Skip Campbell Skipped By Broward Lawyers In Bar Race
Veteran Fort Lauderdale lawyer Walter “Skip Campbell has been abandoned by a handful of big name Broward lawyers in his runoff for Florida Bar president.
Skip Campbell
Most striking to me? James Fox Miller is supporting Campbell’s opponent Gwynne A. Young of Tampa.
Miller is the husband of Barbara Miller, the political operative who ran Campbell’s successful 1996 campaign for state Senate. A former Florida Bar President, Miller has a long-time family law practice in South Broward.
Other local lawyers, all of them active in the Bar, who endorsed Young include: Tim Bailey of Bailey and Bailey in Pompano Beach, Nancy Gregoire, a Fort Lauderdale appellate lawyer; Eugene Pettis of Haliczer, Pettis & Schwamm; Paul Singerman, co-chief executive officer of Fort Lauderdale-based Berger Singerman and Frank Walker, a longtime fixture in the local Bar.
Also supporting Young is Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer, who served with Campbell in the state Senate.
Campbell got a very big endorsement himself earlier this month — Jake Schickel, the Jacksonville lawyer who came in third in the race for Bar president.
March 31st, 2011 at 11:39 am
They are all jealous of Skip’s success. He is a lawyer’s lawyer and deserves to be Bar president.
March 31st, 2011 at 11:49 am
All of those lawyers are quite successful in their own right. It is time for new blood and new ideas. Skip is a great lawyer and was a good Senator. He has made his millions and had his time in the spotlight. Now he is just another ex pol looking to stay in the spotlight anyway he can. Sadly his most lasting legacy in the Senate was his infamous Scarlett Letter bill which now is used against every member of the Legislature who voted for it.
March 31st, 2011 at 12:42 pm
100% agree with “Please” on this.
Skip certainly has the qualification to be Bar President, but the real issue is whether he is the right person, at the right time, to lead the Bar.
The Courts and the Bar are currently under attack from our Legislature and Governor — attempts to limit the courts’ role in rulemaking, underfunding the court system as a whole, removing the last elements of independence in the judicial nominating process, etc.
Do we really need an ex-politician who is in the twilight of his career, keeping his name out there for the sake of doing it?
Skip has been a fantastic lawyer…I think that but for his boneheaded Scarlet Letter Bill, he was a good senator and would have been a far better AG than Bill McCollum.
But let’s just say, I think its time for him to move along in 2011. Maybe some new folks should get involved and be in charge, and the retreads can go out to pasture.
March 31st, 2011 at 2:07 pm
Michael J. Satz will be skipped by his own people in 2012.
March 31st, 2011 at 3:06 pm
Skip still has a lot to offer this community, this state and the bar.
I already voted for him and have been telling everyone to vote for him. Good luck Skip. I know you’ll do a great job.
March 31st, 2011 at 3:29 pm
Wow I am not a lawyer and I do not really care who is president of the Florida Bar but I do not think Skip Campbell is in the twilight of his career
April 1st, 2011 at 6:53 am
No, Skip is not in the twilight of his legal career, as for the rest, twilight would be a kind description. His biggest splash in 2010 was back Crist. He was and is too “self important” to do anything for GOTV or other grass roots Democratic efforts. Even in his old District his name recognition is nothing compared to Senator Ring. You need a guy to throw a fundraiser at his mansion Skip is great, for real Dem leadership he is not the guy to call. His Scarlett Letter law would make him a darling of the current Legislature. Skip was always seen as a DINO when elected, except of course for trial lawyer issues. Can anyone name 5 bills he passed that did anything for anyone, without having to look at his website?
April 1st, 2011 at 7:15 am
As Skip’s partner for the past 37 years I think I know him better than any person outside of his immediate family and I think I have some insight into his ability and characer that all attorneys in the state should consider when deciding how to vote.
Skip has been successful lawyer because he truly loves people and wants total justice for every client he has ever represented. He has never been driven by money–but it has come to him because juries could sense his dedication. As a State Senator for 10 years his “client” was the people in his district–as bar president he will fight for the attornies he will lead and the ordinary good people without power and money who will lose the most if Gov Scott has his way. Skip knows how to compromise and get along with reasonable Republicans and Democrates–however when core values like education and child and family welfare are being sacraficed in the years ahead– we need a fighter with Skip’s proven ability. To anyone who thinks Skip has lost the “fire in his belly” for just causes–I reply that I know better–when the Govenor tries to over reach– Skip can rally all fair minded Legislators of both parties. Skip with his proven ability is exactly what we as lawyers need now. I have been out of town and Skip does not even know I am writing this and he has not asked me to respond to the suggestions that he only craves the spotlight or that his best days are behind him–I know better –he is running for all the right reasons–we as lawyers should not miss the chance to use his ablilty to help the entire Bar and all the good and ordinary people we all represent–For 37 years I have always been proud to call Skip my partner and the brother I never had–if you vote for him you will be proud and happy to have him represent you in the years ahead–we will need a leader and fighter on our side.If elected he will be a great Bar President!!
April 1st, 2011 at 10:25 am
It’s absolutely true that a number of prominent local lawyers have endorsed Gwynne Young, who is, by all accounts, a perfectly credible candidate for Bar President. However, pointing out a few supporters for Young obscures the fact that Skip has overwhelming support from Broward Attorneys. I won’t even guess if it’s 90-10 for Skip locally, or only 70-30, but either way it’s clear that Skip is the overwhelming local favorite, as should be expected.
I agree with much of what has been written, and was actually bitten by the “Scarlet Letter” bill myself. (Skip has a good explanation for that). It’s important to note that “Please” is correct when (s)he says that the Courts are under attack from the Governor and the Legislature. We need someone that can talk to the legislators to try and rein in their wild attacks on the concept of three equal branches of government and Judicial independence. There is no hope in the house, because this is a priority of Speaker Cannon. If the Courts as we know them are to be preserved, it will be because of the Florida Senate.
There is simply no one better to speak to the Members of the Florida Senate then a well-respected, moderate, former Senator. Senator Campbell fits this description perfectly. He is the perfect combination of Bar Experience and Political Background that we need RIGHT NOW to keep Judicial independence. I voted for him for Bar President, and will do so again. In normal times, electing Campbell would be a good idea. In these unusual times, it’s really imperative.
Skip: Good Luck. We need you.
I agree with Steve Geller, who is a former state senator and lawyer.
The Republican leadership in the Legislature has made the judiciary and the court system one of its targets. Skip Campbell is uniquely positioned by his experience in the state Senate to defend the legal profession.
I also agree that Skip has the support of many Broward lawyers. The ones I mentioned were well-known lawyers involved with the Bar who are strangely enough supporting Campbell’s opponent.
I wish Skip all the best.