Sen. Eleanor Sobel On Running For Mayor: Maybe





State Sen. Eleanor Sobel, D-Hollywood, has answered the statewide speculation that she will run for Hollywood mayor with a great, big “maybe.”

In a news release today, Sobel she will “forestalling any decision until after the legislative session is completed in March” 2016.



Sen. Eleanor Sobel:  No Decision Until Next Spring



Sobel is term limited in 2016 after eight years in the Florida Senate.  She, who earlier served in the House and on the Hollywood City Commission, is arguably the most popular politician in Hollywood.

Talk about Sobel running for mayor next year were prompted last week by the current Mayor Peter Bober’s decision not to run for re-election, first disclosed in the media on

Below is Sobel’s news release.  Here is a link to a statewide blog on politics on Sobel. Here is a link to my earlier post on Sobel.





Senator Eleanor Sobel Answers Questions About Hollywood Mayor Post
Says Current Legislative Duties to Take Precedence

For Immediate Release
September 1, 2015

Hollywood, FL – Today, Sen. Eleanor Sobel (D) issued the following statement regarding the news that the post for Mayor of Hollywood will be open in 2016:

I have been receiving a number of inquiries about this seat. Given my love for Hollywood, my years of service to this community and the fact that I am term-limited from the State Senate, I certainly understand the inquiries.

However, given my work as a Chair of a vital Senate committee and the critical nature of the upcoming special session, I am forestalling any decision until after the legislative session is completed in March.


8 Responses to “Sen. Eleanor Sobel On Running For Mayor: Maybe”

  1. Talks like a politician says:

    It seems Sobel is very very important! “Chair of a vital Senate committee”. Yet she had time to call a special meeting in Hollywood to discuss the southbound ramp exiting Fort Lauderdale Hollywood International Airport months after the plans had been drawn and the ramp had been built. That was a complete waste of time and showed her ignorance in current events in her district.

    Enjoy retirement, Eleanor.

  2. Hey Moe says:

    I don’t think Sen. Sobel means forestalling. I think she means postponing.
    In any event, my view is that she’d be a poor choice for mayor of a dynamic, fast-changing city. She’s simply run out of energy and fresh ideas.

  3. Just Saying says:

    The ultimate sign that Sobel is a total joke: she’s the only Democrat that the Senate Republicans let be a committee chair, because they know she is a harmless, mental lightweight, gadfly joke. If she actually had an IQ over 100, they would never have made her a committee chair. Painful to hear, but it is true.


    Wrong. Senate Government Oversight and Accountability Committee is chaired by Sen. Jeremy Ring, D-Margate.

  4. Just Saying says:

    Ring is a guy who gets rewarded by the Republcans for carrying water by putting his name as a cosponsor each year on their legislation to gut state pensions.


    I was only correcting your statement that Eleanor Sobel was the only Democrat with a committee chair position.

  5. Knows for Sure says:

    Living in Hollywood for 40+ years, I can tell you from first hand experience that Eleanor Sobel is as dumb as a rock.

    She is lucky to have not been indicted as a co-conspirator in the Alan Mendelsohn / FMA case when she was a major beneficiary of Mendelsohn’s soft money PAC.

    This is just another lifelong “public servant” looking for a new feed trough.

    Just go away Eleanor, go away. We don’t want you in Hollywood.

  6. Count LF Chodkiewicz Chudzikiewicz says:

    Eleanor Sobel, Joe and Steve Geller, Nan Rich all elected or about to be elected time after time with no young, new, energetic opposition. Sort of tells you where my fellow Liberal Jewish Democrats in South Florida are – IN YESTERDAY!

  7. Talks like a politician says:

    @ # 6

    They mirror the Democratic liberal candidates for POTUS: Sanders, Clinton, and maybe wannabe Biden. YESTERDAY!

    Good observation, Count.

  8. Count LF Chodkiewicz Chudzikiewicz says:

    In 2018 Fort Lauderdale will elect two new Commissioners to open seats. Anyone want to bet NO private sector young energetic well-educated candidates will run, just old farts n wackos? Its a sure bet!