Huge Lobbyist Fundraiser Planned To Push School Bonds
Those pushing the $800 million school bonds have no shame.
The host committee of the $500-a-ticket fundraiser below is chock filled with some of the most prominent lobbyists in Broward. The lobbyists are in a feeding frenzy over that $800 million – repaid through years of increased property taxes.
The lobbying crew include:
Alan Becker, Bernie Friedman and Yolanda Cash Jackson; George and Seth Platt; Mike Moskowitz; Judy Stern; Mitch Ceasar; Stephanie Toothaker and others.
Please keep in mind that the School Board and Superintendent Robert Runcie has repeatedly refused any attempt to have an independent group guarantee the bond money would be spent wisely.
Also keep in mind that the School Board and Runcie have loosey goosey ethics laws when compared to every city and the county.
So below at the list of some people who I believe are hoping to make a fortune charging clients for access to Runcie and the School Board if the bonds are approved.
It’s the same old same old.
Grand Juries investigating the School Board noted that lobbyist fees are passed on to taxpayers through higher prices for goods and services…and it’s a bigger problem in Broward than other places.
And its starting all over again.
A long-time school activist from Hollywood has filed an elections fraud complaint with the state Division of Elections against Robert Runcie.
Trevor W. Colestock, who works in the Miami-Dade School system, said a story on about Runcie’s office researching the voting records of employees and their families convinced him to act. detailed a law suit which alleged Runcie and a member of his staff were running the pro-bond campaign in violation of state law. The Sun-Sentinel also wrote a story on the law suit, but after Colestock filed his complaint.
Colestock’s complaint alleges: “Possible and suspected violation of state law prohibiting the use of public money to advocate for the bond referendum. Also, perhaps improper privacy ramifications that a government (Broward Co. Public Schools) would use tax money to gather and analyze the voting records of its employees and their families.”
Speaking of using public money, the website that parents use to check their children’s grades now features a plug for the bonds and includes a link to the lengthy website promoting them.
I don’t think it is illegal, but it illustrates to what ends Runcie will use the public resources to sell these bonds.
Here is what parents see:
Welcome to the Pinnacle Internet Viewer.
This application allows you to view your student’s grades and attendance in a real-time atmosphere. By using your student’s id number and the password assigned by your school district, you will be able to view your student’s current information as well as information from previous marking periods.
On June 9, 2014, the School Board of Broward County approved Resolution 14-88, which would put a $800 Million General Obligation Bond on the November 4th ballot. The proceeds of this bond will be utilized for capital improvements and to purchase technology for teachers and students. SMART stands for: Safety, Music & Arts, Athletics, Renovation and Technology.
October 17th, 2014 at 12:03 pm
Wow having your first fundraiser 8 days before the election is a great idea. Goldmyer has to do something to get he and Ashley “take your dough” Walker paid.
They have to get something as it looks like they will all will be lawyering up soon.
October 17th, 2014 at 12:59 pm
Tripp Scott Lobbyist Stephanie Toothaker is on the host committee. One of her firms biggest clients is Charter Schools USA. Current speculation is that the Dan Lewis million palm cards are being paid for by………Charter School USA to blow up the bond.
If the kids of Broward weren’t getting screwed her this would be a lot more funny.
October 17th, 2014 at 2:18 pm
Dear mr nevins and miss greenbarg
Mr nevins might be a mensch n miss greenbarg might be the female version of a mensch but wandering around at night with aa lantern looking for an honest man or woman in broward politics is a fools errand because no one cares. 10 to 15 percent voter turn out tells the tale. Parkland being unable to prevent abby freeman from being reelected shows where the public is. The bond issue is a public disgrace but at two meetings i wouldnt talk to whores like mike moskowitz n mitch caesar but very public official was kissing their behinds!
October 17th, 2014 at 2:31 pm
School Board Member Abby Freedman caught drunk dialing local blogger.
And no, unfortunately, I wasn’t the blogger in question.
October 17th, 2014 at 6:34 pm
Oh it must be illegal or he would NOT be doing this fund raiser except that Buddy exposed, again, that money is being used ineffectively> Now them spending money to push Runcie’s personal payday…oops the Bond. They are doing this fund raiser to raise the funds he illegally spent to push this bond. Under FLA law, I believe he had 60 days to replace the money without explanation I believe that was told at the Ethic workshop THIS WEEK
October 17th, 2014 at 6:35 pm
Mr. Runice…Please resign! I know that you read this and HELLO to Abby Freedman who is reading these as well. Again, information discussed at the Ethics workshop. Keep going Buddy….You are rattling the cages and that is exactly what needs to happen!
October 17th, 2014 at 8:10 pm
looking for an honest man or woman in broward politics is a fools errand
Truer words has never been printed.
October 17th, 2014 at 10:16 pm
Is Stephanie and Mitch Kraft the guest speakers?
October 17th, 2014 at 10:24 pm
OK Alan Levy Is and has been challenged in education
1. He supported Frank Till until the ground gave way
Of note he sponsored him to be member of the Broward Worrk shop until the end
His next best Buddy was Jim Notter.
Wow what a great tenure jail grand jury and wow! Alan Levy was at his side to the very end thought he was a great guy.
So along the way a grand jury says . It’s a problem
Where’s Alan
It’s all about Alan
He can’t help him self…
He’s Alan he can’t help himself
Notter was and is a loser
Sadly Alan Levy does what he does for Alan Levy
October 18th, 2014 at 12:29 pm
How can we trust the current administration after:
1. The Transportation Debacle
2. Disenfranchising employees through disceptive collective bargaining tactics with cooperation of the BTU. (Financing 50 million dollar settlement owed to staff interest free with a pay out over 5 years)
What a sell out!
3. Cover up after cover up of mismanagement/malfeasance and flat out ignorance when it comes to being a steward of the Public’s Capital tax dollars used primarily for Construction and Maintenance.
4. Ignoring or just plan ignorance when it comes to acknowledging/implementing their auditors recommendations.
5. A toothless audit committee that is just a unsavory tool of administration.
6. The bureacrats are still in place, administratively, that gave away the farm. i.e. 3 Grand Jury Reports, 2 Billion in Capital debt with the acknowledgement that 3 Billion more is needed, etc.
SBBC administration says, hey!, let’s just put some lipstick on this pig and get another 800 million……LMAO …..Administration thinks that “John Q Public” is a mushroom….. They think they can keep us in the dark and feed us BS!
We’ll…..if that happens…….shame on us!
Do some research and vote NO on the SBBC Bond issue or continue to pay through the nose for more corruption and waste$