Political Tidbits: Pre-Early Voting Edition
I’ve gotten two e-mails from the Broward County Republican Party in the last week.
That’s two more than I got from the Broward County Democratic Party!
There is no doubt that Republican Chair Richard DeNapoli has modernized the way the GOP gets its message out.
DeNapoli wanted to inform me that Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana will open the Coral Springs Romney Headquarters on Saturday. The even starts at 4:30 p.m. at 10200 West Sample Road.
I can’t believe Louisiana or a politician from that God Foresaken state has anything to teach us. Maybe Jindal changed things…but somehow, I doubt it.
When I was young and using the ID press pass you see on this page, I was sent to Louisiana to cover the arrest of a teenager who had killed a number of people in Fort Lauderdale. I couldn’t wait to get out of that backwater, poverty-stricken place.
That aside, there is a point to be made her.
DeNapoli also uses e-mail and Facebook to troll regularly for volunteers to phone bank, walk door-to-door and work in offices.
The point I’m making is whoever runs the Broward Democratic Party needs to step up the Internet effort. On every platform available.
Forman Remembers His Career
Clerk of the Courts Howard Forman had a candid moment when talking about his lengthy experience.
Speaking to the Hollywood Democratic Club, he mentioned his decades in politics starting in the Hallandale City Commission (1973-1976); the Broward County Commission (1976-1988), where he was called Anne Kolb’s puppet by the developers fighting her environmental programs; the Florida Senate (1988-2000) and then the Clerk of the Court (2000 — ).
Pausing a moment, Forman appeared to think about his resume for a second.
Then almost as if talking to himself, the 66-year-old Forman said, “We’ve had a good run.”
What Type of Experience Do You Prefer
Voters have to decide what type of experience is important, especially with judicial candidates.
Judicial candidate Julie Shapiro-Harris was a social worker before becoming an attorney. I like that because it gives her an understanding of average folks. It may make her more sensitive to people when they appear before her in court.
I like the fact that she had another career, too. She understands what other workplaces are like.
But Harris is decidedly short on courtroom experience. Her opponent Michael Rothschild was a public defender, represented Florida State Hospital in commitment proceedings and now is a civil court attorney. She handles domestic violence cases for the Clerk of the Courts.
So voters have a choice – the courtroom maven or the attorney who handled people’s tough personal problems.
Reinstein Gets Endorsement, But Does It Matter?
In the hunt for endorsements, Florida House candidate Louis Reinstein snared another one this week: Democratic U. S. Rep. Ted Deutsch.
“I am pleased to endorse Louis Reinstein for State Representative. I know the highly partisan nature of Tallahassee and I am confident that Louis will be a strong and steady voice for our Democratic party,” said Deutch. “We need legislators who will stand up to the right wing agenda of Gov. Scott and work to protect our children and our seniors. Louis Reinstein has the experience and ability to do just that,” Deutch said in a news release from the Reinstein campaign.
Only one problem. Deutch, although he represents portions of North Broward, is from Boca Raton.
Mitch’s Former Better Half
Broward Democratic boss Mitch Ceasar may be fighting for his political life, but his ex-wife is doing just fine.
Jenni Ceasar is helping Lois Frankel’s campaign for the U. S. House in Plantation. The former Mrs. Ceasar also has been visiting the ailing long-time Plantation Democratic activist Bill Kling in the hospital and giving updates to the Plantation Democratic Club.
July 26th, 2012 at 6:47 pm
Did you know that Mitch Ceasar, while Bill was in the hospital, found someone to run against him for the DEC? Bill has been a strong Democrat for years and fishing for an empty-suit opponent to run against Kling is disgusting. Does this man have any shame?
July 27th, 2012 at 7:19 am
Julie Shapiro-Harris is not part of the good old boys club like her opponent Michael Rothschild. He was picked by his father to take over his father’s judgeship. He is inheriting the seat because the good old boys need someone they can trust.
July 27th, 2012 at 7:59 am
Julie Harris not part of the “club”? What a joke. Wife of political consultant/DEC hack who gets a clerk’s office do-nothing patronage job and who couldn’t find her way into a courtroom if she didn’t have a map?
And she thinks she’s qualified to be a judge? What a load of garbage?
I’d like to know what involvement and knowledge she had of the Chait’s criminal activities and their payoffs of public officials, since her husband was involved with them.
Can we please have a few elected officials who don’t have ties to the corruption that has infected Borward….
July 27th, 2012 at 8:00 am
1. The latest press release from the BDEC is on its way via carrier pigeon, but the pigeon got lost.
2. You look like you’ve just been arrested for armed robbery in that picture.
July 27th, 2012 at 9:28 am
Buddy, be thankful that Eric Cartman does not have that picture. My guess is that he would view it as a Hippie Liberal Wanted Poster and track you down.
July 27th, 2012 at 1:31 pm
DeNapoli has done a great job modernizing the party, building the rank and file, and with fundraising. Proves that talented young people can get the job done.
July 27th, 2012 at 1:34 pm
Buddy.. that time you had to go to Louisiana.. was that when the kid killed those people at Wendy’s on Sunrise Boulevard? How did that case turn out. If I recall, his mom turned him in, then used the reward money to retain an attorney for him. Same case?
July 27th, 2012 at 5:14 pm
Richard DeNapoli is doing a great job as Chairman of the Broward GOP! Being BREC Chairman is a stressful and time consuming effort, given all the egos envolved with volunteer politics. I am proud to call him my friend. Thank you Buddy for the mention.
July 29th, 2012 at 10:44 pm
As executive director Rico Petrocelli does a much better job than Richard DeNapoli.
July 31st, 2012 at 10:54 am
That is a really good one. I can’t stop laughing….. Thank you for starting my day off with a smile.
July 31st, 2012 at 11:59 am
As Executive Director, I can say with certainty that Chairman DeNapoli handles ALL email and Social Media. Michael DeGruccio assists with Social Media too.
Teamwork is the backbone, and policy of this Chairman, and it is successfully working….
Buddy: Thanks for the article.