Hmmmmm: Political Tidbits


A new history book could give a boost to Nick Loeb’s state Senate campaign.


An American Experience: Adeline Moses Loeb and Her Easly American Jewish Ancestors is not exactly up there with John Grisham and Dan Brown.  But it does emphasize a point Loeb probably wants to make– his family has been around a long, long time.

Its never bad to be from American pioneer stock when your are running for office.  Especially if you are an inexperienced and relatively-unknown 30-Somthing.

Nick Loeb

The author of the book Eli Evans is quoted in Masha Leon’s column in Forward, the national Jewish weekly.

Evans says, “This (book) is about seven generations going back to the 1690s.  The Moses family and the Loeb family were here for every chapter.  They fought in the Indian Wars, the American Revolution. The Loeb’s history was intertwined “with every important name in American Jewish history.

Although Loeb is part of Jewish history,  he is not the Jewish candidate in the Republican primary campaign. That would be state Rep. Ellyn Bogdanoff.

Loeb is “Episcopalian but grew up with his father who is Jewish and says that heritage ‘is very important to me,’ according to a Sun-Sentinel political writer Tony Man story. 

Loeb, of Delray Beach,  Bogdanoff and state Rep. Carl Domino of Jupiter  are running in the GOP primary for state Sen. Jeff Atwater’s northeast Broward and Palm Beach County seat. 

Two-thirds of the district’s voters live in Palm Beach County.  About 39 percent are registered Republican, 36 percent Democratic and 25 percent independent, Man said in his article. 

If I were Bogdanoff and Domino, I wouldn’t worry too much about the new book yet, unless Loeb decides to give away copies. The book’s sales ranking on was #332,658 on June 13.

Information about the book can be found here.


 Will the School Board quickly settle the law suit with 32 teachers in the DROP (Deferred Retirement Option Program) program over the decision not to extend their contracts? 

The teachers were told in writing their contract would be continued next year. Then that promise was suddenly rescinded.


Will this be another screw-up by the school staff that the taxpayers pay for?

Probably, one way or another.

Rumors are reaching that the teachers will be offered a cash settlement to drop the suit.


Roger Stone he’s the nationally-known consultant who doubles as Las Olas lawyer Scott Rothstein’s political pitbull had a role in the recent takeover the New York State Senate by Republicans.

According to the New York Times, Stone consulted with the top political adviser of the billionaire businessman behind the GOP coupe. The Times didn’t say what they talked about or how much Stone helped.

















4 Responses to “Hmmmmm: Political Tidbits”

  1. No Loeb says:

    All the books in the world will not make Republicans vote for Nick Loeb. He is a rich kid from New York who thinks he can buy his way into politics. Ellyn Bogdanoff has been part of Broward politics since the 1990s. She has carried the Republican banner in a Democratic county. She deserves a chance to serve in the Senate

  2. School Fools says:

    I hope I never read any more about the School Board members crying because they have no money. They threw away $$$$ by prommising these teachers a contract and then reneging.

  3. Beth The Bounty Hunter says:

    These greedy teachers and all other school board employees that have done their time, collected their drop money and other entities they got AND GET OUT AND LET SOMEONE YOUNGER AND WISER TEACH THE KIDS AND RUN THE SCHOOLS. We don’t need two principals running schools either and they are old timers receiving really BIG paychecks.

    I’m one of the old timers and I got out and made way for others.

  4. Democrat says:

    I can’t believe anybody believes teachers, who deal with our children every day, are greedy. The teachers were promised IN WRITING a job next year. Then the School Board changes its mind and fires them all.
    That is a broken contract in my book and broken contracts end up in court.
    It they had done their time, then the School Board shouldn’t have extended their contracts.
    BTW Beth, “younger” does not equal wiser by any means.