Plantation’s Rico Petrocelli Accused Of Ethics Violation


Something stinks in the multi-million dollar, city-supported Plantation Athletic League.

There are allegations of missing money and cash used to further the political career of City Commissioner Rico Petrocelli.

Plantation voters who are being asked in March to re-elect Petrocelli need to read this:

A city audit found widespread “discrepancies in the group when Petrocelli was a long time director.

But the board of directors seem more interested in striking back at the whistleblower a 30-year veteran state law enforcement agent.

It’s a disgrace.

There is a widespread appearance of mismanagement at PAL.  At the very least, hundreds of dollars in checks are written to Petrocelli when he was a director.

I know.  I’ve seen the cancelled checks, which are evidence in a November complaint to the Commission on Ethics by Patrick Roberts.

Roberts is a PAL director and a major in the Florida Division of Alcoholic Beverage & Tobacco.  He’s a lifetime cop.

The complaint alleges that Petrocelli solicited gifts from city vendors to the PAL. PAL then passed the money through its books to Petrocelli to pay for a holiday political party.

The complaint states that:

“Petrocelli solicited and accepted gifts in excess of $100 from persons who lobby his agency, principals of lobbyists and vendors.  Petrocelli solicited and accepted gifts in excess of $100 which he failed to report.

Petrocelli is charged with failing to report gifts in excess of $100.

Although the complaint is for checks written to Petrocelli in 2007,  Roberts suspects the commissioner had been committing ethics violations with PAL money in 2006 and 2005, too.

Petrocelli is alleged in the complaint to have admitted some of the charges:  “He admits that this party was not a PAL function but for his benefit.

Pretty damning, if true. 

Petrocelli quit as a PAL director shortly after the scandal erupted last year.  That was a big move since PAL parents are the heart of his political base.

PAL is a non-profit corporation which has a contract with the city to operate youth athletics at city-owned facilities and fields.

You would think the guy filing the complaint would be a hero in PAL circles.  Instead, Roberts has gotten nothing but grief. 

PAL has pulled the wagons in a circle. It wants to throw Roberts off the board.

Plantation Mayor Rae Carole Armstrong warned PAL not to move against Roberts. They are going ahead anyway, says Roberts.

“I’m a 30-year law enforcement officer, Roberts told “I can’t sit still and let this kind of misconduct take place.  It’s bad for PAL and bad for Plantation.


10 Responses to “Plantation’s Rico Petrocelli Accused Of Ethics Violation”

  1. Rico says:

    Rico Is A Crook who Doesn’t Deserve to be reelected. He lied to thousands of parents and used their money to throw himself parties. Congratulations to Agent Roberts for helping to expose this mess.

  2. The Truth says:

    I noticed his campain signs states “Proven Leadership” thats a joke!! This guy needs to resign from the city council. Assumming the Govenor doesn’t remove him first!

  3. PAL parent says:

    What about making restitution to the PAL for all the money you took to feather your own next, Rico? You owe it to the young athletes.

  4. (The Pretend) Don Rosen Says says:

    What’s a little lie between commissioners? I lie in Sunrise about my resume and my past as a creep who got fired from the police. You lie in Plantation about a few bucks missing from the PAL.
    We are both running for reelection and will both win because the public doesn’t care. Maybe the FBI will care.

  5. C. Harris, Ph.D. says:

    Pat Roberts has been my daughter’s soccer coach since she was 5 years old. He is a most amazing and kind person who created a love of soccer within my daughter and taught her about sportsmanship and being part of a team. On our team he has never tolerated any disrespect between the girls and has always taught them to respect others and to play fair. I am shocked and appalled to hear of accusations made against him as they seem unjust. Moreso, Pat deserves to be honored as he is someone who I believe is a terrific role model for children and will stand up for truth and rightousness in every arena of his life. I would not want to be a part of any group that is capable of dismissing honesty and decency. I would not allow my child to continue to particapate with PALS if action is taken against Pat and the allegations he has set forth are not given due consideration.

  6. Former PAL says:

    How about the possibility that Rico and Pat are both good honest people and this is a misunderstanding and political BS. I used to be involved with PAL and Eagles, but couldn’t stand the politics. Senseless busybodies questioning the integrity of quality people, leaving nonsense in charge.

  7. Gizz says:

    Did you see in the paper today that Patrick Roberts is now on Probation because of this. He didn’t do anything wrong. Political scandals are all around us.

  8. olivia says:

    Rico was falsey accused on all charges for politcial gain and the man that accused him of these horrible things shouls be severely punished. This article should be updated and an apology should be made for the way to tried to ruin that mans reputation when all he cared about was the kids. Anyone who had anything to do with that should be ashamed of theirselves.

  9. olivia says:


    FROM BUDDY: Not really.

  10. olivia says:

    and as for you Buddy i dont think that anyhting you write is fact seeing that you paid your way through college writing in tabloid magazines!! haha you will just make up anything for attention now won’t you. If you has any sence of dignity or any morals you would fix what you did and tell the truth.