Iraq Veteran Named To Circuit Court
County Judge Edward Merrigan Jr. , a decorated veteran of the Iraq conflict, has been promoted to the Broward Circuit Court.
A U. S. Army Reserve Colonel, Merrigan’s appointment by Gov. Rick Scott ended a fierce battle among a handful of insiders.
County Judge John Fry also applied for the open seat, along with six assistant state attorneys, a staff attorney with the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice and various private attorneys.
Merrigan was appointed by then-Gov. Charlie Crist to the county court in 2009. He easily won election in 2010.
The new circuit judge has been praised by lawyers and the media for his fairness and demeanor on the bench.
He will fill the seat of Circuit Judge Eileen O’Connor, who is retiring April 30.
Edward Merrigan Jr. (on right) is greeted by Chief Judge Peter Weinstein
Here is the news release:
Governor Rick Scott Appoints Judge Edward H. Merrigan, Jr. to the
Seventeenth Judicial Circuit Court
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Today, Governor Rick Scott announced the appointment of Judge Edward H. Merrigan, Jr. to the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit Court
Merrigan 51, of Fort Lauderdale currently serves as a Broward County Court Judge. He also serves as a Colonel in the U.S. Army Reserves. Judge Merrigan began his legal career as an attorney with Houston & Shahady in 1989 and has held several other positions as corporate counsel and with law firms until his appointment to the County Court in 2009. Merrigan served in a 230-member combat battalion during Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003. He received his bachelor’s degree from Lenoir-Rhyne College and his law degree from Cumberland School of Law. He fills a vacancy created by the resignation of Judge Eileen M. O’Connor.
Governor Rick Scott said, “Ed Merrigan has not only served South Florida communities throughout his legal career, but has also protected the freedoms and opportunities of all Americans through his service in the U.S. Army. I am confident his experience will make him a great Circuit Judge. I look forward to his service to Florida families on the Circuit bench.”
March 22nd, 2014 at 9:59 am
I thought I kept reading on here it was going to be Judge Tony Loe? The five foot tall Republicans were going to screw Merrigans appointment to get back at Seiler for allowing Ahearn to work the Keechl campaign? As always the kiddies whined in the corner while the real Republican men of power made the real decisions. If there was ever a pick to show how no Republicans in this State care about LaMarca’s reelection this was it. I have to give Rick Scott credit, knowing this pick would go to a Seiler family member who still could be Crist’s running mate, shows how much respect Scott has for Merrigan as a vet, Judge and a man. Scott went above petty politics on this one, great pick.
March 22nd, 2014 at 4:36 pm
Winners:Merrigan, Seiler, Keechl, Ahearn
Losers: LaMarca, Ryan, Stern, Mills
March 22nd, 2014 at 11:06 pm
What are the connections and why is anybody other than Merrigan a winner or loser?
March 27th, 2014 at 4:24 pm
I see Ryan Reiter has abandoned ship at Commissioner LaMarca’s office for safer job prospects at Children’s Services Counsel. Looks like Ryan saw the polling that has Chip getting crushed in his bid for reelection. The handwriting is on the wall at Team LaMarca, even Judy Stern and Ben Lap cant save Chippy.
Finally, Ryan you are one stealth Marine, if the rumors are true and you applied for the new job in December (same time Newstreet left, did Kate get the job you really wanted?)and kept it a secret until you got the job a few weeks ago. Hard not to imagine you didn’t screw Chip on the way out since you are no longer FB friends and he has not even publically acknowledged your resignation. Sucks not getting those fawning tweets from Chip like Newstreet and Saunders got.
March 27th, 2014 at 6:50 pm
Ryan Reiter is a disgrace as a Marine and as a person. He’s been seeking the job at CSC since Dec while portraying himself as a loyal soldier to Commissioner LaMarca. Chip gave Reiter a chance when few would with a work history of a whopping few months at Workforce One and being a gopher for the Lamberti Campaign. Chip is a good and honorable man who deserves better than this. People line up for the chance to work for Commissioner LaMarca, it is a privilege one should respect. One thing for sure, Chip is tough and a survivor. He will survive this and kick Keech’s butt. Then certain people will regret jumping ship.