Rick Scott Meeting With Local Lawmakers


Governor-elect Rick Scott will bring along his legal pad and pen.

He says he is coming to Fort Lauderdale to listen.

Broward County’s Legislative Delegation will bring themselves.

On a tour of the state to meet members of the Legislature, Scott rolls into Fort Lauderdale Tuesday for scheduled meetings with local lawmakers.

The subjects are expected to be jobs, the economy, economic development and did I say, jobs.

Not only is this Tallahassee outsider a cipher to much of the Legislature, but many of them opposed his election. That includes most Republicans, who initially backed Bill McCollum in the GOP primary.

Scott’s move is a brilliant way to introduced himself.  He knows his success depends on the good will of the Legislature.

By reaching out to legislators on their own turf, Scott is flattering them and offering the promise of future cooperation.  Even hardened politicians are wowed when they are romanced by a governor.

I hope Scott’s cooperation tour is more than just a PR gimmick.  Even if it is just a glorified photo op, it’s a savvy one.

6 Responses to “Rick Scott Meeting With Local Lawmakers”

  1. Losers says:

    One loser meeting two dozen losers. Our state is doomed.

  2. Geoffrey Jarmain says:

    Florida needed a governor that wasn’t a typical politician. Rick Scott has the potential to become the greatest governor this state has ever seen. I think he can do some great things.

  3. Git R Done says:

    This will be interesting to see what comes out of this. Wonder how they will respond to what he say’s and how he will go about doing good for the County. Time will tell, hope it comes off a good meeting.

  4. Broward Lawyer says:

    Rick Scott is going to f–k over everyone in Broward County. It’s all a ploy.

  5. The Immigrant says:

    Once January and February comes around, it’d be interesting to see if he brings up the Arizona law again. Then we will see if he “has the potential to become the greatest governor this state has ever seen.”
    Please, let’s be real. He didn’t spend 60 plus million dollars of his own money to become a “political outsider.”

  6. Broward Attorney says:

    Rick Scott’s staff already looks like a who’s who of insiders.
    It goes to show $73 million will buy a governorship in Florida.