Poll: Most Broward Democratic Voters Have No Problems With Police







Police relations with minorities are relatively good in Broward County.

A recent poll of 350 likely Democratic primary voters found that 85 percent had not had an unpleasant experience with a police officer. Ever.

Because the survey involves likely Democratic voters, it polled a large number of minorities – 38 percent black and 8 percent Hispanic.

The survey was conducted for Sheriff Scott Israel’s political committee Citizens for Effective Law Enforcement. It was obtained by Browardbeat.com from the committee.

There is a margin of error of 5.24 plus/minus, but in the worst case scenario the findings still indicate most Democrats have never had a bad experience with an officer. This is potentially good news for Israel.

A memo on the poll can be found here:

0716 Broward Sheriffs Policing Memo

5 Responses to “Poll: Most Broward Democratic Voters Have No Problems With Police”

  1. Count LF Chodkiewicz Chudzikiewicz says:

    Like most people say, Sheriff Israel is trying to do a good job and generally suceeding at the present time.

  2. NotAgain says:

    Now ask the police if they have ever had an unpleasant experience with a bigoted Al Sharpton clone and the answer will be a resounding YES. Who needs more training here?

  3. Lt Dangle says:

    A recent poll of 350 likely Democratic primary voters found that 85 percent had not had an unpleasant experience with a police officer. Ever.

    It is apparent that Eleanor Leisa was not a participant in this poll.

  4. Lt Dangle says:


    It is apparent that Eleanor Leisa Adderley was not a participant in this poll.

  5. City Activist Robert Walsh says:

    Blue lives matter also.