Hammerin’ Hank Aaron Goes To Bat For Lois Frankel


Lois Frankel isn’t in the bottom of the ninth yet, but she still brought in a big pinch hitter to help her with her fund raising in her congressional race.

Hall of Fame Baseball legend, Hammerin’ Hank Aaron, sent out an e-mail appeal for Frankel today.

Former West Palm Beach Mayor Frankel is locked in a Democratic primary brawl with Broward County Commissioner Kristin Jacobs.  The winner faces the well-funded Republican Adam Hasner, a former state House member.

The 22 Congressional District, which stretches from parts of central Broward through Palm Beach County, was recut by the Legislature this year to make if more Democratic-friendly.  The reapportionment forced GOP incumbent U. S. Rep. Allen West to move to another district.


Buddy —

As a member of the Baseball Hall of Fame, I understand the importance of teamwork. I’m writing to you today to ask you to join Lois Frankel’s team.

Right now, Washington is broken. We need somebody in Congress whose focus will be on getting things done, not scoring ideological points.

Can you donate to my friend Lois and help her protect the programs most important to us?



Lois has a shining public record of protecting women and seniors, as well as, creating jobs and a bustling economy. We need her passion and expertise in Congress now more than ever.

 By midnight on June 30th, Lois needs to raise $10,000 more to meet her second quarter fundraising goal. She needs your help now to make it. We are so close – your contribution could help put us over the top.

Can you make a generous contribution right now to make sure we get a real fighter in Congress?

We need someone with Lois’s vision and leadership in Washington.

Can I count on you to help send my friend Lois to Washington? Just a small contribution will go such a long way to help someone I believe in.
Thank you,

Hank Aaron



Paid for by Lois Frankel for Congress



6 Responses to “Hammerin’ Hank Aaron Goes To Bat For Lois Frankel”

  1. Plain Language says:

    Why Hank Aaron? Easy.

    Joe DiMaggio was too busy working the Granteed campaign. That’s why.

    FROM BUDDY: At least Aaron is still with us 🙂

  2. Chaz Stevens says:

    Apparently, Lois is trying to win the Anti-MTV vote.

  3. Quit Calling says:

    I got six calls at my house tonight from Kristin Jacobs inviting me to some pancake breakfast. Way to go, Kristin. You’ll never get my vote.

  4. Kevin says:

    Is the 22nd CD filled with Braves fans I don’t know about?

    One of my best memories is watching Aaron hit Number 715 on a 12 inch black and white TV in April 1974 in my grandpa’s bedroom.

  5. Antarctictoothfish says:

    Say it ain’t so, Hank!

  6. Jack says:

    Too bad Lois’ neighbor Hank can’t vote for her as he, like she, doesn’t live in District 22. Way to go Frankel, you can’t even vote for yourself!