Lawyer Mike Moskowitz Has A Good Week


It is a good week for lawyer Mike Moskowitz of Parkland.

Moskowitz won another four years as Broward’s Democratic state committeeman on Sunday.

On Tuesday, Moskowitz is scheduled to snare a contract with the all-Democratic Broward County Commission for eminent domain work as part of the Fort Lauderdale International Airport expansion. 

Moskowitz, Mandell, Salim & Simonwitz is one of seven firms who will earn $225 an hour for their senior partners.

That’s not a lot for guys as experienced as Moskowitz, but in a recession it is regular money the firm can count on.  You can’t say that about your private clients.

On this deal, Moskowitz’s firm formed a joint venture with Hall & Rosenberg.

Hall & Rosenberg’s managing partner is W. Earl Hall, city attorney of Lauderhill.  Angel Rosenberg is Lauderhill’s  assistant city attorney.

Both firms are highly experienced in government law, although it doesn’t hurt to have a few friends in high places.

Moskowitz and Hall are friendly to a lot of commissioners and are especially close to Commissioner Ilene Lieberman.  Lieberman is the former mayor of Lauderhill.

The legal contract has a cap of $100,000, which can be waved with a vote of the commission.

One Response to “Lawyer Mike Moskowitz Has A Good Week”

  1. therealdemocrat says:

    Little Big Man.