Sheriff’s Candidate Gets Many Endorsements
Just as the absentee ballot voting begins, sheriff’s candidate Louis Granteed rolled out a list of political poobahs that are supporting him.
It is interesting to me that only one commissioner from Hollywood is listed on the news release as endorsing him. Granteed retired from that city’s police force as assistant chief after 30 years.
Oh, but he does have two members of the South Florida Drainage District Commission endorsing him.
Maybe the lack of a Hollywood presence its an oversight. Or maybe….you fill in the rest.
Granteed is fighting for the Democratic nominating against former North Bay Village Police Chief Scott Israel, who also worked on the Fort Lauderdale police force. Israel was the Democratic nominee and lost to Sheriff Al Lamberti, a Republican in 2008.
The winner of the Democratic primary faces Lamberti again in the general election.
Here is Granteed’s news release:
Fort Lauderdale, FL – Louie Granteed, Candidate for Broward County Sheriff, announced today he has received the endorsement of thirty Elected Officials, Community Leaders and organizations in Broward County in his bid for Sheriff. “I’m honored to receive the endorsements of so many outstanding Elected Officials and Community Leaders in Broward County. As I have continued to state throughout this campaign – my top priorities are to protect all of Broward County seniors, families and businesses, as well as create community based partnership programs that keep our kids out of the criminal justice system.” said Louie Granteed.
List of Elected Officials and Community Leaders Endorsing Louie Granteed for Broward County Sheriff:
United Human Rights International, Dr. Sajan Kurian, President UHRI-Kerala Chapter
Indian Pravasi Congress Committee, IPCC-Florida Chapter
New York Yankee Legend Joe DiMaggio & Trustee Attorney Moris Engelberg
Fort Lauderdale Attorney W. George Allen
Florida State Senator Eleanor Sobel
Florida State Representative Elaine J. Schwartz
City of Hollywood Commissioner Fran Russo
Town of Davie Mayor Judy Paul
Town of Davie Vice-Mayor Marlon Luis
Town of Davie Councilmember Caryl M. Hattan
City of Pembroke Pines Vice-Mayor Carl Shechter
City of Pembroke Pines Former Commissioner Jack F. McCluskey
City of Pompano Beach Vice-Mayor George Brummer
City of Coconut Creek Mayor Marilyn Gerber
City of Coconut Creek Vice-Mayor Mikkie Belvedere
City of Miramar Commissioner Alexandria P. Davis
City of Lauderhill Commissioner Hayward J. Benson
City of Hallandale Beach Commissioner Alexander Lewy
City of West Park Vice-Mayor Felicia M. Brunson
City of West Park Commissioner Thomas Dorsett
South Broward Drainage District Commissioner James M. Ryan
South Broward Drainage District Commissioner Alanna Mersinger
Central Broward Water Control District Commissioner Kevin Biederman
Broward County Businessman Robert “Bobby” Baer / Baer’s Furniture
City of Pembroke Pines, Century Village Political Activist Adele Berger
City of Coconut Creek, Wynmoor Political Activist Gert Weinberg
Broward County Political Activist Ron Mills
Broward County Community Activist Henry Graham
Louie Granteed is a 30 year highly decorated police veteran that has served and protected the City of Hollywood and Broward County with the Hollywood Police Department since he was 18 years old. He served as the Assistant Chief of Police of a major metropolitan police organization with over 500 members and the responsibility of a $74 million dollar budget for the past 8 years from 2004 until his retirement after 30 years earlier this month. To learn more about Louie Granteed, please visit his website:
July 13th, 2012 at 2:51 pm
Adele Berger, Ron Mills and Gert Weinberg are typically “bought” endorsements. They take cash and “consulting fees” for endorsements year in and year out. Ron Mills and his buddy Michael Albetta are long-time vocal stooges for Sheriff Lamberti, and have been vocal Lamberti supporters for years (meaning Lamberti WANTS to face Granteed, as he is clearly the weaker of the two Democrats). And it was established in the criminal investigation and news reports following the 2008 election that Weinberg and Berger took cash payoffs from then-Sheriff candidate/now international fugitive Shahrukh Dhanji in exchange for their support of him (note: a criminal violation by Dhanji to give the secret cash, but not a crime by the ladies to take it).
On top of it all, Granteed is again touting his fake “endorsement” by the long-dead rotting corpse of Joe DiMaggio (plus that of Jolting Joe’s still-breathing but totally scumbag former agent/lawyer Morris Engelberg). Granteed even adds a prominent lobbyist (George Allen) at the top of the list … perhaps showing Granteed values the support of lobbyists even above that of elected officials and community leaders.
Summary: this seems to be a rather pathetic, knee-jerk response by Granteed to the Police Benevolent Association and the Women’s Political Caucus endorsements of Scott Israel earlier this week.
July 13th, 2012 at 5:02 pm
O okay Scott. I guess you got smashed again by Granteed and enjoy attacking seniors in our community. You are pathetic and have no values. Granteed continues to out strategize, out fundraiser and out endorse you. The signs of your anger and failure to be on the same level of Granteed are perfectly clear. You may have gotten two little endorsements, but Granteed was clearly waiting in the wings and letting you tout and quietly put his impressive list out which shows you don’t have the support he does otherwise you and your big who would have been flashing them. Good for Granteed. He has my vote and everyone I knows vote!!! Granteed in 2012!!!
July 13th, 2012 at 5:06 pm
Pathetic is the word for it.
July 13th, 2012 at 6:22 pm
These are very impressive endorsements garnered by Granteed. He is clearly the democratic frontrunner as he has raised significantly more money and earned many more endorsements and supporters than his opponent Israel. I received two very impressive pieces of campaign literature from the Granteed campaign in the mail this week. With his widespread support, his opponent doesn’t stand a chance of beating him.
Scott Israel should do the honorable thing and suspend his campaign and throw his support behind Mr. Granteed.
July 13th, 2012 at 6:36 pm
Mr. Israel and/or his people making a derogatory remark about one of the most respected Black Leaders in Broward County just shows Mr. Israel’s ignorance and lack of respect in the black community. That post was a slap by the Israel camp in the face of every black man and woman. I encourage everyone to support Mr. Granteed a well respected and supporter of the black community unlike Mr. Israel. He is supported by Mr. Allen and that says it all.
July 13th, 2012 at 6:46 pm
Hey Central, shhh. The adults are speaking. Please go inside and watch cartoons. By the way did Granteed ever promise not to work for Al Lamberti if he didn’t win the primary? I must have been absent that day. Never actually heard him say those words…
July 13th, 2012 at 7:54 pm
This is typical Scott Israel when he can’t handle It, he has a hot head insulting reputation and known to be a compulsive list. He had always been a bully and this proves it by attacking seniors and still disrespecting the black community. It is disgraceful that Israel and his people make derigatory remarks about an icon like W. George Allen. Mr. Israel was terrible to the black community when with Fort Laudetdake and nothing has changed. I will fully support Lou Granteed and strongly encourage everyone else to do the same.
Louie Granteed in 2012!
July 13th, 2012 at 8:01 pm
I know Louie Granteed for many years. He helped my daughter through very difficult times. My daughter got a four year college scholarship for softball that we could not afford because of Louie. He is a wonderful human being and cares about kids and families. I am not at all surprised he had so many people supporting him. My family is forever grateful to him and will support him all the way. Go Coach!! You have taught us how to be winners and now it’s your time. We love you. Coach Louie Granteed for Sheriff.
July 13th, 2012 at 9:40 pm
Given the “reputation” of the Hollywood Police Department, a strategy of avoiding endorsements from within that organization would appear rather sensible…
July 13th, 2012 at 11:09 pm
Ehh hem. He IS the reason for the reputation at Hollywood PD! All his cronies are the ones who’ve gotten busted for illegal activity over the years.
And about those two very impressive campaign literature pieces received in the mail. Well I got them too, but it’s ashame, my dog took a crap on them.
July 13th, 2012 at 11:16 pm
To all you Granted whiners & lapdogs: Gerge Allen IS A LOBBYIST. Plain and simple. Here is a Sun Sentinel story headlined “Lobbyist George Allen …”
July 13th, 2012 at 11:21 pm
And one more comment about the elected officials on Granteed’s list of endorsers: just a bunch of C-list and D-list politicos. Maybe that lightweight Sobel qualifies as a B-list’er (at best), but none of these other names come even close to that.
July 14th, 2012 at 12:22 am
Anyone that ever worked for LOU would know how he use to pepper spray YOUNG BLACK MALES on their cloths while they were handcuffed in the back of police cars. Do the African Americans who say they support him know the REAL LOU ??? Next time u see LOU ask him to tell u one of his famous JOKES about BLACKS, or GAYS…. Or how he really treats WOMEN that worked for him. He should take that $ his campaign raised and pay HOLLYWOOD back the $500k they paid out cause the way he treated female officers.
Those people who endorsed LOU should know the TRUTH about him before they hang their reputation on him.
Ask people who really know LOU before u endorse him people!!!
July 14th, 2012 at 1:26 am
This is a very impressive list of endorsements. It is not surprising that Louie Granteed is getting endorsements. Anyone that knows him or asks people about him will hear the same similar response, he is a very experienced, well respected and great guy who cares about people. It is not surprising he is being negatively attacked by the same Israel camp that are just repeating the same dog and phony show as in 2008. This is what happens to a poplular candidate when facing a loser like Israel and horrible campaign manager Amy Rose because there campaign is in serious touble. I am supporting Louie Granteed and could never trust Israel ever. Just the fact that he was ARRESTED as an adult in Key West is somebody we don’t need as Sheriff. Israel’s reputation and history is pathetic and an embarassment to law enforcement. We don’t want him in charge of the BSO. He is over his head….
July 14th, 2012 at 7:08 am
Hi, this is Dead Joe DiMaggio. God gave only gave me a few minutes before I gotta be back in heaven so all youz guyz pay attention ’cause I only gonna say this once. Besides, I just left Marilyn waiting for me at a bar. Errol Flynn’s there and I never trusted that rat bastard one bit so I gotta get back.
I don’t know this Granteed from a hole in the wall. Don’t know the guy, don’t want to know him. He’s a nobody to me. So this business of me endorsing him is the kind of thing that I lived an entire life to avoid. I didn’t like people using my name when I was living.
If I was alive today I’d give this Granteed a fast slap in the mouth for even mentioning my name. Only a pussy would play that kind of a game with men.
I mean seriously. What kinda asshole looks to any dead guy for an endorsement? You gotta be fucking retarded or something, right. I mean does that sound smart to you? Like nobody’s gonna notice? And this strunz wants to be sheriff? Fuggetaboudit.
Oops, gotta go. I see Errol making his move on that no good putana Marilyn.
But one more thing. Tell that rat bastard laywer of mine Engleberg he’s fired. Enough using my name to make a living. Let me rest already. How dare you use my name knowing how much I hated that, you no good piece of shit. Buy yourself a pair of coglioni and make an honest living.
July 14th, 2012 at 8:44 am
Lamdirty endorses Guaranteed for Sheriff. Keep it in the familia.
July 14th, 2012 at 11:33 am
All of the negative comments written about Louie Granteed are coming directly from the Israel campaign. Scott Israel and his cadre of lunatic “helpers” are exactly what’s wrong in this country today. They lie, they cheat, and they will use every dirty trick in the book to tarnish good and decent people.
I have never seen such filth and dishonesty encouraged by a sheriff’s candidate as I have seen come from Scott Israel. He should be ashamed of himself.
July 14th, 2012 at 12:22 pm
I like Granteed, and every other Democrat I talk to, and I talk to a lot of them, the A listers, is supporting Granteed.
Israel failed last time. Democrats need to get behind a REAL Dem in this race.
Lamberti is beatable given all the scars to his department in the last few years.
There is really no race as Buddy makes it out to be, and not sure what his beef is with Granteed nor do I care. He is the best candidate who has done the most outreach and positive messaging during this campaign.
July 14th, 2012 at 12:37 pm
Rumour has it that the small Town of Southwest Ranches will sever its police services contract with the BSO due to the recent secret recordings of a resident that were used in a BSO internal affairs case to accuse the resident, who is also a civilian employee of BSO, of wrongdoing.
It’s been said that the new town manager will, or has already, entered into negotiations to contract police services with the Town of Davie as the town recently did with their fire / emergency services.
Lamberti has made absolutely no comment on the illegal secret recordings that two deputies and a Commander of the Southwest Ranches District, but he did suspend the civilian employee who was wrongfully accused.
Good Riddance to BSO. Welcome Davie PD!
July 14th, 2012 at 4:13 pm
It’s amazing how obvious it is to read people writing about themselves to pump their campaign up. Then you have crooks endorsing crooks, but then again, birds of a feather stick together. All these people saying how great this man is, must have never worked for him. Of course he’s such a wonderful person to you. For 30 years he has dreamt of being Sheriff, as noted in prior news articles. He’s played the political game for years, pulling favors, making friends because he needs votes. Wasting resources, tax dollars, etc. to pull favors for “friends.” All while the rest of the city goes to shit. You know how many times we’ve heard “I know Granteed” then forced to jump?! Too many to count. It’s disgusting. Undecided on who to vote for, but positive who NOT to vote for. I know the truth! Do you?
July 14th, 2012 at 11:47 pm
it comes down to 4 more years of more of the same/lamberti and crew, or a new regime. I’m all for revolving doors because any one/group is better than another. all cut from the same cloth. so I will either vote for a challenger, or just skip that line on the ballot. I never get the impression that he has any passion for the job. do ither of the challengers? let me know before the primary on august 14.
July 15th, 2012 at 2:19 am
It is always interesting how Scott Israel and his three supporters always immediately blog negative posts when his opponent make headlines. This is the reality.
Scott Israel was ARRESTED in Key West for trespassing at a Hotel as an adult.
Scott Israel was a Fort Lauderdale Cop in full uniform after being kicked out of the Organized Crime Unit and put on the beach ,but everyone knows Israel didn’y stay on the beach because he got caught shoplifting cologne at the alleria Mall.
Scott Israel was investigated over and over again as a Fort Lauderdale Raider for police brutality against young black men, beating up black males, lying on arrest information and making up charges. Once a liar always a liar.
Would anyone trust Scott Israel with millions of taxpayer dollars!!! Once a thief always a thief..
Scott Israel was terminated as Police Chief in North Bay Village. Do we want a Sheriff that was fired and ARRESTED!!!
Scott Israel was sued in North Bay Village for harassing a resident. He harassed blacks in Fort Lauderdale and he harassed people in North Bay Village. Israel’s has a horrible history of violating people’s rights and lying to cover it up, that’s why all his internal affairs files were suspiciously missing after the media requested them.
Scott Israel is a dead beat father that was sued by Melanie Liener for back child support and medical bills. O yea, he lies about only having triplets. He has another son that’s in therapy because Scott Israel abandoned him and his mother Melanie. Another lie to have triplets and leaving his oldest son out, which he had while cheating on his wife.
Scott Israel served on the Republican Executive Committee and was endorsed by County Comissioner Chip Lamarca as a great republican and trying to get the republician appointment for Sheriff, but had no chance. Scott Israel and Chip Lamarca have both had their homes forclosed. Would you trust Israel with you millions and millions of taxpayer money. NOT A CHANCE!!
July 15th, 2012 at 10:26 am
I mailed in my absentee ballot yesterday.
Granteed for Sheriff!
July 15th, 2012 at 9:24 pm
Proud Dem. I’m with you!
July 16th, 2012 at 7:32 am
Today’s Sun Sentinel verifies that Louis Granteed intentionally lied to every voter in Broward county.
In his speeches and campaign literature Granteed calls himself a “Lifelong Democrat” in an attempt to distinguish himself from his opponent who changed parties some years ago and has said so publicly.
Granteed calls himself the only “real” Democrat running. Hmmm.
Well, today, for the first time the Sun Sentinel reports he was once a Republican! How do you like them apples?
Yes. Louie Granteed aka “Lifelong Democrat” was once a Republican and lied about it.
He left the Democratic party in the mid-1980’s to become a Republican during the Reagan Bush years. Then he returned to the Democratic party. So how can he call himself a lifelong Democrat? Why the lie?
It doesn’t bother me that people changes party. Lots of people change parties. Even Ronald Reagan changed parties. It bothers me when they lie.
It really bothers me when liars run for a position of trust like Sheriff, where telling the truth is the most important virtue you can have, and try to win by telling lies. Now Granteed is caught in a lie that is impossible to defend except by him saying “I lied.”
The point is Granteed says he wants to restore integrity to BSO but he is a liar which means he has no integrity himself. What chance can BSO have of recouping integrity under the direction of someone that has no integrity? He lies in public. He lies in campaign mailings and literature. What can he possibly say now that we should believe?
If he lies when he is campaigning, how many more the lies should he get elected? How many more lies has he already told? How can we tell the difference between anything he says and a lie?
Granteed just lied himself out of a race. It’s over folks.
FROM BUDDY: See my post on this subject.
July 16th, 2012 at 7:41 am
I thought it was interesting that Babs Stern wrote in on the other thread to make note that Scott Israel had only received his endorsement from Gwen Cherry Chapter by default, interesting…
Babs, were you not recently appointed by your friend Rick Scott to the Elections Commission. Doesnt that position preclude you from being involved with partisan activities?
Babs was so kind to make clear that Louie didnt lose out to Israel but that Scott won by default. So nice of her, such a good Dem. Well former R and BREC memeber now Dem-Rick Scott appointeee, confusing isnt it.
Oh isnt your mommy a lobbyist for Coventry who got reupped by Lamberti for the health insurance contract. So nice…
Wasnt your mommy the person who ran the Israel campaign and caused campaign expenses to be run up by that Scott Israel was sued over?
Then again it was your mommy who ran the Israel campaign to the ground. I seem to remember Scott Rothstien loved to give away watches. Interesting that your mommmy got a nice new rose gold rolex after Israel won the primary. Then after the primary Momma Stern started all kinds of trouble pitting members of the campaign team against each other causing mistrust and chaos.
Wasnt it Momma Stern who said keep dumping the campaign money into cable when Lamberti was creaming Scott on network?
Wasnt it momma Stern who said never bring to light Rothstien’s connections to Lamberti so as not to cause the ire of Roger Stone?
Didnt Momma Stern have some friends working at RRA at that time? It was her ECO that Stwey gave his money too…
Makes you wonder if Momma Stern tanked the Israel race for that rose gold rolex and more?
Thanks for filling us in Babs, your need to make it clear Isreal got the endorsement by default seems so genuine.
Not like a Stern to pretend to be with one candidate in the race while being in choots with the opponent when it looked like the opponent would win. Judy how is Evelio Medina doing? Thoughts Angelo?
July 16th, 2012 at 8:40 am
For all of the reasons expressed so passionately in this blog, it is time for position of Sheriff to no longer be an elected position.
A committee of 9 members, three each appointed by the County Commission, the Governor and Attorney General should be created.
They should accept applications from the finest police chief’s in the nation. And then pick one.
Broward will be better off that way. More criminals will be caught and candidates for Broward’s top law enforcement position will be spared the indignity of this kind of discourse.
Honestly. I feel like you’d have to dig a half mile under bottom of a lake of shit to reach the depth of disgrace that has become Democratic politics in Broward County.
It’s absolutely disgusting and all of it coming from people that simply want to protect their own jobs or get one.
July 16th, 2012 at 8:41 am
By the way did you read the Sun Sentinel this morning?
Turns out lifelong Democrat Louis Granteed was a Republican.
July 16th, 2012 at 9:22 am
Scott Israel was ARRESTED in Key West for trespassing at a Hotel as an adult.
Per the Sentinel, true … but it was as a 19-year-old spring break college student. Thus, I say big f***ing deal. What a totally NOTHING story (and the charges were apparently dropped).
July 16th, 2012 at 9:53 am
I think the fact that Scott Israel was arrested as an adult IS a big deal.
I think the fact that his police officer father got the Key West Police to drop the charges is even a bigger deal.
It smacks of corruption. The type of corruption that the Sheriff’s Office is going through on a seemingly daily basis now.
July 16th, 2012 at 10:22 am
According to the Sun-Sentinel the charges were dropped after “Israel called his father, a homicide detective in New York, who called the Key West Police Department.” Nice.
July 16th, 2012 at 1:50 pm
Very often I find, the real difference between many law enforcement types and the criminals they hunt is a badge.
July 16th, 2012 at 4:01 pm
You guys should open your eyes, Louie granteed is and will always be a corrupt cop.
he learned from the best his father in law Claude covino,
He has done more under handed things at Hollywood than his buddy in federal prison Kevin companion, as a matter of fact they both started there corrupt crime spree together in the 80’s. When companion a CSO falsified an accident report saying that the victim backed into granteed, when granteed ran into the rear of her vehicle at I 95 and a major intersection, check it out the reports exist along with accident report of accident or injury held at city hall, better hurry and get it,
Louie knows people at City Hall…
July 16th, 2012 at 4:42 pm
Granteed lying again, wow what a surprise.! To think that he would withhold the truth about his lifetime party affiliation is shocking, NOT ! The only thing that he has stayed consistent with in his lifetime is his lies, cheating and scamming. All you misled democrats and BSO employees, don’t make the mistake and vote his way. This car salesman will screw you in a minute.
July 16th, 2012 at 7:23 pm
To all BSO Employees
Don’t buy into the Israel camps slander and propaganda crusade against Granteed. He is a good guy and a good leader. He takes care of his people.
July 16th, 2012 at 11:15 pm
HPD says Louie takes care of “his” people! You got that right! Are his people a friend of mine, a friend of yours, a friend of ours? Faahgetaboutit! He takes care of his cronies, that’s all. Not the department. It’s not spread about equally. How many of “his” people have been suspected, arrested, and/or convicted of a crime? Seek the truth, and you shall find it. Favoritism has no place in government, or policing for that matter. Unfortunately, it will be there forever. And worse from this one.
July 17th, 2012 at 9:53 pm
You are describing Marano and his people. His little lap dogs that drink the cool aid and must be idiots for following Marano. Everytime they drink scumbag Maranos cool aid we all lose more benefits. We got screwed over royally by the biggest loser in hpd history. Why don’t you cronies Wadsworth, Bien, Losenbeck, Fernandez, Marino, Augustus grow a set of balls and stand up to Marano before you lose everything.
July 17th, 2012 at 10:29 pm
Hey “HPD” (you obviously don’t work there…are you paid from tax funds?)
To all BSO employees
Don’t buy into the Granteed/Lamberti camps slander and propaganda crusade against Israel. He is a good guy and a good leader. He takes care of his people. He is ethical and honest, unlike Lamberti/Granteed. The alliance between the two illustrates perfectly the unethical opportunist qualities of them both. THERE I FIXED IT FOR YOU.
July 17th, 2012 at 11:18 pm
To “Peeps”, I’m not sure if your comments were directed at my post, but I’m not anyone’s people. I’m not in any of the cliques, “the boys,” groups, under anyone’s wings, protection, do-boy, cronie or whatever. My only association with any of the names above and Marano or Granteed is that I’ve worked with and/or for them. It’s not just Marano’s cronies who feel a certain way. I don’t like kool-aid anyway.
July 18th, 2012 at 11:55 am
I worked with granteed for 25 years, and can honestly say HE IS A SCUMBAG,
cheating lying stealing. He became a subject of the FBI investigation of Police corruption, (public Record)
He has no morals and cares about no one but himself and close friends,which at this time is a very short list. You can’t find 5 people that will say good things about him at HPD, he went around forcing officers to donate to his campaign while he was still asst. chief. His only loyalty is to himself, while HPD officers the PBA were in a battle with the Late Chief Rick Stone, after ever meetings Granteed would sneak over to the stone’s house and tell him the officers and PBA plans, ( also public record from court documents)
all in hope that the chief would reward him. A zebra doesn’t lose his stripes and that goes for the stink on granteed . it’s there to stay.. All the sex harassment, law suits and criminal acts are nothing if he gets in as sheriff.
Do your homework investigate this guy, he should be in Jail!!
July 18th, 2012 at 1:42 pm
sounds like lamberti will end up with 4 more years if this is lesser of 3 evils
July 19th, 2012 at 12:46 am
O okay another post of lies by scumbag Marano from Hollywood and his few cronies. Marano and his few cronies have totally f— the Hollywood P.D. with their idiotic, dumb ass tactics and criminal behavior. Marano has NO JUICE and is not only hated in BSO, Hollywood, Halllandael, Miramar and many more places to name a few. O yea….. Marano is a terrific rep for all of us, NOT!!!! Marano and his few jerk off cool-aid drinking peeps should GFT….
July 19th, 2012 at 2:03 pm
yeah right
I am not sure which blog you are referring too, I don’t drink the kool aid and I am not a Marano crony, IF HOLLYWOOD is all f up because of Marano, wouldn’t the asst. chief Granteed be able to control one man (who has been retired for years) before this would happen, whats he going to do in BSO with 10 times the manpower!!
all the information above is accurate and can be found doing a public record search. Check city hall, risk management accident / injury reports, and you will see an accident occurred in the 80’s and companion wrote a ticket to an innocent victim at a traffic light that was stopped and granteed fell asleep driving a marked patrol unit and ran into her, she tried to fight in in court but louie and companion both perjured themselves, look up how much over time was approved by granteed and paid out when his families car lot was getting broken in too in Hollywood, I never worked with Isreal so I can’t say anything bad or good about him, I have worked with Granteed and can’t say anything good about him. and By the way Marano is not running for sheriff, and if you see Louie’s lips moving, HE’S LYING!!!
July 19th, 2012 at 8:32 pm
Hi Kappy
July 20th, 2012 at 4:32 pm
We can add Miami Herald to Israel’s list of endorsements. They fear that Granteed sexually harassed his staff. That plus lying about his party affiliation, plus all the rumors out there, plus getting caught at a strip club while on the job, while not getting the PBA endorsement….
July 21st, 2012 at 12:48 pm
UnderCoating and rustproofing hit the rusty nail right on the head. This guy would totally screw up this county if elected. He’s not for the residents, he’s not for the employees. He’s only out for himself! If your one of his “friends,” well then you must have something that will benefit him and his career. He did something nice for you? Great, you better pay that favor back, and in his way! Or, watch out. You’ll be screwed over in a heartbeat. All the Hollywood residents who support him are likely the ones who put the screws to the employees. The same ones who already get all the special treatment. Ask the average joe in Hwd who Granteed is and what he’s done for them! Betcha they don’t know him and can’t say he’s don’t anything for them or their neighborhood. He hasn’t done squat for me or my neighborhood. And, I’m not a fan of Marano’s tactics either, for the record.
July 23rd, 2012 at 10:22 am
undercoating free = Cyndi C.
Go away you troll.
July 26th, 2012 at 1:55 pm
I find it odd that anyone, let alone someone involved in politics would associate thier name with a lying thief like Granteed. Just research the FBI case involving corruption with cops and look for his involvement. That’s just one of the many incIdents that he was able to escape using that Car salesman gift of gab. If you valued your own careers or ethical principals, you would disconnect yourself from that scumbag.