Lobbyist Can’t Buy Lunch With Commissioner LaMarca



The Broward Republican Party raised about $90,000 at its Lincoln Day dinner despite having to turn down some of lobbyist Dave Ericks’ money.

Ericks bid $650 to eat lunch with County Commissioner Chip LaMarca.


Dave Ericks

The problem is apparently a mix-up.

LaMarca said he never agreed to an auction of a lunch with him that would include a lobbyist. Party Chair Richard DeNapoli said he did get permission.

Regardless, LaMarca is adamant.

Having a lobbyist pay to eat lunch with a county commissioner isn’t in the spirit of the new ethics law, he said.

LaMarca also said the bid violated his personal code governing contact with lobbyists.

So Erich’s saved his $650.

Other high rollers were not so lucky.  They will have to cough up their contributions.

One bid $1,000 to eat lunch with Republican state Sen. Ellyn Bogdanoff of Fort Lauderdale. Two people bid $2,000 each to eat with former GOP U.S. Sen. George LeMieux of Lighthouse Point.  And someone bid $450 to eat with state Rep. Matt Hudson, R-Naples, who represents a slice southwest Broward.

12 Responses to “Lobbyist Can’t Buy Lunch With Commissioner LaMarca”

  1. Nucky Thompson says:

    Instead of lunch the Commissioner should offer to go for a swim with the lobbyist. $650 for a dip with Chip sounds about right and based on the evidence of his picture, Mr. Ericks could benefit from a wash up. He looks more like a homeless bum than a lobbyist.

  2. Broward Politico says:

    Not a good way for a political party to raise money, if you ask me.

  3. Brenda Lee says:

    What’s up, didn’t anybody want to have lunch with Ms Ritter?

    It was a Republican event. Ritter is a Democrat.

  4. Statewide politico says:

    Other RECs throughout the state do auctions of lunches with elected and former electeds. Nothing new there. Fun way to raise money for the party.

  5. The Light says:

    LaMarca is governing in the dark.

  6. Fresh Air says:

    Wow- A Broward County Commissioner doing the right thing…..that’s new.

  7. The Fact says:

    The fact is that Chip LaMarca campaigned by accepting no contributions from lobbyists. He is apparently just doing what he said that he would do. This is not groundbreaking, but it sure is refreshing for a Broward Commissioner!

  8. Interested party says:

    Commissioner LaMarca and his spouse set at the Tripp Scott table at the Lincoln dinner. 2 questions:

    1. Who paid for the tickets for Chip and his wife?
    2. How many members of Tripp Scott are registered lobbyists?

    Careful with ethics you never know who is watching at events. 🙂

  9. Miss Pompano says:

    I didn’t vote for LaMarca, but he is now bringing me around. Good job!

  10. Molehill says:

    LaMarca was present and participated in the auction fundraiser at the event – and the out-of-town auctioneer would have a hard time determining who was or was not a lobbyist in the packed room – so a little mix up – But in the end “Nucky” above said it best…Ericks looks more like a homeless bum than a lobbyist from that picture! If not a swim then at least a shower and a decent shave and haircut would be good for him!

  11. Just the facts says:

    Dear interested party,
    I sat with Eileen LaMarca at a table in the back (way back.) The Commissioner sat at the table with The Governor because hIs attendance was requested. Former party Chairman Pozzuoli was also there. I checked with the party and Commissioner LaMarca wrote a check for he and his wife.

    This guy is just following his plan to do the right thing. It’s a tough thing for people in this county.

  12. brec member says:

    So WHO did DeNapoli get permission from? And I am surprised, with RD being such a know it all- that he didn’t think about the Conflict of interest and ethics laws! What a total train wreck for BREC!!