School Board Struggles To Fund Re-Elections
Doesn’t anybody like the Broward School Board?
Apparently few folks who give to political campaigns since School Board members are not raising much cash for their re-elections.
One shocking result in the latest campaign financial reports through September 30:
Challenger Felicia Brunson out raised member Ann Murray by $12,233 to $3,585!
During her re-election four years ago, Murray had raised $12,613 by this time – three and a half times more.
Other members are not exactly knocking them dead, although they are unopposed as yet:
- Member Nora Rupert raised $8,125. Rupert picked up $10,760 in her first quarter in 2010.
- Member Laurie Rich Levenson raised $7,000.
- Member Donna Korn has raised nothing so far.
One reason for the lagging donations is the lack of new construction in the school system. Many big donors have come from the construction industry and its allies in the past. With no money for new construction, the businesses don’t have a reason to give.
I expect Board members to start filling their campaign coffers soon by reminding the construction industry pooh-bahs that a $1 billion school bond issue is on the horizon.
October 14th, 2013 at 5:52 pm
Elect Andrew Luciani and end all the on going, decades long nonsense
October 14th, 2013 at 6:50 pm
The incumbent School Board members can raise all the money they want. Not one will ever receive my vote. Nor will I vote for any proposed bond issue. It is unfortunate that Broward has not returned to the election of all at-large Board member seats instead of the current two at-large seats and seven district seats. It would be a pleasure to vote for just about ANYBODY else and defeat all nine current members.
October 14th, 2013 at 9:29 pm
I have watched these 9 with some hope for something better. It is not happening. No original ideas have come forth… they just all seem to smile at the Supt. (Mr Business/Non Educator)and do whatever he wants. A weird love group love affair for sure.
Something bold and futuristic needs to happen. Since no minds on this Board think that way, I would suggest just watching Dade Schools and the Super Superintendent, Mr. Carvalho, and just do what they are doing. It is working.. Broward is not.
Students leaving in droves for Charters, buildings falling apart, technology is half assed, economic discrimnation is rampant, and the powers that be have sucked the energy, motivation and heart out of the teachers. It is a disaster.
So, NO, not one campaign dollar for any of this lot. And it will be a waste of good money even holding a bond election. A vote of confidence for Congress might get more favorable votes!
October 14th, 2013 at 11:24 pm
Isn’t Abby Freedman up for election too? Why hasn’t she filed? Maybe the princess is having second thoughts about wanting this crown?
Also, Rupert, Korn and Levinson don’t have opponents. Walking in unopposed – priceless
October 15th, 2013 at 6:36 pm
They all need to run COUNTY-WIDE, so people have the chance to consider who is honest and who isn’t!
October 15th, 2013 at 6:48 pm
Please do not include Nora Rupert with the other 8 board members. She is the ONLY board member that has actually done a lot for the teachers. She is not a Runcie fan and she is in tune with the students. As far as Mrs. Murray goes… Oh hopefully she will go… To N heaven ….
October 16th, 2013 at 7:31 am
Donna Korn was just re-elected last year. Abby Freedman was elected last year also. Didn’t check on the others. What are we talking about?
Why would those not facing an election next year need to raise a dime right now?
Donna Korn was appointed in 2011 to replace a member who quit after a few months in office. As an appointee, she had to run again at the first general election, 2012. Korn must run again in 2014 for another four years.
Freedman current term runs through 2016, according to the Supervisor’s of Election website. However, this is in dispute since she took the same seat Korn was appointed to, thus may have to run in 2014.
Here is what the Supervisor’s site states:
Abby Merle Freedman
600 SE 3 Avenue
14th Floor
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
Phone: (754) 321-2004
Term Length: 4 years
Next Election: 11/08/2016
View candidate finance reports submitted by this official.
Update: Based on a complaint from editor/publisher Sharon Baron, the supervisor changed her site late today after this was posted.
October 16th, 2013 at 3:17 pm
I thought Korn beat Sands for a four year at-large seat in 2012.
October 16th, 2013 at 7:13 pm
Korn is a declared candidate for re-election in 2014:
So Buddy is correct
October 19th, 2013 at 7:31 pm
Countywide elections didn’t give us what we needed, so we thought district elections would at least allow candidates who weren’t part of the clique to run.
The board needs to set policy and get out of the way of the Sup’t. Most of them have.
I think the Sup’t. just put the right person as his Special Ass’t. We just need to make sure no one undercuts MM. There’s more to be done and I’m pushing for it to happen.
Next time pay more attention to the last part of the ballot and who’s running.
October 20th, 2013 at 6:40 pm
I still favor an elected Superintendent and an appointed school board.
Kids and schools in our community would fair much better that way.
You are not alone. The Statewide Grand Jury recommended that the Superintendent by elected and the School Board be cut to five members. The report also recommended that the School Board fall under the Inspector General, something the Board has refused to do and actually killed a bill mandating it in Tallahassee.