Judge Puts $20k Into Campaign Since DUI Bust
Circuit Judge Lynn Rosenthal funneled $20,000 more into her re-election campaign bank account just three days after she was busted for driving while intoxicated, according to her latest financial report.
Lynn Rosenthal (photo: Tamaractalk.com, Coralspringstalk.com)
Rosenthal has now put $145,000 into her campaign. She raised another $41,412, for a total of $186,412.
She can obviously afford it. She reported a net worth of $3.777 million on Dec. 31, 2013.
Her opponent Frantz “Jahra” McLawrence raised just $6,956 and loaned himself another $6,000, for a total of $12,956, according to the financial report for the period ending May 31.
McLawrence raised $1,450 after Rosenthal’s highly publicized arrest May 27.
But Rosenthal raised $2,700 in during the same period, illustrating just how steep an uphill battle McLawrence faces.
One interesting finding:
An attorney named Tom Lynch, whose address was excluded, gave $100 to McLawrence. Addresses are usually excluded because of the legal exemption pertaining to judicial and law enforcement personnel. Is this contribution from Tom Lynch, the Broward circuit judge? Or was Judge Lynch’s son, also a local attorney named Tom, confused with his father and thus the address was not given?
June 10th, 2014 at 12:57 pm
It’s Judge Lynch’s son Tom Lynch V.
June 10th, 2014 at 1:04 pm
This is Michael Lynch. I am an attorney and the son of Judge Lynch. My full legal name is Thomas Michael Lynch, and I contributed to Jahra’s campaign. Not sure why they left my address off
Thanks for clearing this up. It was probably left off because they confused you with your father.
June 10th, 2014 at 4:41 pm
10k from Kasen against Judge Richards and 25k from Judge Rosenthal against McLawrence.
I guess neither check to see Jean took only a small amount of black precincts in the Mike Satz race during the 12′ primary against no name Mancini.
Truth be told, Alain is smart, white Jewish candidate pay batter then black candidates. 20k off of Judge Porth who had no race proved that one.