Plantation Candidate Fined In Investment Scheme
Plantation mayor’s candidate R. Warren Meddoff earlier this month gave a long list of his qualifications for office.
He left off one item: An October 23, 2006 fine for “misleading sales solicitation done with “reckless disregard of the truth, according to the records of the National Futures Association.
Meddoff says this: “Just like in all legal proceedings, when regulatory actions are resolved, it is almost always by settlement, not adjudication. A settlement may result in the imposition of a penalty without a determination of the merits of the charges or formal findings of wrongdoing.”
Meddoff was selling investments for the Executive Commodity Corp., a controversial Pompano Beach firm.
In 2003 the firm had 469 customers, 95 percent of which lost money, according to a complaint from the NFA.
The average loss was $14,000. At the same time, the firm earned $4 million in commissions.
Meddoff was alleged to told an investor that he “would not be surprised if (name of investor) doubled his money. Meddoff also indicated that (investor) could expect…50 to 70 percent return in five to eight days, states the complaint.
The NFA said Meddoff’s actions “constituted cheating, fraud or deception or an attempt to cheat, defraud or deceive.
The results? This from the NFA website:
On October 23, 2006, Meddoff was ordered to pay a $1,000 fine and to not act in any capacity requiring NFA membership or associate membership for 30 days. In addition, Meddoff was ordered, for 6 months (exclusive of any period during which he is not an NFA Member or Associate of an NFA Member), to not be associated with an NFA Member unless Meddoff’s sponsor agrees in writing to tape record all conversations that occur between Meddoff and both existing and potential customers; retain each tape for two years from the date the tape is created; and make the tapes available to NFA upon request.
Hey, maybe he’ll fit right in among Broward’s pols.
Then again, Plantation has other choices Council members Jerry Fadgen and Diane Veltri-Bendekovic.
November 18th, 2010 at 4:45 pm
Thank you, Buddy, for your investigation.
Meddoff is unqualified to be mayor.
November 18th, 2010 at 4:53 pm
Hmmm…makes me think this isn’t the only item left off of Mr Medoff’s very lengthy resume.
Hope you keep digging Buddy, because Mr Medoff has been observed keeping some very interesting company- is he seriously running for Mayor or is he simply a foil to derail the front-runner?
This election will be mighty interesting, unfortunately we will have to endure more mudslinging and baseless allegations in the months to come from a man with a less than stellar past.
November 18th, 2010 at 4:55 pm
50 to 70 per cent return in five to eight days …thats even better (or worse) than Rothstein’s scam.
November 18th, 2010 at 5:09 pm
Buddy , is this the same R Warren Meddoff who was at the center of a scandal in 1997 regarding trying to induce President Clinton to accept illegal campaign contributions .
November 18th, 2010 at 6:20 pm
Buddy, you failed to quote the following:
Just like in all legal proceedings, when regulatory actions are resolved, it is almost always by settlement, not adjudication. A settlement may result in the imposition of a penalty without a determination of the merits of the charges or formal findings of wrongdoing
The beauty of our courts is that it has been upheld that every person tha writes a quote, Buddy is obligated to disclose who they are and they can be included in any litigation as defendents.
November 18th, 2010 at 6:39 pm
example of a Nevins “edited” quote:
1. Charlotte Brownfart says:
November 10th, 2010 at 8:28 pm
The Broward County is The laughing stock of the whole of America. The only people more stupid the electorate who put these morons in office. If you think this is going to change any time soon, fuggedaboutit.
this is an edited nevin’s quote, typical of his brand of yellow journalism and left wing progressive attack journalism.
November 18th, 2010 at 7:50 pm
Buddy aren’t you this same Nevin?
Court records indicate Nevin, 57, was released from custody ….. A person commits the crime of child molestation in the first degree …
This is one of Mr. Meddoff’s answers.
The name, Mr. Meddoff, is Nevins. Not Nevin.
Is this is an example of your accuracy and maturity?
November 18th, 2010 at 8:30 pm
Sorry Buddy , I just found out that you already did a story on the 1997 scandal. You can’t make this stuff up !
November 18th, 2010 at 8:55 pm
Mr Medoff,
I have absolutely no idea why you used one of my posts as an example of a Nevins “edited” quote , whatever that means. However if you are going to “quote” me, please do it verbatim and not throw in typos and grammatical errors. This is what I posted on November 10th ..unedited !
The Broward County Skool Board could not organize a piss up in a brewery. They are the laughing stock not just of Florida but of the whole of America. The only people who are more stupid than the board are the electorate who put these morons in office. If you think this is going to change any time soon, fuggedaboutit. As Roger Daltry once sang , “Meet the new boss, same as the old bossâ€.
Chralotte Brownfart
p.s I have a check for $5 million for your campaign if you want it.
November 19th, 2010 at 5:15 am
Charlotte, I used your quote as an example of how editing, misquoting and half truths are utilized by Mr. Nevin in pursuit of his own political agenda’s. I don’t know why Mr. Nevin, who has never met me in person, decides he knows me. Maybe, he doesn’t like the fact that I am in the Green Party, or that I have been active in the environmental/sustainable movement since the 1960’s. He certainly hasn’t bothered to research the numerous stories in the Sun-Sentinel or Miami Herald going back three decades about my business activities in Broward County. Instead he chooses to be a pawn, a political hack that does what he is told to do. A pity, he once actually was considered a journalist. Now he known for political hatchet jobs that he is told to do. Pity, he has no self respect.
November 19th, 2010 at 7:20 am
One thing that is quite obvious from your ramblings is, you must run around permanently with a tinfoil hat on.
With as many people that are out to destroy you, it’s a wonder you have time to run for mayor.
Wouldn’t it be easier if you just owned up to your shenanigans? I’m sure with your ego, any positive story ever written about you is framed and hanging on your wall, why don’t you scan them and send them to Nevins (with an S) and he could post them.
November 19th, 2010 at 8:42 am
Mr Litigious at it again.
Wanting to know the posters name so he could sue them for DEFINITION of character.
Unfounded accusations, miss-quotes
One thing I have not seen is R. Warren Meddoff Linkdin profile from Santa Fa NM
President at R. Warren Meddoff,P.A.
President and CEO at Southwest Precious Metals Consortium, LLC
Executive Vice President of Marketing & Business Development at Urecoats Industries, Inc.
Vice President of Marketing and Government Affairs at Bukkehave, Inc.
November 19th, 2010 at 8:42 am
Mr Medoff,
Thank you for your response but I still do not get your point as Mr Nevins did not edit my post at all.
Good luck with your run for mayor. We inevitably get buffoons as our elected officials so we might as well have one who has proved himself on the national stage.
November 19th, 2010 at 9:54 am
I applaud the tenor of this campaign, it is making my past actions to win look “saintly”. Spiro agnew has been reincarnated..
It will be a happy holiday season after all…..
November 19th, 2010 at 10:55 am
This just means “The Machine” needs another straw man candidate in race.
November 19th, 2010 at 12:42 pm
I am sorry to say it is a loosing battle for Warren. His cookiness negates any valid points he may make. People are just not taking him seriously. He is the Ross Perot of this election. It is a shame as now we are stuck with DVB and JF – dumb and dumber. Is it too late for someone else to sign up? How about if we all meet for breakfast and come up with a write in candidate? Someone the people will take seriously, so we can rid ourselves of the status quo.
November 19th, 2010 at 1:12 pm
To “Fed Up”
While you are having your breakfast meeting please see if you can also come up with a “write in” candidate to oppose Councilwoman Uria- it is beyond me how such an ineffectual woman is certain to win re-election just because she is running un-opposed.
Wouldn’t surprise me if she was helping to pull the levers behind the green curtains of Medoff’s maniacal Wizard of Oz act. She doesn’t hide her hatred of DVB very well at all in our charming Emerald City.
Keep digging,Buddy,as is typical in Broward County politics, there must be much more to this story.
November 19th, 2010 at 1:18 pm
Fed Up,
I totally agree.
There are many times that Meddoff is right on target, you want to say this is exactly what we need for mayor. Then he gets off on some tangent about people destroying, digging up dirt, being part of the “machine”, going after Bendekovic etc.
I find it asinine to waste money filing a complaint on Bendekovic. If Meddoff were to be elected she’s old news, don’t waste time on her.
It appears to me that Meddoff refuses to own up to any of his past and comes un-hinged way too easily to trust a strong mayor position to him.
I would love a 4th candidate. I don’t think it would muddy the waters one bit, with an intelligent stay on target candidate. Some one call Bruce Edwards.
November 20th, 2010 at 7:33 am
In answer to WFTon73rd Avenue, I have fallen prey to no one. When matters about candidates of public interest surface — I looked up Meddoff up on the Internet. Anybody could have. — I will publish them.
It is amazing all the anger among a handful of the electorate about Plantation. Look around you, folks. Plantation is one of the best cities in Broward. It has handled the pressures of development better than almost any other city.
Drive on University Drive north and you can see the difference the moment you enter Sunrise.
Look across Flamingo west into Sunrise and see the high rises and over-development that city has allowed.
Any city can be improved. Plantation doesn’t need as much improvement as others.
November 20th, 2010 at 11:19 am
The anger is not about how Plantation has handled growth, the anger is at the typical King and his subjects approach to the residents of Plantation.
How can Armstrong sit on the
thronedais and make comments that residents won’t mind 2 mil tax increases? How does Fadgen the spreadsheet expert sit on the dais and vote yes to every expenditure irregardless of our budget?People are just fed up with politicians and their ability to spend other people’s money.
Actually, Plantation’s millage rate in 2011 fiscal year is less than the millage rate in 2006. The city also has less employees.
What is scary and has to be addressed by Plantation and every government is the rising pension costs. The pension went up by almost $1 million in Plantation and the city has a volunteer fire department.
The number one job of the new mayor and commissioners should be to get control of those pension costs. They are much higher than are paid in the private sector, where most businesses don’t even pay pensions.
In addition, all cities need to reign in benefits and the automatic increases in pay for employees. Where is it written that employees should get a raise every year when the residents are suffering?
November 20th, 2010 at 6:14 pm
The number two job would be to put the legal out to bid and save a couple of million over the next 4 years. Defend or sue Lunny and his firm has won both ways at the expense of the taxpayers. BIG MONEY!!!!!
FROM BUDDY: We have no idea what taking proposals on the city attorney job in Plantation would save…if anything.
Mr. Bzdek is right. Commissioners should consider taking proposals from other attorneys for the work. No one should have such a job for life without ever solicting other proposals.
November 20th, 2010 at 7:40 pm
Bzdek right twice in one day one from Buddy and one from FEDUP.
Yikes its Miller time for me!
November 21st, 2010 at 9:10 pm
Ok, I normally do not get involved in these blogs but WTF stating that Bruce Edwards “a man of INTEGRITY” is a joke.
November 22nd, 2010 at 2:03 pm
Anyone that knows Edwards can tell you that he makes his own decisions, which was the above writer’s point.
November 22nd, 2010 at 3:35 pm
I am with Mr Plantation on this one.
Aren’t there any challengers out there for this seat?
November 23rd, 2010 at 7:19 am
What speaks to low integrity is some one who hides behind a name and makes personal comments. If both you are interested in my private life lets meet over coffee and you can ask me anything you want and I will ask you the same return. hopeful voter,you were already saying you do not support Sharon Uria so we know your agenda. Ms Plantation some one told me you are Sam Fields friend who is working on Diane’s mayor race and is not comfortable with people wanting me to return and be mayor that it takes away from the people running and I understand that but to talk about private matters as fact,like you know is wrong. So here is how I do it 954-410-1098 my cell let’s see if you want to sit down and chat about your assumptions. regards
November 23rd, 2010 at 8:07 am
Buddy thanks for the clean up on isles 24 an 26 I appreciate it. everyone have a wonderful Thanksgiving Plantation is a great place to live.
November 23rd, 2010 at 10:40 am
So anyone game for getting together and finding a write in candidate. It can and does work, just has to be the right person.
Please discuss your ideas for a candidate here so we have a starting point.
November 26th, 2010 at 9:21 am
From: To: Sent: Thu, November 25, 2010 10:54:19 AM
Subject: Fw: HERE IS HOW YOU CAN HELP… Jerry Fadgen Candidate Petition
Received this e-mail from Candidate Fadgen. I confess to reading the Plantation Journal entries without registering using my family e-mail address, evidently Mr. Fadgen has an inside source. I certainly hope you are also receiving the list of e-mail addresses for your private use, as they should be provided to all in the race.
From: “Jerry Fadgen for Mayor”
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2010 07:46:14 +1100
Subject: HERE IS HOW YOU CAN HELP… Jerry Fadgen Candidate Petition
Dear Friend:
As you may know, I have a reputation for seeking out opportunities to find new and creative ways to save money for the City. Similarly, I am doing the same for our Campaign for Mayor of Plantation.
Election campaigns are very expensive.
If we can avoid a necessary expense of the campaign, we will not have to raise political contributions to cover that expense. This is where you can HELP us save close to $1,500.
Attached is a link to a file with two candidate petition forms.
Every voter in your household should complete a single petition form. Beyond your household, I would like you (and everyone that helps with the petition drive) to target getting 35 Plantation voters to sign a petition.
Only Plantation residents, who are registered to vote in Plantation will qualify to sign the petition.
Students and military personnel who now live out of town, normally retain their residency in the City, unless they overtly registered to vote in another City or County.
Each page contains two petitions. Only one of the petitions needs to be completed by a Plantation registered voter.
If the recipient of this petition knows other Plantation voters in their vicinity (or at WORK or SCHOOL), please request them to also complete the petition. Those additional signers may want to do the same. Please consider blasting the attached petition to your address book of Plantation residents / voters.
The completed “ORIGINAL” petition forms need to be hand delivered or snail mailed to Jerry Fadgen Campaign Office, 21 East Acre Dr., Plantation, FL 33317 before November 30th.
Thanks for your help.
Jerry Fadgen
PS We want to get a “STATUS” count of signed petitions the afternoon of
Friday, November 26, 2010. So please call with your count by then.
Campaign petition forms.
Political advertisement paid for & approved by Jerry Fadgen for Mayor of Plantation, nonpartisan
FROM BUDDY: If you e-mailed the city, in almost every case your e-mail address is a public record under Florida law.
February 16th, 2011 at 8:48 am
[…] Here is a previous post on Meddoff. […]