Update: Marco Rubio’s Autobiography Hits NY Times Best Seller List
U. S. Sen Marco Rubio auto-biography, An American Son, hit the latest New York Times Best Seller list at 10 for non-fiction hardcover books.
Winning a place on The New York Times list is a major achievement for the Florida Republican from West Miami. The paper prints the most influential best seller list in America. Only a fraction of the thousands of books published annually ever make the list, which is based on sales.
The list, released Friday, will be printed in the New York Times Book Review dated July 8.
Earlier in the week he squeezed into the USAToday Best Seller list – at 93 out of 100.
But the USA Today list released Thursday groups all books – fiction and non-fiction, paperback and hardcover —together so it is harder to climb.
Rubio was 46 on the Amazon best seller list in mid-week, having been as high as 15 shortly after the book was released last week. He was 27 on the Barnes & Nobel list.
The junior senator, who has been talked about for vice president, has been on a barn-storming book tour which includes numerous national TV appearances.
He is scheduled at Fort lauderdale’s Barnes & Nobels on Saturday at 12:30 p.m.
Rubio, 41, says the proceeds of the book will go, in part, to pay off the last of his student loans.
By the way, the book is a great read. I recommend it.
June 28th, 2012 at 8:21 pm
I saw Marco Rubio on TV denouncing the Supreme Court doay over the health care law. He along with other Republicans offer no alternative to take care of our under and not insured. Rubio is not concerned with the welfare of Floridians and is driven by partisan considerations.
June 29th, 2012 at 9:02 am
He is a clearly talented guy who rose quickly up the political ladder. But if you listen to what he says, mostly he carries other people’s water. He lacks a voice of his own, that special stature that comes to seasoned statesmen. It takes time to get to that place, which explains why Vice Presidential consideration is dangerous for him. It comes way too early in his career and will nail him as a poster child to a point in time that he (trust me on this) will in time want to forget. A decade from now, people will look upon this time in horror. Much smarter for him to law lower, earn his chops over two terms in the Senate. Find his voice. Become something truly interesting in 10 or 12 years. He has that potential. I hope he becomes less ultra conservative and more mainstream America in his views. It doesn’t bother me that he is a conservative, but it would do him and the country well to be less of an extreme ideologue.
June 29th, 2012 at 1:56 pm
Forget Marco’s own book. Check out Manuel Roig-Franzia of The Washington Post’s book The Rise of Marco Rubio.
It turns out that Rubio’s maternal grandfather, Pedro Victor Garcia, was an illegal alien who, in 1962, caught a break from a compassionate Fed cop who let him go.
Rubio told the author he was unaware of the story.
Take note that Rubio did not bring this up in his subsequent autobiography.
Wouldn’t want to piss of the Tea Party.
Since I read that book, too, let me flush out the story for Sam. Pedro Victor Garcia couldn’t get a valid visa when he fled Cuba because the American consulate had closed. So he was caught in a Catch 22, which is exactly what the author writes.
Also, there was no way Garcia was being sent back because the Cuban Missile Crisis occurred shortly after he arrived.
Any connection between Garcia, fleeing from Castro in the middle of the Cold War in a world on the verge of a nuclear catastrophe, and today’s immigration problems are in the fertile mind of Sam Fields.
June 29th, 2012 at 3:09 pm
Sam Fields is such a partisan liberal Democrat it makes me sick. He probably has been upset since FDR died.
He always resorts to personal attacks on Republicans like the attack above on Marco Rubio’s grandfather. His kind are responsible for the decline in the honest debate of issue.
You should be ashamed, Sam.
June 30th, 2012 at 8:58 am
Dear GOP Papa
You’re a partisan, conservative, Republican and that’s ok.
So why can’t I be a partisan, liberal Democrat.
It’s called The First Amendment.
I agree with about 90% of the D ideas. So why wouldn’t I support that party?
As for Rubio, the point is that he is now going after people for doing exactly what his own family did.
That’s called hypocrisy.
The only real crime.