Grand Jury Begins Hearing About Potential Criminal Conduct At Broward Health




A Broward grand jury began hearing testimony Wednesday about alleged criminal conduct at long-troubled Broward Health.

Grand jurors heard about potential criminal violations of Florida’s Government-in-the-Sunshine Law and state ethics laws by the seven-member commission appointed by Gov. Rick Scott that runs the health-care agency.

The first two witnesses: Former General Broward chief lawyer Sam Goren and former Broward Health Chair David Di Pietro, who had a spectacular falling out with Scott before resigning.



David Di Pietro 


Goren and Di Pietro’s testimony indicates that the grand jury may also take a broader look at Broward Health, which has been buffeted by allegations of mismanagement and insider dealing for years. Grand jurors have the power to recommend changes in the system’s governance and have done so with various governments in the past.

The complete story of the grand jury is linked here. 

3 Responses to “Grand Jury Begins Hearing About Potential Criminal Conduct At Broward Health”

  1. Karma for Lynn says:

    Lock Lynn Barrett Up and disbar her!

  2. City activist Robert Walsh says:

    Concerning DiPietro its all about getting even.I personally don.t like Grand Juries.They are some what one sided.The Grand Jury hears one side.They are given usuaaly assumptions,specualtions.Prosecutors etc use these tactics to go full speed ahead.All along the alleged perpetrators don.t get to give their side to alleged allegations,charges etc.Again Grand juries not presented all scenarios,facts.Just main motive is to get convictions.In some Rico cases i have seen Grand Juries lied to.So will see where this goes….

  3. Who would have thought... says:

    Whoda thunk that David Di Pietro, a Bill Scherer protégé, put on the Board by Scherer, DiPietro the guy whose Facebook Photo was the tomb of Machiavelli, would turnout to be so naïve and clueless to the corruption he alleges was all over Broward Health during his time Chair.

    Apparently, Dave’s old employer, Mike Satz bought it hook like and sinker.

    Interesting that all the speculation Sunshine violations before the Grand Jury and there is no mention of Di Pietro’s attempt to land Zimmerman a no bid contract worth millions at the same time Zimmerman donated thousands of dollars to Judge Nina DiPietro’s campaign.