Marty Kiar To Do “Work Days” Like Graham, Scott
Broward County Commissioner-Elect Marty Kiar is stealing a page from Bob Graham’s playbook.
The former governor originated the first “work days” in 1974 to soften his image as a Harvard-trained millionaire. He was a state senator at the time and continued working while in the governor’s office. He eventually did 386 work days.
Now Kiar will be working alongside county employees to learn something about the men and women who run Broward’s government services. Port Everglades and the bus system are first on the list.
Kiar isn’t the first pol who used Graham’s work days idea. Gov. Rick Scott, another multi-millionaire in need of a new image, has been working average jobs for the cameras in recent months.
Kiar’s hands-on learning sessions are a good idea. Who can fault him for trying to educate himself from the inside about his new job?
He is sworn-in in November, replacing Ilene Lieberman.
Below is his news release:
On Jun 13, 2012, at 10:42 PM, Kair wrote:
My concept is over the next five months I would schedule a “work day” in each of the ones above and others I may have forgot to include. I want to actually work along side of the county’s employees and get a feel for how each agency, department or division works. I would work one day a week. Closer to the time of my swearing in I would like to be briefed by the directors of each and receive a status report of the major issues including capital projects.
Additionally, I am respectfully requesting a budget book for 2012-2013 in the manner it is presented to the commission. I would also like a Board Book with the function of each Board and a list of Commissioner Lieberman’s appointments. I need the requirements for each Board member I will appoint as well.
I am naturally excited to begin as soon as possible. It is my intention to ask each of the constitutional officers funded by the county to spend a day with them. Sheriff, Property Appraiser and the Supervisor of Elections. I will schedule those on my own.
Thanks for your assistance.
Marty Kiar
July 5th, 2012 at 4:28 pm
Wow Betha Henry maybe i should call you to help me w/ my “work days”….
July 5th, 2012 at 5:26 pm
That’s terrific. All elected officials should do these type of things to help them learn about what they are governing.
Hope he gets a chance to ride in an EMS, Police car and do some maintenance work to see what they go through on a daily basis like I have done.
July 5th, 2012 at 9:54 pm
Hey city activist, kiar’s work days are not part of a community service sentence
July 5th, 2012 at 10:41 pm
Richard, we all know how much you love promoting yourself…. But if it was legal, would you marry yourself? And then you could post about how well you did it!
July 6th, 2012 at 12:23 am
Saw Marty Kiar tonight at a gathering of the “Davie Dems” and he was so excited about being a Broward County Commissioner and so excited about what he wants to do! Go Marty!!!!
July 6th, 2012 at 8:21 am
Maybe Kiar should spend a day meeting with all the registered republican constituents and taxpayers of his illegally drawn district and inform them as to whether or not he represents them or just those that agree with his personal views
July 6th, 2012 at 2:57 pm
Oh listen to “Ac” -no Community Service here-“roll the dice” and lets see what your made of. No instead you take your cheap shots behind your computer desk. Some of you that is all you got is these cheap shots. What do I always say”bring it on”.