Pols Rush To Give Back Rothstein $$$
Just last week, politicians mobbed lawyer Scott Rothstein.
They laughed at his jokes. They told him his insights were inspiring. They slapped him on the back and pumped his hand.
As long as Rothstein kept the money flowing, he was their BFF –Best Friend Forever. Because the politicians always wanted money, money and more money.
Forever ended last weekend. Today, Rothstein is toxic.
Politicians are running from Rothstein as if he had the Swine Flu. They’re falling over themselves to give back his campaign contributions.
Oh, How The Mighty Have Fallen!
Rothstein went down for the count Monday, amid allegations that he ran a massive Ponzi scheme.
But he was a political player until almost the end.
Just a week ago, Rothstein, his wife Kim and firm partner Grant Smith were at a Miami Beach Democratic fund raiser featuring House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Hours later Rothstein had his picture taken with President Barack Obama.
The cost: Up to $15,000-per-person.
I can imagine the scramble today among Democrats trying to bury that snap shot.
A picture with the president was just another political trophy for Rothstein, who bought his way into politics in the last four years.
In the current recession, Rothstein was unusual. His fund raising never stopped and actually got more ambitious as the state’s economy worsened.
Glittery receptions at his plush waterfront compound in east Fort Lauderdale became a regular stop on the national political circuit.
The flashy Fort Lauderdale lawyer gave around $500,000 to the Florida Republican Party alone in the 2006, 2008 and 2010 election cycles.
His influence stretched from the top of the ballot to the bottom.
McCain-Palin Victory 2008 got $107,500. County Commissioner Ken Keechl 2010 unopposed re-election has received at least $6,500.
A major beneficiary has been Gov. Charlie Crist, who Rothstein counted as a close friend.
Gov. Charlie Crist’s Senate campaign got $4,800 in June alone.
Lately, Rothstein had been leaning towards the Democrats in the race to replace Crist, while backing the governor in his battle for U. S. Senate.
A Rothstein fund raiser earlier this year for gubernatorial candidate Alex Sink raised $200,000 for Florida’s Democratic Party. The money was “earmarked for the Sink’s campaign, said Rothstein.
Rothstein promised me he would raise tens of thousands more for Sink before next November’s election.
While Sink’s campaign fund raising will be hurt by Rothstein’s fall, her Republican opponent Bill McCollum has to be thrilled.
“You can almost see Bill McCollum dancing an Irish jig, said one caller.
For the parties and candidates, the Rothstein’s demise is bad times two.
First, Rothstein won’t be raising any more money. This will hurt candidates. Rothstein was one of the rare Broward big, big, big political donors left in the recession.
Second, candidates and parties that already received money will be giving it back to in an attempt to avoid attack ads aimed at them next year.
The money will probably be given the newly-appointed receiver for the firm or someone else a court designates.
State Rep. Ellyn Bogdanoff, who is running for State senate, said she would return $37,000 Rothstein gave her and her political committee.
County Commissioner Sue Gunzburger also is giving back money. Her campaign e-mailed the media this afternoon:
“Sue Gunzburger announced Monday she will return all campaign contributions she received from Scott Rothstein and all of Rothstein’s investment companies (WAWW Inc, BOSM Holdings Inc, etc). Her campaign will contact the court-appointed receiver to ensure she returns the money in a way which best protects it for Rothstein’s victims.
Her opponent Steve Geller’s political committee Floridians For A Stronger Tomorrow received $50,000 from Rothstein. He will probably be giving back the money, too, said a campaign source.
It’s a clever move by Gunzburger.
She loses less than $10,000 her campaign hasn’t figured the exact amount yet. Geller has to give back $50,000.
November 2nd, 2009 at 4:14 pm
Holy crap! Stop the presses…
Did we just go TMZ on everyone by snagging a picture of Scott Rothstein in Morocco?
From the looks of the picture, he’s been there only a day and already busted for “esclavage sexuel“…
– Chaz Stevens
November 2nd, 2009 at 6:44 pm
What’s my prize if I know the location of Scott Rothstein? Do I get to take home the cheerleader? Or is she working tonight at Blue Martini?
Are you saying to yourself… Come on Chaz. The entire county is looking for him. How do you know where he is?
How do I know? I am a Certified Genius. Are you?
Didn’t think so. If you are nice to me, I just might let you in on a little secret.
What’s the magic word and no, “fuck off” isn’t it.
Say pretty please.
There you go. That wasn’t too bad was it?
Chaz Stevens
November 2nd, 2009 at 7:02 pm
Scott has been in round the clock talks with Shak Dhanji in the suburbs of Bombay, India. The newly minted firm of Dhanji and Rothstein opened for business today with their first client, an American telemarketing firm.
November 2nd, 2009 at 7:57 pm
We were told today at a company meeting that the firm wouldn’t paid our health insurance or unemployment. Just think, people. No insurance or unemployment or anything over the weekend. Those of us who worked there have nothing.
November 2nd, 2009 at 8:03 pm
Rothstein’s firm was a wonderful dream. A lot of my colleagues at RRA believed Scott’s BS that they were worth more than they were. It is a dream that had to end.
November 3rd, 2009 at 6:48 am
no one at Scott’s firm did not seem to mind when he stiffed people on bills he owed. So guess what who cares about you and your firm going down. next life pay your bills to hard working honest people and maybe you will have better luck!
November 3rd, 2009 at 8:47 am
I know one campaign that does not have to return any money. The Freda Stevens Campaign for State House 91. I bet Freda Stevens is REALLY HAPPY that Barry Harris and Evan Jenne were lying when they promised her money from RRA!!!!
Note to Evan Jenne and Barry Harris: your deception backfired and blew up in your face.
I bet dumbbell Barbra Stern aka BS is rethinking her fundraising strategy!! Note to BS: try asking regular people for a contribution.
Hey Ron Saunders aka George Bush or hanging chad incoming minority leader (Translation-you cheated your way to the House Leadership)-Do you still think the first person to the $50K line wins?
NOTE TO POLITICIANS: Money does not always win.
November 3rd, 2009 at 10:23 am
Freeda, you are right that money does not always win races, but sitting on a blog doesn’t win either. I will bet anybody on this blog that you don’t get within 15 points of barbara stern. Buddy can hold the money for whoever takes me up on this bet.
November 3rd, 2009 at 10:50 am
Mobbed (Mob) being the operative word here.
November 3rd, 2009 at 1:16 pm
hey Blue Man scoop:
blue man aka barbra stern aka dumbbell..
The polls already show Freda Stevens whippin’ yo arse by over 80%. Oh and your lit’l woudal’ plan to raise the abortion issue-ha ha won’t work. Over 65% of the voters do not give a damn if the candidate is prolife or prochoice. But wait for it wait for it.. 90% care if the candidate is connected to lobbyists and political corruption! Otherwords, beotch (barbra stern) you already lost the race. smoochies
November 3rd, 2009 at 2:40 pm
Remember your last race when the other candidate’s namesake was sitting in Jail? How did that “90% rule” work out for you that time?
November 3rd, 2009 at 3:56 pm
Blue Man scoop-
For a fact, the only candidae who did a poll in the last race was Jenne. The poll showed him winning. He won. The poll was right last year.
This year two polls were conducted in the house 91 race. Both dem candidates correction one dem-Freda Stevens and one DINO Barbra Stern conducted polls.
Each poll shows Candidate Freda Stevens whippin you arse like its your birthday!
But then again you like spankings don’t you barbie?! You should really enjoy this one, huh? Gotta go….
November 3rd, 2009 at 4:04 pm
Another point-hate to admit it but boy Jenne had a voting record in the house…You don’t!
ha ha ha
Now you have to change your whole game plan-no more dirty money or riding off politics as usual.
The voters are actually paying attention this time.
still bundling contributions? 🙂
July 25th, 2011 at 12:21 pm
Crazy Pelosi has had to become one of the the majority of liberal political figures throughout the actual state. It’s onerous for myself in order to believe exactly how folk can reelect her in their correct brain.