights of Broward!
October 12th, 2012 at 8:48 pm
camera adds 10 lbs
and she is short to boot
October 12th, 2012 at 9:58 pm
Don’t have a cowan,
Guys like you usually resort to cutting down a woman’s looks when you’re out of material.
October 13th, 2012 at 9:19 am
All of the local Tea Party and Republican groups proudly support Former Judge Julio Eduardo Gonzalez and attorney Bob Nichols.
It is believed that these candidates would best represent our positions and values such as anti judicial activism, closing our borders to limit immigration, pro Christian, anti abortion and understands the need to protect marriage as a bond between a man and a woman.
Patriots and good God fearing Americans must unite and have the judicial system respect the will of the people and protect sacred rights.
October 13th, 2012 at 10:32 am
When Ritter was in the Legislature, she did good work under difficult circumstances.
Then she came to the County Commission and went downhill fast with ethics issues.
But as much as I’d like to vote against her, I can’t! Her opponent is a Tea Partier! đ
October 13th, 2012 at 12:55 pm
Assuming Cowan is a guy?
I don’t think you could ever run out of material when it comes to Ms. Ritter. Think of the golf cart, chaits, repossessed yachts, remodeled home thanks to Felon imprisoned Steinger, campaign contribution spending spree. Shall I continue…….
October 13th, 2012 at 2:51 pm
Pro Christian? Hahahahah…
Get a new hobby.
October 13th, 2012 at 3:20 pm
I liked Comm.Stacey Ritter’s commercials and her canidacy request etc. on channel 10. I thought she looked great. Win, Stacey win. Say hi to your Dad for me. Oh some of you knocking him etc. Mr.Porter is a good man. Tempers fly some time. Besides Stacey where do you think you get your good looks from. And also to point out Mr.Porter has taught his daughter everything she know s about poltics. He was a good role model for her. Keep up the good work Stacey…
October 13th, 2012 at 3:55 pm
Ritter didn’t go downhill. Don’t believe the right wing bloggers. Has she ever been charged or indicted? Only rumors and innuendo. And a state attorney desperate to get re-elected. Do you believe all the crap Fox throws at Obama?
I’m sure she appreciates the vote.
October 13th, 2012 at 4:07 pm
Don’t Vote Julio Gonzalez for Judge
Tim Smith at 8/4/2012 7:04 PM
Categories: uncategorized
…. I almost forgot ! … Whatever you do – Don’t vote for Julio Gonzalez for Judge!!!
………. Here is an amazing blog posting from a few years back, detailing how Judge Gonzalez coddled criminals of the worse kind…. We were able to deny him his Judgeship in the last election, but like a bad rash, he keeps coming back !!
Give it a read if you don’t remember it….
Crackhead Crackdown Showdown Update !
The substantial criminal records of the men who yesterday received a restraining order from Judge Julio E. Gonzalez Jr. against a Poinsettia Heights man, were obtained today by Tim Smith’s Fort Lauderdale.
They are sometimes called the Railroad Track Gang, not so lovingly, by residents in the four neighborhoods surrounding NE 13th Street in Fort Lauderdale.
They have been holding up in makeshift campsites along the RR tracks, and some are suspect in the areas’ recent surge in crimes. They had complained to the Public Defenders Office that local businessman and artist Steve Sticht, had chased them with a chainsaw, posted wanted posters of them, and threatened to kill them.
Sticht, a member of one of the area’s anti-crime committees, says that is “all bull”, that he just cut down one of their many campsites, dubbed “Camp Crackhead”, after authorities were either unable or unwilling to accomplish it.
October 13th, 2012 at 5:32 pm
So think about it this way…
Other than me, name another private individual in Broward County with more “real world experience” busting corruption. The amazing Fane Lozman doesn’t count, because his work is in Palm Beach and Dade.
There have been six convictions of elected officials, two of which are mine. And Al Capellini goes to trial this week.
I know what I am talking about.
So if our county’s leading political corruption busting activist is going to vote for Ritter, so should you.
Even you folks who love to take back our country, one tea bagging step at a time.
Ritter’s our man … er… woman.
October 13th, 2012 at 6:14 pm
Yes, Ritter DID go downhill. Here’s the proof:
[…] Ritter added an amendment to the ethics package that effectively neuters the new corruption watchdog before he or she even starts on the first case. Â
Call it the Ritter Amendment, and it’s one of the sneakiest and dirtiest things done by this rogue’s gallery of an elected body yet. […]
October 13th, 2012 at 7:07 pm
she’s an attorney. they know the line to not cross. may get real close but not likely over the line.
if I recall any elected officials busted at city or county levels were NOT attorneys
October 13th, 2012 at 10:10 pm
“Your so much cooler on line…”
Brad Paisley
October 14th, 2012 at 6:47 am
The Krafts are both attorneys
October 14th, 2012 at 7:29 am
Chaz, it is great that you like Ritter, but you can’t vote for her. You don’t live in her district.
October 14th, 2012 at 10:50 am
heres the link to Show me the money’s comment above
October 14th, 2012 at 2:37 pm
Judicial Candidate Tea Bagger Robert Nichols. Sources confirm that Bob Nichols, notwithstanding his tea party affiliation, really played it up for the primarily African-American crowd, singing high praise for the previously mentioned African-American judges, and actually telling the crowd “to vote” for similarly complected Roshawn Banks. Of course, it’s reportedly a no-no for a judge or judicial candidate to endorse any candidate anywhere, but Nichols is only the latest participant to push the envelope during this unprecedented long, hot, electoral summer. Can’t everyone just play by the rules?
October 14th, 2012 at 5:04 pm
see for pictures nice photo Julio
October 14th, 2012 at 6:21 pm
October 14th, 2012 at 6:37 pm
Actually these days, I’m more often than not out in California…
So I figured I’d try absentee voting… In another district.
October 14th, 2012 at 8:52 pm
Bob Nichols â„ Sylvia Poitier.
Fuck Bob Nichols.
October 14th, 2012 at 9:05 pm
Hey give Julio a break, the pic with the ladies could have been from his RRA days. Everyone knows RRA was the firm that….loves the ladies
October 15th, 2012 at 12:06 pm
Interesting that the great ORCA of Broward politico corruption bustathon, who takes credit for having Sylvia arrested for 4 misdameanor charges, conveniently turns the other way when it comes to Ritter’s 28 misdeamenaor charges, 11 of which she was found guilty of.
October 15th, 2012 at 12:07 pm
misdemeanor not misdeamenaor…..
i bad
October 15th, 2012 at 1:17 pm
There are many reasons not to vote for Robert Bob Nichols:
October 15th, 2012 at 6:32 pm
@whats the alternative
It is important to understand what then IG charter amendment as approved by Broward’s voters, actually does. The article you link does not accurately reflect that. First, a signed complaint is required. That provision follows the process of both the state Elections Commission and Ethics Commission. It was believed that if that was good enough for the state it was good enough for Broward. I went one step further, however, and gave the IG the authority to initiate investigations on his own.
October 15th, 2012 at 10:10 pm
Hey Stacy ,
How many “accounting errors” this election cycle?
October 16th, 2012 at 12:52 am
@ Stacy Ritter:
1) The article I linked to most certainly DOES accurately explain exactly how you eviscerated ethics legislation in a most deceptive and underhanded manner.
2) It is well known that the state Ethics Commission is a toothless wonder which can proclaim “fines” but cannot actually make anyone pay them, etc.
3) Your argument that the virtually nonexistent limitations on unethical conduct at the state level should be “good enough for Broward” – after all the corruption Broward has endured – is potent evidence of the appalling depth of your depraved indifference to ethical standards.
4) I really admired the young Stacy Ritter who boldly fought for Democratic values in the Legislature, but your time has come and gone. You are no longer fit for public service.
October 16th, 2012 at 5:43 pm
@ “christine”
There is no guilt for elections violations. It’s civil not criminal. FYI. Bob Sutton is getting hit with an elections complaint for a bunch of problems he has. Check out to see what kind of creep you are supporting.
October 16th, 2012 at 9:38 pm
@ Joseph miller,
I am not supporting Stacy ‘s rival. There is no guilt in civil violations ? What kind of ethics is that????
October 17th, 2012 at 6:43 pm
Ethics is lacking in the Commission; Ritter is part of the problem. Contrary to what she told the Miami Herald, her lobbyist husband is a registered and compensated lobbyist in Broward County, including three Broward County cities, and he remains as an active registered lobbyist in Parkland, where they reside. This is in violation of the Ethics Rules that are supposed to govern the Commission. This is public information and can be found by searching for Klenet on
Speaking of lobbying, I guess it is ethically responsible also to accept campaign contributions from companies like Wheelabrator, which receive extra special priveleges in having their bids accepted.
October 17th, 2012 at 8:14 pm
Ethics is lacking in the Commission; Ritter is part of the problem. Contrary to what she told the Miami Herald, her lobbyist husband is a registered and compensated lobbyist in Broward County, including three Broward County cities, and he remains as an active registered lobbyist in Parkland, where they reside. This is in violation of the Ethics Rules that are supposed to govern the Commission. This is public information and can be found by searching for Klenet on OpenSecrets. org.
Speaking of lobbying, I guess it is ethically responsible also to accept campaign contributions from companies like Wheelabrator, which receive extra special priveleges in having their bids accepted.
October 17th, 2012 at 9:42 pm
Klenet is no longer a paid lobbyist for any broward cities. Hasn’t been for years. Maybe he never updated his registration. Easy public records requests to the three municipalities would answer and prove the issue
October 18th, 2012 at 6:37 am
I guess your are one of these people that jump on a band wagon witout checking to see if the jackass that put up the site their info was correct. FYI at least two of those pics is Terry Bob’s wife.
Before you pull the hammer and look like a ass, you need to get the information correct. It is hard to slam a person when they have done nothing wrong.
You want to see shit stay tuned. I will show you shit.
October 18th, 2012 at 8:09 am
It is interesting to see Chaz Stevens state he would vote for Stacy. When asked a few days ago about the current status of an investigation that may be under way on Ritter or Klenet he replied, “I’ve got no inside intel on the status of the SAO review.” Why support someone when they remain under a State Auditor’s Office investigation?
October 18th, 2012 at 10:06 am
I have no idea what you are talking about. I have had questions about Stacy and Russ’ cozy relationship with contractors, and “accounting mistakes ” inter alia for a number of years now. I have expressed my concerns on a number of different sites over the years.
@Free Broward
My point exactly. You would think the ORCA of Broward politico busting would tread more carefully with his support.
October 18th, 2012 at 10:11 am
Just da facts really needs to get the facts accurate.
October 18th, 2012 at 10:27 am
To the minions of Stacy Ritter, How Stupid Are You? Do you really think I would put anything on Robert Suttonâs website that could damage his chances of getting elected? Also do you thing Bob is going to put anything on his face book that could cause him a problem? You people did a crappy job trying to discredit my wife Jaemi Levine when she ran for School Board District 4. This is really piss poor. If you want to discredit someone, first get youâre facts straight. Then you better make sure those facts are correct, before you print them. Otherwise all you have is a rag paper that only the stupid believe.
To clear the air, two of the nine pics are Terry, Bob Suttonâs wife. Can we say oh! Now here is where you may have stepped on your crank. Besides the picture of Allen west, the rest are from a very powerful womenâs Entrepreneur group that Robert hosts. Can we now say oh-crap!
You will not find any dirt on Robert. He teaches 2/3 more students than the rest of the teaches. He still has time to introduce himself to the Community, and still has time for his family. This is the type of person we need in office.
You remind me of one of those little dogs that jump up and down barking. In your case, youâre at Stacy Ritterâs feet saying, âDid I do good mommy, did I. Can I have a cookie? Or can you get me a seat on a committee?â As I have told some of you, the universe does straighten itself out. When it does what side of the fan would you like to be on?
There is a very good chance Stacy will loose. If that happens and they decide to throw her butt in the slammer, how fast do you think she will name, names and cut a deal. There is no loyalty among thieves.
Remember another city not to long ago had problems. What happen there?
October 18th, 2012 at 10:53 am
She’s an idiot, that one.
October 18th, 2012 at 10:57 am
My advice to the person or persons the put up that site about Bob Sutton. As I have stated before to someone else, this is not your fight. My suggestion is to stay out of it. It is apparently clear that you suck at attempting to discredit someone. Stacy is not going to give you a gold star for your actions. At the end of the day, she will most likely throw you under the bus.
October 18th, 2012 at 12:37 pm
@ Christine
My apologies to you.
This statement was directed to Joseph Miller not you.
Roomer has it, this is Nick Stephens.
If so how is mommy, sweating a bit.
October 18th, 2012 at 12:57 pm
@Just da facts
If Russ is no longer lobbying for Broward County, why did he get $250,000.00 for the new court house? Has anyone checked the records to see if Stacy took the best bid for the taxpayers and not herself? This is Stacyâs last term. She will be termed out. That
seat is worth millions to Stacy & Russ. Without Stacy in office, Russ no longer can guarantee
his clientsâ the deal they want. I guess he will have to go back and sell used cars for a living.
There is no truth to any of your charges about Russ Klenet.
First of all, knowing the fee structure of lobbyists I very much doubt that Klenet would get $250,000 even if he was lobbying at the Broward Government Center. He is not. Nor is he lobbying on anything at the Government Center.
Second, there are nine votes on the county commission. Stacy can not approve any bid on her own.
Third, Russ made a very nice living long before Stacy ever got elected to the Broward County Commission. He doesn’t need her on the commission to make a living since he doesn’t lobby the commission.
October 18th, 2012 at 2:10 pm
You and the great ORCA genius are chasing ghosts…
October 18th, 2012 at 4:34 pm
@ Mitchell Levine
Heavily Democratic Broward County isn’t about to elect a Tea Partier, and your claim that “He teaches 2/3 more students than the rest of the teaches.” (assuming you really meant “the rest of the teachers”) is preposterous.
October 18th, 2012 at 5:02 pm
@FreeBroward. You should be more careful how you write postings cuz it’s word for word what James Sutton, Bob’s brother who lives in North Carolina, writes. Therefore you are Bob’s brother. What’ an idioti.
October 18th, 2012 at 5:42 pm
Okay, thanks!
October 18th, 2012 at 8:22 pm
@Joseph Miller. I see indeed James Sutton has copied and pasted what I write. No wonder it is word for word. Good job, James, in getting the word out!
By the way, you may want to check to see how you spell the word “idiot;” last I checked, in English it does not end in the letter “i.”
That being stated, do tell, what have I posted here that is not true? I see you didn’t challenge that. (Of course, that may be difficult to do since it is true.)
October 18th, 2012 at 8:31 pm
I see there remains those that insist Klenet does not or has not for years done business in Broward County. Here’s some more detail. Granted, some are not within Broward, but to state to the Miami Herald there is NONE is a lie. By the way, to remain Registered one must pay a fee, so the lame excuse that maybe Klenet simply did not remove his name is just that, lame.
From 2012:
Car Charging Inc $0
City of Davenport, IA $0
City of Oakland Park, FL $5,000
City of Parkland, FL $0
City of Pompano Beach, FL $0
Davidsohn Global Technologies $30,000
Election Systems & Software $25,000
MetTel Inc $0
Plantation Acres Improvement District $0
Resource Management Solutions $15,000
City of Davenport, IA $30,000
City of Oakland Park, FL $10,000
City of Parkland, FL $0
City of Pompano Beach, FL $5,000
Davidsohn Global Technologies $30,000
Davidsohn Group $55,000
Discovery Cruise Lines $0
Election Systems & Software $30,000
MetTel Inc $55,000
Nationwide Laboratory Services $0
Plantation Acres Improvement District $0
Resource Management Solutions $30,000
This is lobbying Washington for the clients mentioned, not Broward County government. Big difference.
October 18th, 2012 at 11:20 pm
@Buddy, As a refresher there is an Ordinance on file for Ethics Rules for Broward County Commissioners:
(b) Definitions. For purposes of this code of ethics (the “Broward County Elected Official Code of Ethics”):
6. “Immediate Family Member” means a parent, spouse, child, sibling, or registered domestic partner.
(c) Standards of Conduct.
(2) Outside/Concurrent employment.
c. A spouse or registered domestic partner, immediate family members, and County or municipal office staff of an Elected Official shall not lobby any member of the governing body of the County or any municipality within Broward County, or before any municipal mayor, or before members of other local governmental entities within Broward County, including taxing authorities, quasi-judicial boards, appointed boards and commissions, or otherwise conduct business as a vendor or contractor with the local governmental entity served by the Elected Official.
(3) Lobbyists.
a. Elected Officials should avoid even the appearance of impropriety in their interaction and dealings with lobbyists registered under their local governmental entityâs lobbyist registration system and with the principals or employers of such lobbyists.
Again, if you are talking about Russ Klenet his lobbying is in Washington. The law only forbids lobbying “any member of the governing body of the County or any municipality within Broward County, or before any municipal mayor, or before members of other local governmental entities within Broward County, including taxing authorities, quasi-judicial boards, appointed boards and commissions, or otherwise conduct business as a vendor or contractor with the local governmental entity served by the Elected Official.
October 19th, 2012 at 5:08 am
There is no payment by any broward cities in over two years. Pompano 0. Parkland 0. Get your facts correct and stop whining
October 19th, 2012 at 6:54 pm
Sunrise City Commissioner Sheila Alu, who earlier this year was considering running for Stacy Ritter’s seat – until Satz gave her a new assignment at the State Attorney’s Office – has just announced that she is resigning from the Sunrise City Commission…,0,310570.story
October 19th, 2012 at 9:59 pm
This will be my last post on this blog. I want to extend a thank you to Buddy for your professional responses. While I understand you are saying Klenet is lobbying in DC on behalf of these Florida entities and not actually lobbying in Florida, it would seem strange a couple of the Florida clients mentioned would need lobbying done in DC (like City Furniture and Sunrise Sports Entertainment), but who knows. Still, one or more of these entities did also have lobbying representation in front of the Broward County Commission last year and this year (by other registered lobbyists). Below is a link to the State of Florida’s Online Sunshine site that shows what 2012 compensation has been received by Klenet’s firm.
@Just da facts, I wish I could say the same “thank you” for your professional courtesy, but obviously, you are no Buddy. The facts, as I have pointed out previously and now again in this official State of Florida Online Sunshine site in this post, clearly shows compensation has been received from three Broward County cities in 2012; albeit, as Buddy points out, these cities were clients; still, compensation was indeed received from these cities. What you hear is not a whine, but a call for the truth to be communicated, which you obviously insist you will ignore, even from an official State of Florida website.