Rudeness Sinks City Manager’s Contract Extension
City Manager David Rivera is up the creek in Coconut Creek.
Rivera this week was accused of being abusive to two city commissioners, who shot down an attempt to extend his contract.
Among Commissioners Lisa Aronson and Becky Tooley’s reasons for rejecting a new contract: They complain Rivera had disrespected them. In fact, they say he berated them.
And Aronson and Tooley are two of his five bosses!
The two commissioners refused to go along with Commissioner Lou Sarbone, who wanted to hand Rivera the longer contract more than a year before the old one expires.
“I felt he has been very arrogant, rude and disrespectful,” Aronson explained.
Not only to commissioners.
‘I’ve been hearing this more and more from residents,” Aronson said.
Sarbone refused to tell why he wanted to extend Rivera’s contract, which doesn’t expire until 2014.
I can guess.
Rivera has three supporters on the commission and one is quitting in March – Marilyn Gerber.
Aronson had this view: “I think the new commissioner who is being elected should get a chance to evaluate Mr. Rivera and then vote on this.”
Good idea. What’s the rush, especially since many observers believe the city is now being mismanaged?
Coconut Creek is a mid-income town that has been hurt in the economic downturn. But in Rivera’s city hall, the salaries for his favorites have not been just gold-plated salaries, but solid gold.
How does more than $100,000-a-year for Rivera’s secretary grab you, taxpayers?
You know that stink from the landfill that waifs over Coconut Creek?
At the same time county pollution agents were receiving more than three dozen complaints about the smell, Rivera was privately negotiating with the owners of the landfill, Waste Management, for a new disposal contract with the city.
Does that make you hold your nose, taxpayers?
None of this apparently troubles Sarbone.
But from what I hear, Rivera shouldn’t be given an extension. He should be shown the door.
And his pet flunky Lou Sarborne should follow him out.
November 9th, 2012 at 6:45 pm
He can’t leave until some of the Lamberti flunkies are hired. How is the Asst Police Chief job coming along?
November 10th, 2012 at 8:22 am
Pleas Visit and Like my Facebook Page:
Stop the Expansion of Monarch Hill Landfill
November 10th, 2012 at 8:32 am
Rivera wants to give a city contract to the owners of the landfill! That alone should get him fired. Those city commissioners and Rivera should come over to my house, where sometimes it is impossible to sit outside without gagging.
November 10th, 2012 at 8:32 am
Lou Sarbone has bragged that the city commission has been very good to him. What does that mean?
November 10th, 2012 at 8:56 am
Never in my wildest imagination did I think that moving next door to the biggest landfill in the state, that it would stink. There ought to be a law! I mean, why didn’t they tell me that garbage stinks? They lured me into moving here with pretty vistas of butterflies flitting across the hill and the nightime lit up with glowing natural gas flames. If someone had only told me that garbage stinks and had not kept this little known fact under wraps, I never would have moved here.
November 10th, 2012 at 10:06 am
Sarbone is riveras tool
Rivera is in bed with waste management
Lets get them out of city hall
November 10th, 2012 at 10:26 am
Riveras secretary’s salary is outrageous. Her salary could put two cops on the road. Every resident should be up in arms about administrations salaries in coconut creek.
November 10th, 2012 at 10:39 am
Coconut Creek commissioners are resonsible for allowing David Rivera to run the city without oversight. Vote them out until we can open our windows!!!!
November 10th, 2012 at 10:42 am
I thought Charlie dodge was over paid but Pembroke Pines has 154,000 residents compared to coconut creeks 26,000 residents and Rivera makes as much as dodge. Seeing is rotten in creek
November 10th, 2012 at 11:24 am
Need a good laugh?
Then visit
November 10th, 2012 at 2:47 pm
I don’t know much about the particulars in Cocunut Creek. However this City Manager be careful. Don’t be fooled by your staff ,supporters etc, telling you screw these two. The magic number is three(3). Ifin fact this is a five(5) memebr commission -like in Ft.Lau. In other words treat them all th e same. Look @ the trouble these two(2) have caused you. Kill them w/ kindness. From expierence in seeing somewhat the same thing in Ft.lau a few yrs. ago I would tell this City Mananger start over. Apoligize to these two commissioners and pray they accept your apology. Trust me even if you have the majority , th e other two willpress the issue to get rid of you until they do. Good luck…
November 10th, 2012 at 2:58 pm
One of Rivera’s failures has been the police department. Its a mess and commissioners are ignoring it.
November 10th, 2012 at 3:29 pm
At Creek commission meeting Thursday, Ali Waldman and the great “Alligator” Ron Bergeron called on the commission to do their jobs. I agree. Don’t rubber stamp every Dave Rivera’s multi-million expenditures.
So much drama unfolding in Coconut Creek. Cannot wait for the March elections. Three commissioners seats up for grabs. Dave Rivera’s 200k+ job is on the line. Five candidates running for Gerber’s seat.
Pure entertainment for all of Broward’s political junkies out there.
November 10th, 2012 at 7:59 pm
And only 2 residents have the courage to speak up. We need to make sure Gerber’s protege isn’t elected so we will have the 3 votes we need to finally get rid of Rivera. Maybe without Gerber Mikkie Belvedere will grow a brain and find courage to stand on her own. Sarbone checked out of the city commission ages ago so he will just do whatever Rivera says since they’re both corrupt.
November 10th, 2012 at 10:51 pm
I don’t understand… this is what the people of Coconut Creek voted for every year. Kind of late for buyers remorse, No? I always thought the good people of Coconut Creek like the smell of Mount Trashmore.
November 11th, 2012 at 6:49 pm
Thumbs up to Commissioner Aronson and Commisiioner Tooley for putting the City Manager in his place. DO NOT extend his contract of give him a pay raise. Show him the door.
Shame on Sarbone, Belvedeere, Gerber for allowing this to go on.
All 3 of you lost my vote!!!
November 11th, 2012 at 9:25 pm
You can tell something about the quality of the comments here from the “fact” put forth by sw neighbor. Coconut Creek has about 54,000 residents, not 26,000.
November 11th, 2012 at 10:56 pm
Who is Gerber’s protege?
I’m curious..
November 12th, 2012 at 11:39 am
First I would like to say a Big Thank You to Honorable commissioners Aronson and Tooley. That being said, David Rivera needs to be fired immeditately. He is disrespectful to the commisioners and the citizens. Not to mention all of his dirty, underhanded, and possibly illegal actions. Which I think some of which will be revealed in the very near future, stayed tuned,(I hope the upcoming new and improved commission remembers this when considering his replacement). Now to commissioner Gerber, all I can say without being ugly, is you cannot retire fast enough, you are and have been out to lunch for years on so many matters, I wouldn’t know where to begin. So long.
Also, Miss Belevedere, you finally showed your true colors, and now we all know who you are and what you are. You better hope you get that Wynmoore vote, and that word doesn’t get out how you are just another political whore for Mr. Rivera.
Now saving the best for last, Mr. Sarbone, if you actually think that you are going to be instrumental in getting Mr. Riveras contract extended by making promises that you can’t keep, think again. The other commissioners are on to you, the city employees are on to you, and the residents of this city are on you. It is a crying shame that you ran in your district without an opponent in the past. If it weren’t for you being such a big cheerleader of Mr. Rivera this beautiful city wouldn’t be in the mess it is now. You suck. You must go. By the way when are you going to comply with state law and release your salary from your job with J & M or do you think Dave Rivera is going to concoct a way so you don’t have to? Not going to happen. If you think Mr. City Manager is going to fall on a sword for you, then you are dumber than we thought. (And I have always thought you are pretty dumb by the way, just my opinion). In closing, the city of Coconut Creek and it’s hard working citizens need to draw a line in the sand and say no more. No more waste of our tax dollars for outrageous salaries. No more lies. No more inept politicians. Just say NO!!!!!!!
November 12th, 2012 at 12:31 pm
This article, if anything was an understatement of deplorable behavior of Dave Rivera. Having attended several meetings and workshops of the commission, I have witnessed Mr. Rivera’s inappropriate and unprofessional behavior. He has yelled at city commission members, HIS BOSSES!, in the lobby after public meetings, has repeatedly and disrespectfully leaned back, folded his arms and rolled his eyes when certain commissioners were speakin. Last spring, at a rare “town hall” meeting, which he attempted to convert to a no-questions dog-and-pony show, he tried to outshout a citizen to cut off embarrassing questions and comments.
Another citizen, when he requested information and documents available under freedom of information, was told by an employee he was not permitted to any information without prior approval of the Rivera.
More recently, he negotiated a contract with the local refuse service without notifying the city commission. Instead, he walked into their meeting with a reed-lined contract draft already prepared.
The list, of Rivera’s unprofessional behaviors could go on ad infinitum. Rivera’s contract should not be extended and he should not get another raise on his already-outrageous salary of approximately $320,000. He should be fired for cause. I must say, however, the commissions must bear some responsibility for Rivera and his behavior. With the excedption of 2 commissioners, the other commissioners seem to see themselves as rubber stamps and cheerleaders for Rivera. Fortunately Marilyn Gerber will soon be gone. Sarbone and Belvedere should voted out. And Gerber’s protege – and clone – Bruce Augello must not be elected.
November 13th, 2012 at 9:17 am
Rivera is an arrogant, know it all, don’t question me Bully. Glad to see Becky Tooley FINALLY gets it. Lisa ARonson has always understood this guy is a jerk.
He needs to be shown the door, period. And that’s the bottom line because Stone Cold says so!
November 13th, 2012 at 10:16 am
Floridian, I stand corrected.
The population of Coconut creek based on the 2010 census is 52,909
And my math was incorrect. Rivera makes more than Charlie Dodge and I venture to say, Charlie Dodge has many more difficult issues to deal with than does Rivera
Bottom line is Rivera’s pay is way higher than it should be
November 13th, 2012 at 10:19 am
Since becoming manager, Dave Rivera has driven the morale in the city down. Everyone is afraid that they will get fired and are all walking on eggshells. the only one that has nothing to fear is Paul Stuart who is Rivera’s protector. they both should be shown the door- it is way over due
November 13th, 2012 at 12:08 pm
The police department needs investigation.
November 13th, 2012 at 1:24 pm
I bet Floridan is an elected official
November 14th, 2012 at 9:56 am
express your concerns to the county now at or phone them in at 954-519-1472
NOW IS THE TIME- Waste Mnagement is under a Notice of Violation
they are trying to settle the Notice of Violation so the county will approve an application for EXPANSION OF THE LANDFILL
November 14th, 2012 at 6:33 pm
PD must unite. We were sold/promised a bill of goods THAT WAS NOT DELIVERED. Do the right thing. Tooley and Aronson have been on PD’s side. SARBONE and RIVERA need to go. No more games. Protect your future. Protect your Brothers and Sisters so we can confidently protect citizens that we are paid to help.
November 15th, 2012 at 2:36 pm
WTH, Comm. Gerber is endorsing Bruce Augello in the upcoming election? She really must be losing it to endorse him. He recently switched from Republican to Democrat in early January. Maybe it’s to avoid a repeat of 1995 when he lost his bid as commissioner with the Republican label on. Don’t worry, the Wynmoor crowd is old and might have forgotten. (NOT!!!)
You’ll lose everyone’s vote when all of your court disposition drama is made public. Bruce Augello = L-O-S-E-R!!!!!
November 16th, 2012 at 12:54 am
Where might interested persons find information on Bruce’s court disposition drama?
November 16th, 2012 at 12:34 pm
Click public record search at the Broward Clerk of Courts website. You’ll have to pay to view the papers, but its worth it!
November 18th, 2012 at 3:43 pm
It has been reported that the Creek police chief plans on sending one of the police detectives to the police union office (PBA) to work full-time while being paid by the city. This is absolutely astonishing. To make matters worse, the police detective I’m referring to is also getting paid by the police union at the same time. How can Mr. Rivera and the commissioners allow this?
November 18th, 2012 at 8:08 pm
Wait a minute here, Shocking. Let me see if I have this straight:
The police chief plans to reassign a cop to work among the cops at the PBA office? The cop will be working for both the police chief and the PBA? If I am hearing correctly, I have a few questions:
1. How is this not a conflict of interest, both for the cop involved and the chief? How is this not illegal?
2. What will be the duties the cop is to perform for the chief? For the PBA?
3. When the time comes that the cop’s duty to the chief comes in conflict with his allegiance to the PBA, to whom is his first responsibility? Right!: The chief, of course! Where will that leave the PBA? …. Or is that the plan?
4. Since when is it legal for a city employee to draw pay for the same hours of work from both the city and another employer? It seems we need to ask the Broward County Inspector General and the State Commission on Ethics to look into this.
PS: Isn’t this practice referred to as infiltration, and the reassigned cop called a mole?
PPS: Does the cop involved happen to be a pal or protégé from the chief’s past?
Wake up, Coconut Creekers! Get involved. Find out what is happening in your city before it is too late.