PBA’s Endorsement Becomes Co-Endorsement






Former state Rep. Steve Perman through he had the cops’ endorsement locked up in his race for Florida House.

He learned today he’ll have to share the key support of the Broward County Police Benevolent Association with his key opponent – County Commissioner Kristin Jacobs.

Perman and Jacobs are running for the open state House District 96 in north Broward.



Kristin Jacobs


Perman received the endorsement of the PBA last month without the cops ever bothering to interview Jacobs. When Jacobs heard about it, she asked for an interview with the PBA staff.

Jacobs initiative paid off.

The group gave her a co-endorsement today.

“We strive to endorse the best candidates. We believe you are one,” Jeff Marano, president of the PBA wrote in a letter to Jacobs.

Jacobs already has the endorsement of Sheriff Scott Israel.


8 Responses to “PBA’s Endorsement Becomes Co-Endorsement”

  1. Gundersen Supporter says:

    It is unfortunate how unfair the endorsements process really is. One minute Mr. Peerman is told he has the endorsement then another its a co-endorsement because Ms. Jacobs complained. I just heard that the General Counsel to the PBA, Julio Gonzalez contributed money to Dennis Bailey. How can Andrea, Sokoloff or Thompson believe they are going to get a fair shot at PBA endorsement.

  2. RR says:

    The sheriff’s endorsement isn’t worth anything. He has no juice or political clout. It will hurt Jacobs more than help her. The guy was found guilty of ethics violations. Why would anyone want his dirty unethical and dishonest character endorsement. He hit caught lying time after time with campaign problems. Not a good decision for Jacobs to accept.

  3. Just Saying says:

    People definitely want Sheriff Israel’s endorsement for the reason that Congressman Alcee Hastings talked about in the Democratic Club speech this past weekend. Hastings called Israel “by far the most popular Democratic elected official in Broward County.”

  4. Hey RR says:

    How many times did you vote for Lamberti? Israel may have made mistakes but considering what we know now about Lamberti and co, they are dwarfed by BSO being owned by scott Rothstein.

  5. Plain Language says:

    Sheriff Scott Israel has already amassed significant influence within every voting block in Broward County. Voters respect him and the fact that he doesn’t enjoy politics so if he chooses to make a political suggestion to them it is unlikely to go unnoticed.

  6. Independent says:

    I am sure the co-endorsement was a result of Jacob’s arm twisting which frightened the PBA.

    Now this is what the Broward Ethics Code should be addressing.

    Does it smack of unethical behavior or quid pro quo?

  7. finallysuddenly says:

    Perman makes Maria Sacks look like she obeys the residency law. He lived in Coral Springs and represented counties north of Palm Beach. Now he has finally found out about Broward County.

  8. Okay Patti says:

    I talk to people that attended that event and Congressman Hastings never mentioned the sheriffs name one time. Okay professional blogger paid by the sheriff and with taxpayer money. That decision to hire you is just another reason. The sheriff thinks he more popular than the really is. People tell him what he wants to hear but behind the scenes people think he’s horrible and an arrogant ass.