Lamberti Changes Fund Raiser After Shooting
Al Lamberti has a fund raising Night At The Movies With Sheriff Al for next Monday. The film is “Batman–The Dark Knight Rises”.
But the shooting in Colorado happened.
Lamberti’s campaign quickly shifted gears. It will now donate a portion of the proceeds “to support the affected families.”
Only a portion, Sheriff Al?
Sheriff Lamberti to give back to the families affected in the Colorado shooting
For Immediate Release July 20, 2012
My thoughts and prayers are with the families who have lost their loved ones and who were injured as a result of the terrible shooting that took place in Aurora, Colorado. I have been in contact with the Sheriff and Police Chief to create some good out of what is a tragic situation. As financial assistance avenues are identified to support the affected families, I will direct my campaign to donate a portion of the proceeds raised at my “The Dark Knight Rises”, Movie Night with the Sheriff event taking place on Monday, July 23rd.
Additionally, we will be collecting any kind of donations during the event for the families affected by this heinous act. To learn more on how you can help or to attend the Movie Night with the Sheriff, please contact the campaign at 954-452-0615.
Al Lamberti
Enjoy a night out to see the hottest movie of the summer “The Dark Knight Rises” while supporting Sheriff Lamberti.
6:30pm- pre-event with Food and Music
7:30pm- Showtime
$25 per person
$30 at the door0
Prizes will be given away!
Limited seating! Please contact Danielle DiNicola at 954-452-0615 to purchase your tickets today.
(Political advertisment paid for and approved by Al Lamberti, Republican, for Sheriff.
July 20th, 2012 at 6:28 pm
VERY nice of Sheriff Lamberti to do that! What a selfless act and what a good man. So what are you going to donate and do for the victim’s Buddy??? Anything??? We all want you to pony up too, especially since you are spouting off about what Lamberti is going to do for them.
July 20th, 2012 at 7:06 pm
I already had my tickets. I wondered how he would handle it. He has to pay for the event first, after all, it is all 8 screens for the entire night.
July 20th, 2012 at 9:28 pm
Buddy why the sarcatic remark? It shows the difference between you and Sheriff Lamberti, What he is doing to donate money to the victims and families is a very thoughtful gesture on his part and it was a tragic event that occured
July 20th, 2012 at 9:41 pm
Donate for criminal Lamberti’s bond money at
July 21st, 2012 at 12:25 am
Surprise, Surprise and Surprise the ultimate liar and scammer is in serious panic mode. Israel continues to try and scam his campaign finance report, but ethics complaint is coming.
Israel tried to boost his contributions by adding in $2490.00 that contributors requested refunds on. He posted them as contributions, but the report shows they were posted as refunds, which is against the ethics rules. Marano who screwed us at teh BSO will use our dues money to help the non dues paying member in one of our free PBA shirts.
Israel tried to boost his number of contributors by using Jeff Schackart 12 times as a contributor in amounts of $10 and $20 dollars. Very desparate Scotty.
Everyone is waiting for this one “THE GAS EXPENSES.” Israel used $2032.48 in gas this quarter. What a scumbag using other peoples money for his gas. You decided to run and should use your own gas you cheap ass.
Israel once again took money ($500.00) from convicted felon Wayne Collins 5300 S.W. 26 Terrace Fort Lauderdale. In 2008, Israel didn’t learn his lesson and took $1000.00 from Wayne Collins, who was twice convicted of felonies.
In 1986, Collins was arrested and convicted of Armed Robbery and for Hit and Run in which he tried to bribe the victim. A very close friend of Israel and promised a job!!
Florida law prohibits convicted felons from working as bondsmen, so Collins got a license in Rhode Island. Collins lied on his application that he had ever been convicted of a felony.
Through Collins Companies Universal Bond and Universal Surety Corporation, Collins gave $25,500 to the Common Sense Coalition an ECO supporting Israel in 2008. After giving the money to Israel, Universal Bond was administratively dissolved.
More and More sneaky shit by Israel!!! What a surprise from a prime a one asshole and scumbag. We could never let him get elected and wear a BSO uniform.
Do we really want another Sheriff that was arrested and all he does is have friends tha were either fired by the BSO, indicted, or criminals.
This does not include the $190,000.00 Rorhstein gave Israel in 2008. Israel has the balls to run around telling everyone he only lost in 2008 because of a guy named Rothstein that need to put hundreds of thousands of dollars in Lambertis accounts to beat him. Dude, you are a freakin loser and are so full of shit……. Hellooooo you took the money from Rothstein too, except Lamberti played you like a fiddle. Your friend Jenne another convicted felon sold you out….. You are such a sore loser.[/quote]
O yea! Israel also posted John Nordinger twice with $500.00 as an individual which is totally illegal and an ethics voilation!!! Evene though they tried to make it look good with two different addressed. John Nordinger told sources he was overly pressured to give Israel money becaus Nordinger is a friend of Granteed and contributed to him first, so Israel called one of Granteed’s contributors and pressured him. John has spoken to his Attorney about filing a complaint, but will not admit to it openly.
O Scotty, your scamming shit is crumbling all around you.
July 21st, 2012 at 10:14 am
The Sheriff should cancel the fundraiser or he should give all the money to the victims of the Colorado tragedy.
July 21st, 2012 at 1:14 pm
What do mean Lamberti should cancel the event? Life goes on and so must the event. The fundraiser was planned weeks ago. I’m sure Lamberti is tied into some sort of contract and must pay for the theater. He has offered more than Buddy has. Which is nothing.
July 21st, 2012 at 4:49 pm
Can he at least make sure that no kids are attending? This is an R rated movie !
What in hell were those small children 4 months and 4 years old -doing at a midnight violent movie ?
July 22nd, 2012 at 8:01 pm
@ Linda – It is rated PG-13