Lawyers Boast: Judge We Like Won’t Get Opponent





The four legal whizzes on the fundraising invitation below must have secret crystal balls in their law offices.

That is the only explanation for  boasting that  “we are confident there will be no opposition” to Broward Circuit Court Judge Merrilee Ehrlich next year.


Merilee Ehrlich

Judge Merrilee Ehrlich


I’m sure this group of courthouse insiders — including former Judge Joyce Julian, recently retired, longtime State Attorney’s Office second-in-command  Charles “Chuck” Morton, one time top murder prosector Kelly Hancock and family law queen Rae Chorowski  — have their reasons to believe that Ehrlich isn’t going to get an opponent. I believe it is wishful thinking in this era, when any judge can pick up a challenge.

The invitation is also a vivid illustration why some lawyers count more than others in the courthouse: They raise money for judges.

Another note: Ehrlich is a judge in family court.  Chorowski is a family lawyer.






13 Responses to “Lawyers Boast: Judge We Like Won’t Get Opponent”

  1. West Davie Resident says:

    I rarely care about or follow judicial races although I probably should. What caught my attention about the invitation was the comment “will receive ALL of their monies back.” I have never seen an implicit attempt to raise enough money to scare away an opponent bluntly put in writing. So who then will fund the basic administrative costs? Perhaps the candidate herself?

  2. Broward Voter says:

    Sounds more like a tease to get notoriously cheap lawyers to donate rather than an assurance to me.

  3. Help me says:

    Howard, or anyone else, why again was Ehrlich was abruptly removed from Juvi and dumped in family?

  4. Sam The Sham says:

    I like Kelly Hancock’s signature.

  5. Alice in Wonderland says:

    i will be filing tomorrow

  6. enough already says:

    not to mention they would have to return the money prorated, therefore ANY expenditures would still come out of that money unless the judge is planning to pay for everything (including her qualifying fee) by GIVING to her own campaign, not loaning. just a technicality, but I’d think that 4 lawyers might thing little things like the law actually matter!

  7. K K says:

    She and others will get opponents.

  8. John Howes says:

    I ran against Judge Ehrlich in 2008. Since that time I have appeared before her on several occasions. I have found her to be fair, courteous and polite to all. She is a credit to the Broward bench.

    I also write to explain what I believe is mean by the comment in the letter about contributions being refunded in full. Unlike Judge Ehrlich, many judges who run unopposed accept campaign contributions and use that money to pay their filing fees, thereby saving themselves over $5,000. I believe that what is intended in this letter is a commitment that if Judge Ehrlich does not receive an opponent that she will pay her own filing fees, an admirable action on her part.

  9. Thanks says:

    Hit n Run Howes, good boy, here is a treat, you kissed the Judge’s patooty. Since I didnt see your name on the letter it was quite generous of you to give an interpretation.

  10. Manolo says:

    Or Howes just cleverly shamed her into paying her own filing fee which is something cheapo Judges hate to do.

  11. Howes that says:

    wait the letter said everyone was getting all their money back anyway, so obviously the judge is paying her filing fee. John as usual is just a blowhard

  12. Most Elitest Judge Ever says:

    Ehrlich was kicked out of Juvinile because she became too big headed for her own good and let her mouth get her in trouble. She is an elitest if I’ve ever seen one. She talked down on everyone. The parents, the attorneys and even her own staff. She started to speak as if she was above the law, doing what she wanted and threatening a challenge and that got her thrown out of juvenile. She is a disgrace to the bench and should not be re-elected.

  13. Duke says:

    If I had a case in front of this judge and my opposing counsel was any of the aforementioned, I would move to have her recused. Thanks for leaving the paper trail.