Geller Won’t Challenge Wasserman-Rubin
With investigations swirling around County Commissioner Diana Wasserman-Rubin, the nervous pol picked up the phone last week and started making calls.
She called supporters to reassure them. She called contributors to shore up their support.
And she called former State Senate Democratic Leader Steve Geller.
Steve Geller
Wasserman-Rubin wanted to know if the rumors about Geller were true:
Was he about to jump into the county commission race against her, abandoning his year-long battle against her colleague Sue Gunzburger?
The theory on the grapevine is that Geller would have an easier time beating Wasserman-Rubin because she has been damaged by negative publicity. Stories say Wasserman-Rubin and her husband are being investigated over government land purchases and her votes on county grants.
Geller says that Wasserman-Rubin’s troubles haven’t swayed him.
“I told her on the phone and I made it clear. I am not running against Diana Wasserman-Rubin. I heard the talk and the talk is false, Geller says.
“I am running in (Gunzburger’s) District 6, he says. “I am raising money. I am getting mammoth support.
Geller was asked whether he would change his mind if Wasserman-Rubin suddenly decided not to run for re-election. He brushed off the question as “speculative.
The reality is that Gunzburger’s southweast Broward seat is a better fit for Geller. He was elected to the state Legislature from southeast Broward for two decades. He has a base of his support in the district’s condominiums filled with Jewish retirees.
Gunzburger has represented southeast Broward on the county commission since November 1992. She has a similar base of support.
Wasserman-Rubin’s district in southwest Broward is different than Gunzburger’s. It is more Hispanic, more American-born black, more Caribbean-born black, less Jewish and has fewer condominiums.
That district wouldn’t be as favorable to Geller, although I’ve been told by his campaign that polls have him running strong there, too.
For now, Wasserman-Rubin continues to run for re-election. Geller continues to run against Gunzburger.
In the future. Who knows?
February 2nd, 2010 at 5:39 pm
Please Geller, do us all a favor and get rid of Gonesburger.
February 2nd, 2010 at 8:05 pm
Hi David-Out-with-the-Old-Brown!
Say “Hi” to “Tommy the Fry Cook” when you see him at your keyboard, too! I agree with you David!! We need leadership for a change. The change we we need is placing a sleazy lobbyist like Steve Geller on the County Commission. Unlike Gonesburger, Geller would have voted today to spend $326 million to build a new crystal palace courthouse, against the will of 70% of the voters. That would have really made Geller’s developer pals happy. Maybe Geller could even lobby next year from the commission seat to get his client/partner JF Roy the construction contract. That would be cool! Right David? Just think of the lobbying fee Geller could pocket from a deal like that — and at the same time he would be drawing a Commission salary. That would be the sweet life for Geller. And don’t worry, David, I’m sure he’d also give you a no-show job as pay-back for your years of being his loyal do-boy.
February 2nd, 2010 at 10:11 pm
Oh please, the only reason why Gonesburger voted against her BFF, Bernie Friedman and the courthouse issue is because she actually has to run for once and she’s afraind to be held accountable on her past record, so she’s trying to change history with a new record. Too little, too late Gonesburger. Please go and take your children with you, so we can get “real” qualified people in those jobs!
February 3rd, 2010 at 6:12 am
The only thing “mammoth” about Geller is his waist size!
February 3rd, 2010 at 6:50 am
Geller gave his word. He told residents of the district where he is running, a district he does not live, that if they elect him he will move there and represent them in office. He gave them his word. A bunch of them have chosen to support him. It took a lot for them to not support an incumbent in favor of a challenger.
Abandoning his word for purely personal advantage would reveal a side to Steve Geller that he works hard not to let others see. He’s stuck with his choice in this race and he knows it.
He is wise to put down these rumors and recommit totally to his current race. He’s not popular enough to get away with a game like this and voters don’t like people that play this kind of game.
February 3rd, 2010 at 7:07 am
Say what you want about Gunzburger being a social liberal but she’s always been good on fiscal matters. She didn’t just vote against the courthouse this week. During the last courthouse bond issue she refused to campaign for it and helped block the county from using big tax $$$ to pay for a pro-bond campaign. Gunzburger also actively campaigned AGAINST at least two school board ballot questions to raise our sales taxes.
February 3rd, 2010 at 7:22 am
two bad choice equals four more years of schlock
February 3rd, 2010 at 7:25 am
Somebody needs to run against the corrupt Diana Wasserman-Rubin and get rid of her. She is an embarrassment to the voters.
February 3rd, 2010 at 7:38 am
To: out with the old….
It’s GUNZBURGER!!! Not Gonesburger!!! It’s no wonder why your comments put you in the “Crackpot” category. You don’t even know how to spell the name of the person you so vehemently oppose. Look up the word moron!
February 3rd, 2010 at 9:42 am
TO: give me a break…
give me a break, meet satire, satire, give me a break….
February 3rd, 2010 at 10:39 am
To give me a break,
Apparently you are the moron. As the comment above stated, my spelling of her name is satirical and a play on words. I wouldn’t expect a Gonesburger supporter to be educated enought to get satire, let alone make an educated vote.
February 4th, 2010 at 6:54 am
All Geller has to do is look at Ben Graber as an object lesson in what happens when a politician is a little too opportunistic.
February 4th, 2010 at 4:52 pm
All Gonesburger has to do is look at Clay Shaw when a politician has been in office for too long and has not done anything for their constituents.
February 4th, 2010 at 5:15 pm
All Geller has to do is look at Bob Butterworth’s 2002 run for State Senator to see when a politician has been in office for too long, doesn’t live in his district, and decides to pick up an move across the county to opportunistically run for a seat just because he is term-limited.
February 4th, 2010 at 7:09 pm
Dood looks like the caucasian version of Juan Valdez.
Any intel if Geller owns a donkey?
February 5th, 2010 at 9:15 am
Bob Butterworth did not campaign for that Senate seat. He was running on name alone. Steve Geller is actually campaigning.
Plus, Bob Butterworth had been in Tallahassee for 16 years at that point and did not represent the district. Steve Geller has always represented the district. If you are going to make comparisons, compare apples to apples.
February 5th, 2010 at 7:47 pm
Someone please ask Steve Geller why he is so desperate to hold elective office? Oh yes… so many special interests to please!
February 6th, 2010 at 3:17 pm
Diana WR is not going anywhere except to lead her district for the next four years. She is not corrupt and never has been. She is a wonderful and caring individual and very smart I might add. Happy Birthday Diana and you go girl!!!!