Muslim PAC Endorses Broward Candidates
A Muslim civil rights PAC has embraced a slew of candidates in Broward County, where their endorsement could be the kiss of death in among some Democratic primary Jewish voters.
Getting a nod from Emerge USA PAC include Democratic gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist, Circuit Judge Steve Feren; School Board member Abby Freedman, Lauie Rich Levinson and Nora Rupert and other Broward candidates.
Emerge USA PAC also gave money to Broward Mayor Barbara Sharief, who is running for re-election. website, which broke the endorsement story, states Emerge USA is a “group operate(d) by high profile Muslim activists.” Some of the group’s contributions are from Broward residents.
The endorsement was given because the candidates was interested in “building a relationship with our community.”
On Facebook, a group leader stated:
Ali Akın Kurnaz updated the description. |
Emerge USA PAC was founded in 2006 and is a registered political action committee with that support and endorse state and federal candidates for political office. We have both state and federal PACs that can operate anywhere in the United States to raise funds for candidates.
Emerge USA PAC works with candidates that support issues that are of importance to underrepresented communities, with a specific focus on Muslim, Arab, and South Asian Americans throughout the United States.
In Broward, an endorsement by a Muslim group could backfire….at least, among some voters.
Although the influence of elderly Jewish condominium voters has diminished in Broward in the past decade, there are still thousands who will vote in the Aug. 26 Democratic primary. News that a candidate received the endorsement of a Muslim group could turn off some of these voters, especially hardcore supporters of Israel.
August 10th, 2014 at 4:30 pm
Gundersen is endorsed by Muslims. Maybe she should not have dumped Rhoda so fast.
Looks like all of David Brown’s people, gundersen, Ruppert and feren all get the Muslim love.
August 10th, 2014 at 5:30 pm
Lynn Rosenthal got the Muslim endorsement. That does not make sense. I smell a rat. This doesn’t pass the smell test. I’m willing to bet there is a dirty tricksters behind this to discredit the candidates. Voters won’t be fooled by this.
My initial thought was that this was a dirty trick. I don’t believe it is. This appears to be a legit group, although there is no way of knowing how many folks it represents.
The goal of the organization appears noble: Building relationships.
August 10th, 2014 at 6:57 pm
So disappointing to read that when candidates receive an endorsement by a minority religious PAC, they are now affiliated with every crime committed by a person(s) of that particular religion (not from the PAC)
The candidates chosen from minority PACs usually transcends the divisiveness that religious dominated communities/political parties and should have our consideration.
My 20something daughter tells me that the views expressed above is a reflection of a reality established after 9-11:
“Being Muslim is now the New Black”
I, for one, believe our country is better than this. Candidates that support diversity and diverse groups within our community are worh my vote!
August 10th, 2014 at 9:15 pm
Interesting: it appears this Muslim group endorsed at least a half dozen Jewish candidates.
August 10th, 2014 at 10:31 pm
The rumor is that Sharief pretty much picks those who get endorsed by this group. Mclawrence is a Holness guy. if Sharief controls the endorsements that is why Jara didn’t get it. Look closely no one tied to or rumored to be tied to Holness was picked here.
August 11th, 2014 at 4:48 am
While this looks bad for the candidates, it seems like a bit of a reach to assume that a candidate is actively tied to a group. If a candidate were to REJECT the endorsement… now wouldn’t THAT be something?!
August 11th, 2014 at 7:06 am
Not a bad list except for Joe Gibbons who says he lives in Broward but keeps his main house, wife and young twins in a house in Jacksonville.
If he got elected it would result in his inevitable removal and then the governor would pick his replacement. I’m not walking down that path with Jacksonville Joe.
August 11th, 2014 at 10:35 am
At first they endorsed Anne Murray but were persuaded to drop that endorsement due to her foul mouth.
August 11th, 2014 at 11:28 am
Tamarac Talk Recommends Richards, Feren, Feld
August 11th, 2014 at 11:49 am
did you notice that the words “Muslim” and “Islam” appear nowhere in this picture? And even when you go to their website, no obvious mention of this.
So no, I don’t think it is a dirty trick. The fact that they have to pretty much hide the fact they are Muslim is interesting in some depressing ways, though.
August 11th, 2014 at 3:24 pm
Most Jews are not bigots and would embrace this endorsement as it is described. Only the right-wing haters would be against this and they are all Republicans and unable to vote in the Democratic primary.
August 11th, 2014 at 3:42 pm
Kasen is a Palestinian!
So what! Actually, Middle-Eastern Americans are under represented in Florida politics. That includes both Israeli-born and Palestinian-born Floridians.
August 11th, 2014 at 11:41 pm
An acquittance of mine, a right winger, once told me, “It is bigoted of me to worry when a towel-wearing Arab boards my airplane?”
And to that I answered, “No shit. I feel the way when a white guy walks into a movie theater or elementary school.”
August 12th, 2014 at 9:31 pm
Chaz you are such a comedian, I mean azzhole.
August 13th, 2014 at 12:19 am
So Kasen is a Palestinian American? He should not be sending out mailers saying he has devoted his life to “Jewry”. Very confusing. Are you saying he is an Israeli Muslim by birth? I don’t get it.
August 13th, 2014 at 2:24 pm
Sun Sentinel /RE-ELECT RICHARDS, FELD TO COUNTY COURT,0,6315122.story
August 16th, 2014 at 7:39 am
Early voting is quick & easy!! I was in & out in less than 10 minutes. Single page ballot, no problem. Best picks in the primary are:
Governor – Nan Rich (she will certainly lose to Crist, but the number of votes she gets anyway indicates the current voting strength of progressives in Florida)
17th Circuit Judicial seats
8th – Frantz “Jahra” McLawrence
16th – Andrea Gundersen
17th – Stacey Schulman
27th – Steven Feren
County Court
18th – Ellen Feld
27th – Ian Richards
Broward Soil & Water Conservation District, Dist. 4 – Fred Segal
For Attorney General – George Sheldon.