No Opponents For Rick Scott’s Judges





Republican Gov. Rick Scott may have problems winning votes in Democratic voter-dominated Broward County next year.

But three of his appointments to the Broward Circuit Court don’t even have opponents yet.  They appear to be headed to easy election victories….so far.

Maybe that is because they have a lot of money in their campaigns.

Circuit Judge Elizabeth Anne Scherer, a former state prosecutor appointed in December 2012, raised $91,275 in just two months ending Nov. 30. Her father his Republican insider and big-money attorney Bill Scherer. 

Circuit Judge Lynn Rosenthal, a former longtime U. S. prosecutor sworn in August, 2012, raised $31,286 and kicked in $125,000 from her bank account.

Circuit Judge Raag Singhal, a former defense attorney appointed in January 2012, raised $22,310 since May and put $25,000 of his own.

The two women seem safe.  They will probably not get serious opposition.

Singhal could get an opponent from a cynic who believe the judge’s Indian name would work against him on the ballot. That would be sad and a straight-up appeal to bigotry, since there have been no substantial complaints about Singhal’s competency.

Born in the United States, Singhal grew up in New Jersey, was once a prosecutor and then a top criminal defense attorney in Broward before his appointment.



Public Defender Howard Finkelstein likes Judge Raag Singhal (photo: Bill Gelin, JAABLOG)


3 Responses to “No Opponents For Rick Scott’s Judges”

  1. Las Olas Lawyer says:

    Being Indian and not Spanish, the name game won’t work with Judge Singhal. He belongs on the bench.

  2. The Long Black Robe (Ret) says:

    Campaigning ability is a necessary prowess for any South Florida judge. A challenger can come from nowhere and without the ability to campaign, the judge will be back practicing law. These three appointed judges had better not take it for granted that they will be elected.

  3. Bogus says:

    I highly doubt anyone will run against Raag. He is quite simply the most respected judge in Broward. The other judges are lackluster in comparison……But thanks for your brilliant commentary that the two females will not likely face opponents but Raag will because of his color.
    Buddy another piece of trash you try to pass off as journalism. YAWN, why did I bother to view this boring yet predictable blog.