Pols Get Strip Club Money
Jose Rodriguez, who made his money from pole dancing, is now funneling some of those dollars to pols.
Jose Rodriguez
Rodriguez, who owns the Cheetah Strip Clubs, is all over the Hallandale Beach city elections.
He, his associates and companies have given former Commissioner Keith London’s campaign $8,000 in one day in May. London was a supporter of allowing the Cheetah in Hallandale Beach to reopen after the city shut it down for alleged prostitution and drug violations.
Incumbent Anthony Sauders also got some Rodriguez’s money — $5,000. He also has backed the Cheetah.
Incumbent Leo Grachow has gotten nothing from the strip club so far.
In March 2009, state liquor agents and Hallandale Beach police raided the Cheetah after a 19-month investigation into prostitution and drug dealing in the club. Agents seized videotapes taken in the club, including in the private back “champagne rooms” where dancers were “recorded engaging in sex acts with customers,” according to the Sun-Sentinel.
Sixteen dancers and two managers were arrested.
Rodriguez was never criminally charged.
“If you asked me the question, ‘Has anyone ever had sex (in the champagne rooms)?’, I would say: yes,” Rodriguez was quoted in the Sun-Sentinel. But, he said, “it wasn’t out of control.”
After the liquor license was pulled in the wake of the raid, Rodriguez shut the club. The city yanked the occupational license.
After two law suits, the commission voted 4-1 to settle with Rodriguez and allowed the club to reopen in the summer of 2011. London and Sauders voted in favor of the settlement, while the lone vote against it was Mayor Joy Cooper.
Rodriguez not only supports politicians. Through Rodriguez Charities, the strip club owner is a major benefactor of local schools, children’s charities and police organizations.
July 23rd, 2014 at 1:22 pm
Well,well,well.Look who is famous.Mr.Rodriguez. Hope all is well. Be nice to your gals sir.If it wasn’t for them you wouldn’t be given money(fat) to all these elected officals. These gals(strippers) are your life line(get it)…..