Lobbyists Fete Holness With Campaign $$$ He Doesn’t Need


You have to admire lobbyists Yolanda Jackson, Bernie Friedman and Neil Schiller for their speedy response to Tuesday’s election.

Just three days after the polling places closed, the lobbyists have announced a fund raiser for central Broward Democratic Primary winner for the county commission, Dale V. C. Holness.

It is all legal.

But this fund raiser really stinks!

Holness faces only a write-in in November. 

He needs this money like the county commission needs another Josephus Eggelletion, who Holness will replace. Eggelletion is in jail for bribery and money laundering.  

Jackson gave M. Margaret Bates $500 in the primary.  Is this an attempt to make amends?

It looks and feels to me like a legal payoff.

It is everything that is wrong with the campaign finance system.

What a way for Holness to begin his tenure on the commission, holding a fund raiser that he really doesn’t need!


9 Responses to “Lobbyists Fete Holness With Campaign $$$ He Doesn’t Need”

  1. Resident says:

    Ethically wrong, though legal. His first mistake and he hasn’t taken office yet. It smells. Wonder if he will be like all the others?

    He should stop now, and not fall into the trappings of those that have fallen. Otherwise he will be next to be investigated. Maybe the State Prosecutor should attend and bug the place?

  2. christy says:

    There is a sunrise commissioner who will do it she gets around.

  3. BeenThere says:

    Holness could politely refuse the money, since he doesn’t need it. But the money will become a legal slush fund for him to dole out political favors. What a shame, I didn’t know who this guy was a week ago, and now I know all I need to.

  4. Stone Cold's Bottom Line says:

    Buddy, who should fund the campaigns?

    How about public campaign financing with our local tax dollars? I don’t think the public would like that there dollars go to fund politicians’ campaigns.

    If candidates aren’t independent wealthy, how can they fund, what are 6 digit campaigns? to run for county commission is 200,000 dollars and above.

    We all saw the scott and greene fiascos. do you want just rich people running?

    so, what is your answer on how to fund these campaigns, to replace the current system?

    FROM BUDDY: As I wrote, he already won. He has minimal opposition in the general — a write-in! Why is this money needed accept to buy Becker Poliakoff and their clients access?

  5. Stone Chilly's "Bottom" says:

    I am going to say this slowly for people who don’t get it or like Stone Cold above-don’t get it on purpose:



  6. Truth Teller says:

    Dale is Joe #2. He is corrupt and a dead beat dad! He only has two years and counting!!!

  7. Stone Cold's Bottom Line says:


    Becker and Poliakoff were not there for Commissioner Holness; they supported Commissioner Al Jones HEAVILY, plus Margaret Bates.

    they are VERY late to the dance and hopefully it is known.

  8. More of The Same says:

    Meeting the new boss Holness, same as the old boss Eggelletion…We will be fooled again.

  9. New County Commissioners: Have You Seen The Little Piggies? : BrowardBeat.com says:

    […] Holness’ trough is lobbyist George Platt et. al.  Lobbyist Bernie Friedman held an unnecessary fund raiser earlier as was reported first on […]