All In The Family? Judge’s Brother Running For The Bench
There are few judges whose children are also judges in Broward.
Now, Circuit Judge Tim Bailey’s brother is running for judge.
Dennis Bailey
Dennis Bailey jumped into the crowded Circuit Court Group 16 race this week.
The open Group 16 already has three candidates — Andrea Gundersen, Rhoda Sokoloff and Russell Thompson. Dennis Bailey makes the fourth.
A former prosecutor, Bailey now works for Choice Legal.
Choice Legal is the new name for the Law Firm of Marshall Watson. The firm switched names after being labeled a foreclosure mill that processed thousands of foreclosures with robo-signing. The firm’s former owner Marshall Watson was suspended by the Florida Bar and paid more than $2 million to the Bar and the Florida Attorney General.
Dennis Bailey was not accused of wrongdoing.
The new candidate Bailey is already campaigning. He was at the Fort Lauderdale Fraternal Order of Police banquet over the weekend, being escorted by political consultant Judy Stern.
February 5th, 2014 at 11:35 am
Buddy has it half right…
Dennis Bailey was taken around the event by Judy Stern and Melanie Golden.
As you remember Stern was involved (on the campaign reports) of Golden when she ran against Incumbent Judge Terri-Ann Miller. As well Ms. Golden was involved with Mickey Rocque whom it has been speculated to have been put up by Stern to run against Judge Dale Ross.
So Judges of the 17th, supporters of Judge Ross and Judge Miller, you see know that those who apparently have no problem running someone against incumbent Judge appear to be heavily involved the Dennis Bailey campaign.
It would not seem good form for the brother of a sitting Judge to be associated with people so willing to run against incumbent Judges.
February 5th, 2014 at 11:50 am
A judge who spent his career throwing people out of their homes. No way! Just another reason for appointed judges.
February 5th, 2014 at 12:45 pm
having known denis for years I can state he is over qualified, hes paid his dues, and we should be happy his election would elevate the bench compared to some of the others there…..
February 5th, 2014 at 2:55 pm
Funny – Self proclaimed protectors of incumbent judges hiding behind “Dear Judges….” I don’t see you talking about your involvement in running Claudia against a sitting Judge Ian Richards
February 5th, 2014 at 3:09 pm
Dennis was one of the finer ASAs Satz ever had. He will make a fine judge.
February 5th, 2014 at 3:33 pm
Big blow to these canddiates since both are family lawyers, as those things usually go, the family lawyers will give to Bailey to suck up to his brother.
Circuit Judge Tim Bailey, who is the candidate’s brother, hears cases in family court. Family court handles divorce, child custody and support, adoptions, paternity suits, etc.
February 5th, 2014 at 4:04 pm
It’s good to see exceptionally qualified candidates like Dennis Bailey running. Worked with him back in the 90’s in the State Attorney’s Office. Great guy and great trial lawyer.
February 5th, 2014 at 5:27 pm
Bailey being a long time prosecutor for Mr. Satz, you would think Dennis would have his endorsement. Hard to imagine Mr. Satz supporting Bailey considering what a nasty campaign Judy Stern ran against him with Chris Mancini.
February 5th, 2014 at 6:31 pm
Hope his opponents aren’t shy about pointing out this guy’s career path. Hope he gets destroyed at the polls so badly that he never even thinks about seeking another elected office. NFW – no votes for Dennis Bailey!!
February 6th, 2014 at 8:47 am
Another former ASA who is looking to bump their pension. Don’t we have enough of Satz cronies on the bench.
February 6th, 2014 at 1:35 pm
He worked for one of the worst state attorney offices in the country and he represented banks in foreclosure actions. Probably not the best choice for a judge.
February 6th, 2014 at 3:08 pm
Not being a lawyer or politically active I do read. The paper. Broward commission state attorney n public defender school board n sheriffs offices are ineffective wasteful and nearly third world except for greed and nepotism which is great. Obviously this. Tainted lawyer is using his brothers judgeship to grab a judgeship really decent family. Lawyers were trying for.
February 14th, 2014 at 4:58 am
I had the privilege to work with Dennis Bailey when he began as a cub ASA. He began honing his skills early on as a DUI supervisor and forged ahead while holding the hands of frightened children into the courtroom while practicing as a sex crime prosecutor. He never shied away from trying any difficult case. He spent his lunch hours crafting his trial skills under the tutelage of Judge Stanton Kaplan. Dennis has demonstrated his strong writing skills when he authored a fictional book. He left the SAO to gain the civil law experience he needed to round his knowledge to become a learned jurist as a judge. He had a dream ( 20) twenty years ago to achieve his goal of being elected a Broward County Judge in a county where he and his family have always given back to the community.
Dennis’s professional experience and demeanor has come full circle and he now
has the qualifications to attain his goal of being elected a Broward County Judge.
February 14th, 2014 at 12:58 pm
Most of the lawyers at Marshall Watson’s firm practiced pretty shoddy law.. and a lot of judges let it slide.
February 14th, 2014 at 8:37 pm
Hardest work as an asa….
and so officer what happened next
even harder work as a bank foreclosure attorney…
so bank representative did the defendant sign the note and mortgage then failed pay?
if he was so great why did he fail to get out of committee with the jnc as many times as he did despite being a great prosecutor and a life long Republican?
Seems obvious the local lawyers making up the jnc over the years were not very impressed with his resume.
July 24th, 2014 at 8:01 am
I worked with Dennis Bailey and he is an astute, well-seasoned lawyer who in fact runs educational seminars at Choice Legal. He is a true credit to his profession and should and WILL make a fine judge, one of the finest and fairest!!!
August 18th, 2014 at 4:36 am
PLEASE, This man has kicked people from their homes and his brother Tim Bailey is already A Family Judge. Who should of never gotten to sit in the bench. His brother robs fathers of their legal rights to have time sharing with their children these people have no family moral neither one. PLEASE DO NOT VOTE FOR DENNIS BAILEY ANY OTHER JUDGE WILL DO PLEASE FOR THE SAKE OF GOD!!!
August 27th, 2014 at 11:01 am
His brother, Tim Bailey is a horrible judge. I just had a case infront of him and he came unprepared clearly had not read the evidence an article we posted out a criminal for stealing a 100 million dollars. Then he upheld a domestic case, that was filed to silence the journalist who wrote it. Tim Baily is currently upholding what is essentially a completely domestic violence gag order, on a journalist who uncovered the biggest financial scam since Scott Rothstein, he is the absolute worst judge in Broward county. To vote his brother in as well would be a total disgrace. We have articles comoing out about both men on