Update: Trickster Roger Stone Denies Role In Smear; Granteed Rejects Tea Party Support
Political trickster Roger Stone says he is not behind the smear of a Broward sheriff’s candidate.
Roger Stone
Stone denied the report on WPLG-TV’s Channel 10’s blog that he ran the Tea Party of Miami, which was responsible for the robo calls against Democrat Louis Granteed.
“I am up to my hips in (Libertarian nominee) Governor Gary Johnson’s Campaign for President working to make sure he is on the ballot in 50 states,” Stone e-mailed Browardbeat.com “He will be. I am not too focused on local Broward politics.”
Stone said he introduced Tallahassee political operative Todd Wilder some time ago to Eric Von Tausch, the current Tea Party Miami chair. Stone called Wilder “a friend of mine of long standing”.
Wilder, once a political tactician for former Sheriff Ken Jenne, runs a committee which sent out negative ads attacking Granteed earlier this week.
“Last I heard of it until today,” he wrote.
Stone wrote that the Tea Party Miami “bought the web domain and name from me over a year go….I do not control editorial content.”
He said his wife and he are paid members of the Tea Party, but said his administrative assistant Dianne Thorn quit to work on the Johnson campaign. Channel 10 erroneously named her as the party chair, he said.
The copy of an e-mail to the Channel 10 blogger asking for a “clarification” was sent to me. It is below.
A fabled operative, Stone got his start as a Watergate dirty trickster for Richard Nixon. In one famed incident, he joined the Young Socialist Alliance in the name of Nixon primary opponent Pete McCloskey during the 1972 presidential campaign and leaked the receipt to a newspaper. He spied on Democratic U. S. Sen. Hubert Humphrey by getting a job as his driver.
He was also allegedly responsible for the near riot which shut down the 2000 presidential ballot recount in Miami Dade.
He now lives in Miami Beach and has a specialty in running referendums campaigns.
The robo call stated:
“Hello, I’m calling for Tea Party Miami, one of the largest and most active Tea Party organizations in South Florida. We recommend conservative law and order Democrat Louie Granteed for Broward County Sheriff. Louie Granteed is a tough no-nonsense cop who won’t kowtow to minorities, civil liberties groups or good government types.Louie Granteed will crack down on illegal immigrants in Broward County. Please remember that Tea Party Miami recommends Louie Granteed for Broward County Sheriff. Paid for by Tea Party Miami 501C4 Organization”
The e-mail sent to me is here:
(Addressed to the Channel 10 blogger. Name and private e-mail removed.)
I am contacting you regarding your post that a girlfriend brought to my attention.
Although I was one of the founders of Tea Party Miami, I am no longer a member nor have any association. I resigned over a year ago.
I resigned to join the campaign of Gov. Gary Johnson and now work as the scheduler of the Libertarian Party VP candidate Judge Jim Gray.
Eric Wolfgang Von Tausch was elected Chairman when I resigned.
I am a long time professional associate of Roger Stone but it is sexist to suggest that I do not have my own opinions and activities.
I know nothing about Mr. Granteed but I don’t like what I have read–mostly written by you.
Did you not write ………
“The truth is that Granteed was a key figure and one-time defendant in a sexual harassment claim made a former female police officer in the early 1990s that led to a six-figure settlement against the city.
And the truth is that convicted Hollywood cop Kevin Companion told an undercover FBI agent that if he got in trouble Granteed would bail him out of it.”
The guy sounds like a real creep. I would never vote for him. If I was still on the board I would have voted against recommending him.
Please print a clarification.
Dianne J. Thorne
The original post on Channel 10’s website was copied by one of my readers, who posted a comment on my previous story concerning this subject. Check out Nick Sakhovsky’s comment at 2:09 p.m., Aug. 11 on the Browardbeat.com post “Update: Political Tid Bits–Smearing Granteed.”
Meanwhile late Saturday, Granteed rejected the Miami Tea Party’s endorsement in this statement:
Louie Granteed Denounces Support from Miami Tea Party Organization
FORT LAUDERDALE—Today, Louie Granteed, Democrat for Broward county Sheriff, denounces the alleged support from the Miami Tea party. He issued the following statement.
Scott Israel and his supporters have lowered themselves to such a low standard. This is the type of Karl Rove tactic that one would expect from a closet republican like Scott Israel. I have not been endorsed or supported by any tea party organizations as I share the values and beliefs of the Democratic party. I support all of our communities in Broward and as your next Sheriff I will work to keep every corner of Broward safe. This is just an attempt by a desperate campaign to distract voters from the real issues that Broward residents truly care about such as the economy, diversity, public safety, juvenile crime prevention programs and making Broward a better place to live and work. My record of proven leadership and commitment to the community speaks for itself.”
Louie Granteed has served in the Hollywood Police Department for more than 30 years. He served as the Assistant Chief of Police from 2004 until his retirement earlier last month. To learn more about Louie Granteed, please visit his website: www.granteed.com
August 11th, 2012 at 5:24 pm
So what if this Stone character is involved in a smear campaign. Is it really a smear campaign if its the truth????
Louie Granteed and the city were sued by a female cop for sexual harassment and creating a hostile work environment. THE JUDGE ruled for the woman and the city (taxpayers) had to pay $200,000.
Those are the facts and the public should know this before voting.
I personally received a call about this and then googled it and found a load of info on Louie including his frequenting of local strip clubs. This man should not be in a position of power- anywhere.
Sofia Cantino
Miami, Florida
August 11th, 2012 at 7:21 pm
Nice try Sofie from Miami. First, if your from Miami you wouldn’t have received a call. Second, you posted the same paragraph on Bob Norman’s blog using a different name.
The allegations being made against Louie Granteed are outright lies and distortions of the truth. You’re a Scott Israel crony, and it doesn’t surprise me that you are well versed in LYING.
August 11th, 2012 at 7:34 pm
Lamberti is a scumbag. He was the one that used Roger Stone. Talk about one way gossiping.
August 11th, 2012 at 7:35 pm
Tea Party is fake? Didn’t back Granteed? Oops! Look here: http://teapartymiami.org
Get your facts right
August 11th, 2012 at 7:56 pm
What is wrong with you?
How come you don’t follow Bob Norman and post a picture of a shirtless Roger Stone posing near the water. Kinda sorta like the one Norman loves to break out when writing about Mike Udine.
Now, I’ve got nothing against a man liking another man (to each his own I say), but isn’t Bob married?
Then again, maybe that’s Norman’s way of saying you’ve made it to the big time. A beach side glamour shot.
Any idea when we can expect to see a pix of Ron Bergeron in a banana hammock? An image that is, of course, copyright (c) 2012 Bob Norman and his band of misfits.
August 11th, 2012 at 8:08 pm
Read all you want. I worked with the filthy pig Melody Ridgley. She provoked everything she claims. She took advantage of the system. She embarrassed the women of the hollywood police department and sent woman back 20 years. Google her and see how many times she has been suspended as an attorney for LIEING. JUST LIKE SCOTT ISRAEL
August 11th, 2012 at 8:10 pm
August 11th, 2012 at 8:48 pm
no wonder voters turn off and don’t vote. this ‘smear’ is just one of several. a district 5 SBBC candidate is a supposed 2 time convicted felon. if true, she could not seek office, or vote. glad when this is over wednesday
August 12th, 2012 at 11:04 am
The stunt of getting the Miami Tea Party to endorse Louie Granteed for Sheriff means one of two things, possibly both.
(1) The Tea Party truly supports Granteed, and/or
(2) The Lamberti campaign has figured out that their efforts to defeat Israel using Granteed have failed so they are taking this opportunity to embolden the Tea Party’s support of Lamberti by offending them with a fake endorsement of Granteed and blaming it on Israel who clearly had nothing to do with it.
Here will be the proof it all. My prediction for after Granteed loses the primary to Israel is:
(1) Granteed will endorse Al Lamberti in the general election.
(2) Lamberti will then offer Granteed a big job at BSO if he wins re-election.
(3) This will confirm that Granteed was a Lamberti stooge all along but by that time the election will be over.
August 12th, 2012 at 11:25 am
Looks like another Tea Party endorsed Granteed.
August 12th, 2012 at 12:38 pm
August 12th, 2012 at 12:41 pm
Sofia, this is the what the Florida Bar has to say about dear Melody…
Case No. SC96979
Bar Counsel
The Florida Bar
5900 North Andrews Avenue
Suite 835
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309
(954) 772-2245
Staff Counsel
The Florida Bar
650 Apalachee Parkway
Tallahassee, FL 32399-2300
(850) 561-5839
JOHN F. HARKNESS, JR., #123390
Executive Director
The Florida Bar
650 Apalachee Parkway
Tallahassee, FL 32399-2300
(850) 561-5839
The case law as so The Florida Standards for Imposing Lawyer Sanctions clearly
support that suspension is the appropriate discipline in this case. Respondent knowingly
violated a court order and then lied to the referee time and time again to cover up her
reasons for not obeying the court order. Respondent also lied to the referee about
having a “file” in the Robbins case to justify the fee charged. Respondent’s conduct
was deceitful. Her motives were corrupt and her actions demonstrated total disrespect
and disregard for the grievance process. Such conduct cannot be tolerated in a member
of The Florida Bar.
Based on the case law and the Standards, the appropriate sanction for violation
of the rules set forth herein is a ninety-one (91) day suspension.
WHEREFORE, The Florida Bar respectfully requests this court to enter an order
suspending the respondent for ninety-one (91) days.
Respectfully submitted,
August 12th, 2012 at 3:35 pm
It would seem to be getting ugly in here. Let’s look at the facts. The jury found for Melody to the tune of $200K. Would the city have settled if nobody did anything wrong? Louie being dropped from the lawsuit did not make him innocent, it only meant he had no money. The jury believed Melody and didn’t believe Louie. Does that tell you anything?
August 12th, 2012 at 11:37 pm
Roger Stone is HOT! Call me maybe!
August 28th, 2012 at 9:22 am
Dianne Thorne is only a secretary. She does not have the intelligence to do anything worthy of media attention except for her corrupt actions. She lies under oath, files false tax forms, and cheats everyone she comes across. She is a Tool and a Fool. The IRS should investigate her.
Send Dianne Thorne to JAIL! Her family are heroin dealers from Australia and Malta. WHY has Dianne Thorne changed her name? Maybe so she could hide from Australian law…