Political Tidbits: Fields Had It Right, Kane Does All Night Election Show, School Candidate Gets Help From Obama Crew


 Browardbeat.com Guest Columnist Sam Fields had it right months ago–  Kendrick Meek needs to drop out of the U. S. Senate race.

Fields Said:  Either Meek leaves the race or conservative Marco Rubio would win, threatening a Republican takeover of the Senate.

Here is his May column.  I agreed with him here.

The flurry of news reports yesterday and today confirms Fields theory. The reports even have President Bill Clinton agreeing with the guest columnist.

Meek is a fool.  He doesn’t care what happens to Florida or the nation.

He can’t break 20 percent and almost every vote he gets, he is stealing from the potential winner, Charlie Crist.

Only Candidate Who Can Beat Rubio

Crist is the only candidate that can beat Rubio. Crist could prevent a potential GOP takeover the Senate.

Instead, Meek says he will persevere. 

Every time Meek opens his mouth saying he will carry on to the end, the Tea Party is cheering.

There is still time Kendrick.

Drop out!

Levinson Gets Help From Obama Crew

Weston School Board candidate Laurie Rich Levinson is getting some help from a leader of Barack Obama’s local crew.

Ashley Walker, Obama’s political point person in Broward County, is doing the heavy lifting for the Levinson campaign.

Ashley Walker and Friend, at Obama Event (The Prez is in the background)

One of Walker’s consulting companies Sunstream Strategies has received $8,500 from Levinson’s campaign to date for consulting.

Also on her payroll is Grassroots Communications, which is run by Ilena Bofford Entin.  She has helped the Ken Gottlieb campaigns, among others, and once worked for former Sheriff Ken Jenne at the Broward Sheriff’s Office.

Adkins & Associates out of Miami-Dade has handled the campaign literature, media buys and mailers.  Stan Adkins has been doing campaigns in Broward for decades with the last big one being Sue Gunzburger’s stupendous victory over Steve Geller.

David Brown, who handled the failed Geller campaign and is the consultant on Nora Rupert’s District 7 School Board race, sold Levinson tee shirts and campaign signs.

It looks like Levinson is spreading as much of her money as she can around the Democratic political community.

Obscure Race On Ballot

Readers have asked me explain the Broward Soil and Water Conservation District. 

An election for a District 2 board member of the obscure group is on the ballot, pitting David Kout against Cynthia Crawford Thomas.

I know something about the group since I did some stories about it while I was at the Sun-Sentinel.  

I wrote this more than three years ago and maybe the group changed its ways.  I hope so.

Here is some of my January 2007 story:

“A key concern centers on payments to the group’s administrator Russell Setti, a real estate broker who oversees grants for the state-created public agency. The state and federal grants are used for irrigation conservation programs, beach restoration and other projects.

Since 2000, Setti has paid himself more than $467,000, using money from the grants even though he had no written agreement allowing him to do so, according to documents obtained by the South Florida Sun-Sentinel…

The district has no guidelines on how much or how little he gets paid from each grant.Setti is also on the ballot running as an independent against County Commissioner Sue Gunzburger.

‘There are no maximums or minimum payments … I’m like a general contractor. I make all the decisions on the job,’ said Setti, who couldn’t say how many hours a week he worked for the group…”

The group really duplicates county environmental functions.  It shouldn’t exist, but it does.

So the best thing to do is elect someone who will question what has been going on there.

Kout told another website that he was asked to run by another District Board member.  Thomas, wife of School Board candidate Dave Thomas, told the same website that she just decided to run for the job.

What the District needs is an outsider.  Thomas appears to be that person.

Kane’s All Night Election Show

Can’t get enough politics?

Veteran radio host Steve Kane will be doing an all-nighter on Wednesday, starting at midnight with late election returns and going through 9 a.m.

Kane has been around for decades, including a stint on WABC New York. He got his start as a producer for Joe Pyne, who pioneered confrontational talk shows.  

I used to love his relationship shows, where he talked about his then-debaucherous lifestyle. Then he got religion.

Now he is really into politics, mostly Republican politics.  Hence the all-night show on Wednesday morning to review the election.   

“We will be hearing from people from victory parties, like Allen West. We will be following the west coast races that start coming in overnights, we will be taking calls. We will look at races that might look like runoffs, we will be giving Democratic Election Fraud Alerts.

But mostly we will celebrating America putting a stop to the Obama agenda, says Brian Craig, Kane’s producer and sidekick.

 The show will on air on 1470 AM and online at his website.  It will also be on 740 AM from midnight till 6 a.m.

6 Responses to “Political Tidbits: Fields Had It Right, Kane Does All Night Election Show, School Candidate Gets Help From Obama Crew”

  1. Tony Montana says:

    Watch out Voters. Laurie is buying this election with Mommy money.

  2. Susie says:

    Charlie Crist it totally devoid of principles, values and beliefs;all that matters is whatever is good for Charlie Crist. The “cross to Meek” story should be troubling to anyone paying attention. Hang in there, Kendrick; at least you stand for something.

  3. Broward Cleansweep says:

    Glad to see post about LEVINSON and WALKER. Not curious about ties to KRAFT? After all, Walker was a host for Kraft’s meet and greet in 2006. that’s not the only tie, but you already knew that.

    Endorsing Cindy? As Louis Renault would say, “SHOCKED!”

  4. Broward Parent says:

    Hmmmm…………a democrat helping a democrat. OMG someting so sinister…..Guess the Tea Party endorsement of Phyllis Hope is ok because that’s the right kind of politcos.

    There is no conspiracy except in the small minds of those that can’t seem to add.

  5. Sunrise parent says:

    Levinson is only for Weston. Her entire thrust it to bring more money and more schools to Weston. Don’t they have enough. Sunrise needs help, too.

  6. ExCompassionate Conservative says:

    What happened to my comments about the Steve Kane show?

    FROM BUDDY: I have no idea. Submit it again.