Ken Keechl Gets Some Help From Old Friends
Former County Commissioner Ken Keechl, who is running to reclaim his old seat, is getting some help next month from some old friends – the bail bond industry.
Keechl was one of those voting in January 2009 to curtail the government-run pre-trial intervention program, which is a competitor of the bail bonds folks.
Wayne Spath, Broward’s Big Daddy of bail bondsmen, is not the kind of guy to forget his buds. So Spath is trolling for contributions to Keechl’s campaign. He wants a big turnout for a September 5 fundraiser being thrown by George Castrataro, a downtown Fort Lauderdale bankruptcy and foreclosure lawyer.
Wayne Spath and lawyer Norm Kent (wearing hat) at courthouse (Photo: Courtesy of JAAblog)
Making sure they have the right people on the commission is important for the bail bond folks. They want to make sure that the pre-trial intervention program stays as small as possible.
Defendants who are released from jail while awaiting trial as part of the pre-trail intervention do not use a bond, which takes money from the pockets of bail bond companies.
Defendants pay roughly 10 percent of the bond as a fee to bail bonds companies for loaning the money. On a $10,000 bail, that’s $1,000.
Below is Spath’s e-mailed invitation. (Personal disclosure: Spath went to my high school, but he was a year ahead of me and I didn’t know him at the time.)
From: Brandy Bail Bonds Spath [] Sent: Friday, August 16, 2013 2:48 PM To: Subject: Ken Keechl Broward County Commission District 4
Dear Colleagues:
Ken Keechl is a Democratic candidate for Broward County Commission in District 4, is a native Floridian who has spent his career protecting the rights and values of the residents of Broward County.
After spending one year on an academic scholarship at Miami-Dade Community College, Ken enrolled at Florida State University. Even with putting himself through college working an on-campus job, supplemented by Pell Grants and scholarships, Ken graduated cum laude in 1984 with a BA in History. He repeated that success by graduating cum laude from FSU College of Law in 1987, where he also served as an editor of the Law Review. Ken successfully sat for the Florida bar in 1987.
According to the authoritative Martindale-Hubble legal credentialing service, Ken continually holds an AV rating by his peers (“A”: Very High to Preeminent for Legal Ability; “V”: Very High for Ethical Standards).
I had the opportunity of working with Ken on the Public Safety Coordinating Council on jail overcrowding along with other issues.
Ken understands the criminal justice system and we need your help in order Ken get elected on the Broward County Commission.
I am attaching a copy of the invite and asking you attend and support Ken for a seat on the Broward County Commission District 4.
Please clear your schedule, calendar and attend and I am looking forward to seeing all of you attend the fundraiser at:
Dapur Lounge
1620 North Federal Highway, Ft Lauderdale, Fla
September 5th, 2013
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
Should you have any questions kindly contact me at the office.
Wayne H. Spath
Brandy Bail Bonds
912-916 South Andrews Ave
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316
(954) 463-4333 office
(954) 462-3954 fax
Freedom is our Business
The government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases. If it moves tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it. Ronald Reagan
A Sun-Sentinel story on the bond industry’s involvement in Keechl’s losing race for re-election in 2010 is here.
August 20th, 2013 at 6:31 pm
No LaMarca invitation fundraiser starts with his history of higher education…
Elementary school
Middle school
Northeast high (pretends he went to gibbons)
The end
August 20th, 2013 at 9:24 pm
This guy can’t be serious. Thursday Sept. 5, 2013 is in the Hebrew/Jewish calander, the 1st of Tishrei, which is the firrst day of Rosh Hasanah.
Most Jewish people will be going to services or celebrating the New Year with family.
Ken, your time has come and gone and you wasted it on yourself, not your constituents.
You’re not going to get us to vote for you again.
August 21st, 2013 at 7:15 am
Just another guy who sold his vote. Keechl had all the same bail bonds firms working for him last time. Still he lost. It won’t make any difference.
August 21st, 2013 at 7:31 am
Bye bye Chip! You are toast.
August 21st, 2013 at 10:52 am
we need better choices – dopey vs jerky is no choice at all
August 21st, 2013 at 11:20 am
Classic yesterday when Chip got slapped down by the Sheriff. Only one better was when Brittany Wallman claimed she has a life, and then proceeded to respond and debate a fake twitter profile.
August 21st, 2013 at 7:24 pm
Kenny doesn’t even LIVE here in District 4. And remember when he thought negative campaigning was the way to go? Looks like the dumbass didn’t learn his lesson. Buddy, I am wondering if you’ve seen this?
August 21st, 2013 at 7:58 pm
Interesting how Spath is wearing one of Israel’s new BSO label pins. He is often since at big social events with Israel. The bail bondsmen and the Sheriff…can you say conflict of interest?
August 21st, 2013 at 8:06 pm
So Kenny here can bring in the cash. He raised over a 1/2 million last time around and still couldn’t win. The “gay gang” will try their best to get Keechl elected. We will see…Remember the 3g to the boyfriend(campaign headquarters in house-).
August 21st, 2013 at 11:12 pm
Ummm a few cosmos and my inner mean girl comes out. Better get to alibi, oops.., mean get an alibi so no one figures me out.
August 23rd, 2013 at 10:27 pm
Wonder if the Duke political machine (Walter, the mayor of Dania Beach and Lisa, the other mayor of Dania Beach) will support Keechl again? The twins have been photo oped in the past wining and dining with the marvel from Wilton Manors. Meanwhile, Lisa contributes to the Republican party and sends info to Tom Lauder at Florida Media Trackers. Tom returns the favor by “likes” on the mayor’s Facebook page. Politics makes strange bedfellows.