Shevrin Jones: Angelo Won’t Scare Me Out Of Race
Shevrin Jones of West Park says Pembroke Pines Commissioner Angelo Castillo’s reentry into the South Broward county commission race doesn’t worry him.
He says he is in the race to stay.
That’s a good thing, since Jones is one of the more interesting new faces in local politics.
The son of West Park Mayor Eric Jones, a pastor, Shevrin Jones is a community activist working with youths in South Broward. He has ties into the power structure of downtown Fort Lauderdale through his participation in Leadership Broward and the Urban League.
Jones teaches at Florida Atlantic University High School.
The district, being vacated by Diana Wasserman-Rubin, is heavily Democratic and heavily minority. Just under 50 percent of the likely voters in the Democratic primary are black.
But Jones has to contend with not just Castillo in the primary, but another black, too. Miramar City Commissioner Barbara Sharief is running and already has ads being broadcast on TV.
With Jones and Sharief running, it will split the black vote and allow Castillo to win, say many local political observers.
We’ll see. Regardless of the outcome, Jones is a voice that disserves to be heard.
Here is Jones’ news release on Castillo:
Shevrin D. Jones Campaign for Broward County Commissioner, District 8
Shevrin D. Jones | | 954-668-7812
P.O. Box 4315, Hollywood, FL 33083
Press Release
June 7, 2010
I had been expecting Angelo Castillo to re-enter the race for the District 8 County Commission seat. My campaign has not switched gears nor will I be dropping out of the race. I want to ensure the residents of District 8 and Broward County that they will have a voice in our county government. I will not be bullied into dropping out the race and I will not be bought, as some seem to think, judging by the number of calls I’ve received. I want to send a clear message: I will not give in.
The day has come for us to take a common sense approach to dealing with our government, including it resources. People’s lives are being affected by an exclusionary system of beliefs that says only the upper echelon should survive. Lack of care and due diligence is causing the people of Broward County more financial despair than ever before. Government services are being cut. Cities are contemplating raising taxes. Already, we’re seeing rate hikes in services like water usage and garbage disposal. Some cities are even discarding jobs, discarding people, like Pembroke Pines and the 200 jobs it will be getting rid of under the guise of “outsourcing. With the jobless rate already high in Broward County, we cannot afford to put more people out of work. We cannot afford to not be in the business of creating and/or sustaining our work force. Slashing jobs for the sake of saving a few dollars in the interim is nonsensical. We have to do better than just look at spreadsheets and budgets. We have to involve our people in the process – a transparent process that doesn’t involve meetings closed to the public. I will be dedicated to doing that. I will work hard for the people and, I will uphold the values and ethics that are required by the people for elected officials.
Now, more than ever, the District 8 County Commission seat needs someone with a new perspective. The residents need someone who is not considered part of the wave of corruption that we have been seeing. The residents need someone without ties to lobbyists and special interest groups. With me, the people will have more than just a person with a resume and political ambition; they will have a community servant with honor and integrity. They will have someone who will stand up and fight for their rights. They will have a say in how our government affects them. I will give the people a voice that they have not had in a long time on our county commission. When the people have their voice, we all win. Broward County is beckoning a new horizon. With the help of the people, we will see better days.
June 8th, 2010 at 8:27 pm
Shervin Jones, a voice that deserves to be heard? If his voice is as full of it as his press release we can expect nothing more than than what we’ve come to expect from all our typical Broward Pols. Great buzzwords, a bunch or rhetoric and no substance. Just another community activist trying to get his piece of the pie!
June 9th, 2010 at 12:59 am
the voices that deserve to be heard are the people living in his district, not his. learn to read, nbs. must be hard though when you lack education
June 9th, 2010 at 3:41 am
Jones has as much a right to be compete for this seat as anybody else. You have to respect that he is not being scared off or bullied by the Sharief people. That shows character. Whatever happens we may have an important new voice to contend with coming out of West Park. Shevrin Jones is no joke of a candidate and he just proved it.
June 9th, 2010 at 4:24 am
Judy Stern put Sharief in the race to split the black vote and pave the way for her darling Castillo. They have been seen meeting together and where do you think Sharief got the money to broadcast?
June 9th, 2010 at 4:52 am
I see some questionable statements in this release.
First, the Pines outsourcing plan. It does not eliminate jobs it attempts to save those jobs by keeping those workers employed. The union needs to reduce their costs so the city can afford to keep the workers on the city’s payroll and not outsource them.
Second, Castillo has no need to bully Jones. That much is clear and he is not known for making needless mistakes. I agree with the post above, only the Miramar candidate would have that incentive and it appears to be one that Jones will not allow her to overcome. That’s good because everyone is watching to see what Jones is truly made of.
Third, Jones should not suggest that his opponents are corrupt when that is clearly not the case. Mud slinging does not suit him. They are twice his age and live clean lives. His biggest challenge harder is to disprove that any 25 year old is capable of being a county commissioner. Attacks like that make his task even harder to achieve.
June 9th, 2010 at 4:52 am
BN: “With Jones and Sharief running, it will split the black vote and allow Castillo to win, say many local political observers.”
Allow Castillo to win?
Castillo doesn’t need to split the black vote; he will exceed 50 percent of the total vote by a healthy margin.
June 9th, 2010 at 5:31 am
Good for you, Shevrin! Good for you! Don’t worry about what is being said on these blogs! You have just a right to run for this seat, just like these other people. Whatever happens, you still win! Go Shevrin! Go!
June 9th, 2010 at 7:17 am
I agree Angelo will win with over 50%….
June 9th, 2010 at 7:30 am
Budget Workshop 2011
Judith Stern on behalf of Broward Houe… Ms. Stern explains all the good works that Broward House has done for the community and all the good work of their Director (name not mentioned). Broward House should have their budget doubled and the Director should be given a big raise.
Commissioner Castillo: I couldnt agree more.
The Vote
Geller(who Stern raises $ for) YES
LaMarca(who its reported Stern will raise $ for and give campaign advice too) YES
Rodstrom: (who campaign Judy will run wehn term limits is over turned and run Charlotte’s run for Mayor of FTL): YES
Lois Wexler (Judy sleeps at her house) YES
Angelo Castillo: Hold on let me call my lawyer….yes, he said ok, I vote YES. God Bless America and Broward House.
The only thing that changes are the names, but the game remains the same.
June 9th, 2010 at 9:34 am
Barbara Sharief self funds all of her campaign using money from her Medicad bill. She has to. No one in the business community supports her. She raises taxes on residents and business owners when she should be cutting costs.
June 9th, 2010 at 9:48 am
Barbara Sharief: “Let’s raise taxes even though we said we wouldn’t.”
Shevrin Jones: “What are taxes?”
June 9th, 2010 at 9:52 am
Who sends out a press release that has double negatives?
June 9th, 2010 at 10:07 am
Space Age Ape: Don’t let your anger cloud your thoughts. Buddy clearly said Jones’ voice was one which deserves to be heard and I think not. And so we are clear, it isn’t his district and it never will be. He’s not a player, he’s a play’ah. As far as education is concerned and who can read clearly and who can’t I strongly suggest you read Buddy’s post again. So long genious!
June 9th, 2010 at 2:44 pm
Time out for all the negativity. Keep the faith Shevrin. Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. Don’t be moved by the naysayers. Keep your focus . Run this race with dinity and integrity. You have many people praying for you. Since God is for you who can be against you? Keep running strong. With God’s help and the people who believe in you, we will win this race. Shevrin Jones, the next Broward County Commissioner for District 8. P.S. Your voice deserves to be heard and it is your district!
June 9th, 2010 at 3:45 pm
Time out for the negativity. Shevrin you are a blessing. You have been called for such a time as this. Don’t be moved by the naysayers. Keep your focus and run your race with dignity, honesty, and integrity. There are many people praying for you. You are proving to the world that you are a courageous young man. There are some who believe you can’t do it but God says, “you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.” We are all pulling for you, Black, White, Hispanic, rich or poor it doesn’t matter. The only votes that will be split are those narrow minded people who seek to keep us divided. Shevrin Jones, Broward County’s new kid on the block. LET’S GO ALL THE WAY, SHEVRIN.
June 9th, 2010 at 5:56 pm
This will be a wonderful learning experience for Shevrin. He’s young, ambitious, and with a lot of spunk. He dreams of walking up the ladder three rungs at a time. This is all wonderful. He, however, has little life experience and a small amount of experience in community affairs. Has he worked with budgets, laws, regulations, and the public at large? Does he have a proven record of such to back him up? If not, his best course of action is to start with small steps and then take on bigger ones in this world. No offense to him, but at 25, he’s still wet behind the ears.
June 10th, 2010 at 2:31 pm
Hmmm… I see a lot of posts against Jones. I’d have to imagine that they probably come from the opposition. If you all think age should be the determining factor for who gets to be commissioner then, you should ask your commissioners or legislators to change the law.
P.S. The only person wet behind the ears may be Shevrin’s opposition because they know he’s more than a newcomer, he’s someone who hasn’t been influenced by the lobbyist regime in Broward County. And, he’s likely not going to be.
We are sick & tired of hearing about our “crooked” politicians. We need more young people to run for county commission and to get engaged in other elected positions.
June 10th, 2010 at 8:26 pm
Frank Aboudit is a Barbara Sharief political operative assigned to spread whispers and lies in campaigns. It is a low class form of politics and a clear sign the company she keeps.
June 11th, 2010 at 10:30 am
Seasoned wisdom must be coupled with contempoary knowledge so that society doesn’t fall behind based upon what was known without benefitting from what is being learned. So to your criticism about Shevrin being wet behind the ears, I submit to you that Shevrin is representing a generation who has knowledge that can only be an asset to the wisdom of yesterday’s experience. Remember, David slew Goliath! Let,s bring the giants down, Shevrin.
June 11th, 2010 at 10:49 am
To Frank Aboudit:
So, run Shevrin’s resume by us so we can see his experience in all matters pertaining to being a marvelous commissioner. Let’s see all the things he’s done in the last 25 years.
June 11th, 2010 at 12:03 pm
Frank Aboudit:
Could you post Shevrin’s resume on here so we could see exactly what he has done in the last 25 years?
June 11th, 2010 at 1:05 pm
Based upon
shevrin’s age of accountability from the time he left college as a bio-chemist to this present time, Shevrin has done more than many twice his age. For more information on Shevrin go to his website and while you are at it support him instead of looking for reasons why he’s not qualified.
June 12th, 2010 at 6:29 am
Been there. Done that. The website is practically bare. So, ok, he’s done a handful of things as far as community activities goes and he’s engaged. That’s all marvelous. I happy for him, because that’s a great start on life. But what experience does he have to win the election? He doesn’t even have a Fl. teaching license, so what did he do at the schools? There are so many gaps and questions. That’s why I asked for a resume. Instead of you getting all defensive about the kid, why don’t you just prove he’s apt for the job? Wouldn’t that be easier?
June 12th, 2010 at 7:22 am
I have seen the candidates around town recently, Sherwin and Sharief have nice literature where I learned much about them. Angelo gives out nothing about himself. He must assumes everyone knows who he is and his background. How arrogant.
June 12th, 2010 at 2:08 pm
I’ve seen both Shevrin’s and Barbara’s websites and can honestly tell you neither says that they have experience at little, insignificant things like overseeing budgets, employing staff, being of service on numerous boards, working for long years in government, or being the recipient of awards. You know, the tiny things that prepare one for such a position. I’m not saying that I have my mind set on who to vote for. In fact, I’m just doing my homework. What I AM saying is that after all I’ve seen in this county, the candidate that desires my vote had better convince me that he or she is indeed the best. So go ahead…convince me!!! I’ve had it with being lied to. So far neither Shevrin nor Barbara have addressed my issue. Can anyone help, since there are people on this blog that only get offended because I’m reluctant at getting sold out right away?
June 14th, 2010 at 2:06 pm
lol what? i don’t really care for politics but i love picking apart the morons that defend their candidates. props to my friend for showing me this blog.
you cannot teach without a teaching license. shows how knowledgeable you are. sounds to me like you’re doing your homework now later in life to make up for all of the homework you skipped out on during grade school. here’s a good idea, and please take it to heart, nottinamazesme: go back to school. learn critical thinking skills, and stop watching glenn beck. lmao
June 14th, 2010 at 2:16 pm
mr. notiinamazes me, why not come and meet Shevrin and talk to him face to face. I am quite sure your conjectures and doubts about him will be different. If you need convincing please come and talk to Shevrin. If you have done your homework as stated in your blog, you also know where to find him. As a footnote, he can also show you, personally, his teaching license. Stop being so negative . He’s not some thief or robber. He is an intelligent young man who wants to make a difference in this generation. What do you have to offer except the same old put downs. Once again thank God for a young who has the intelligence and the qualifications to work with and for the people of Broward County. I think we all are tired of being lied to. So let’s vote for this young man who brings no political baggage with him. May God bless you is my prayer.
June 15th, 2010 at 10:46 am
Angelo is on the record here on Buddy’s blog being opposed to the restrictions of the Sunshine Law. He used excellent grammar and very nice words. He made it clear to me that openness makes it hard for politicians to get things done. I think the last thing we need is another politician making secret deals. Even worse is one who is out in the open about it. The political culture around here is so ingrained in corrupt practices that they talk openly about the restrictions on their business dealings that the law imposes on them. That alone is reason enough to vote against him. My suggestion is to vote for the least connected person as that individual is least likely to be in bed with the lobbyist elements that dominate our local politics. These are desperate times. I say vote for the kid, the existing power structure needs to be run out of office.
June 16th, 2010 at 10:10 am
I will go and listen to Shevrin again and see if he has spruced up his message…as well as his website. Thanks for your prayer.
spaceaged ape:
What kind of complex do you have? It’s apparent that you get a kick out of telling people they have little knowledge about things. Perhaps it’s time to have a chat with your mirror. Oh, and by the way, neither Giada nor Glenn Beck have anything to do with Shevrin, Barbara, you, or me.
June 17th, 2010 at 10:55 am
Nottinamazesme is Angelo Castillo. He ithe only one who spends ALL DAY worried about what people have to say with his DRY ASS message! Get a life, jerk!
June 19th, 2010 at 6:50 pm
Pembroke Pines Resident:
You’re not even warm, pal. I think YOU are the one who needs to get a life, moron! You need serious, intensive and extensive therapy to see if you can begin getting over your pathetic issues.
Have a nice Father’s Day!
June 20th, 2010 at 12:33 pm
Pembroke Pines Resident:
WRONG!!!!! You’re not even warm, moron! You need to get yourself both intensive and extensive theraphy to see if you can begin to get over all the serious issues you’ve got. Oh, and by the way, get yourself a new crystal ball. Happy Father’s Day azzwhole!
June 21st, 2010 at 7:54 am
Who is this ‘nottinamazesme’ just another person who ‘hates’ using personal attacks and cuss words? We all need to consider his matter, (s)he seems uneducated with his prose, he does write like Mr. Castillo speaks, ummm…
June 22nd, 2010 at 6:57 am
Enddoc you are so right! Just like Mr. Castillo, he answers on EVERY damn blog! If it’s not you Angelo, what are you getting mad for?!?! You and your wife are dumb as hell! Go campaign and stop worrying about what people say! JERK! HA!
June 22nd, 2010 at 9:58 am
To All To Whom It May Concern:
For the last time, I am NOT Angelo!
Never was. Never will be. And I am not his wife either! That’s one reason you say I don’t sound like him. Besides, I don’t think he’d need to get an alias to express himself here. Furthermore, I am not “mad”. I simply respond to you clearly while dotting every i and crossing every t. You guys need to get a life so badly! You sound like pre-pubescent fourth graders.
For your peace of mind, I am simply an extremely concerned citizen. Educated or highly illiterate is not your concern at the moment. What is important is that you are the ones who seem to have to reply to everything, yet you don’t see me accussing you of being Shevrin. See the big difference between us? For your background information, I’ve been honest, hardworking, conscientious, responsible, caring, and bright enough to be self-employed my entire life and, thank God, pretty much well off even in these dire times. Oh, and by the way, I don’t go around offending people just for fun, or trying to belittle them so I can begin to feel superior, unlike you. However, by the same token, I do not go around letting myself be someone’s carpet either. I do return what is given to me hundredfold. So, stop insisting that I am who I’m not. Become an adult who can dish it out and take it, and get a life while you’re at it!
(This is all because I had enough chutzpah to ask for Shevrin’s resume, something he nor anyone has made public yet, isn’t it?)
Thank God your opinions aren’t the ones that count!!!