Geller Gets Another Endorsement
Former state Sen. Steve Geller has done it again.
Geller has received another endorsement in his southeast Broward race for county commission, this time from the Alliance For Retired Americans.
The Democratic group with strong union ties has about 200,000 members in Florida. Geller has already gotten the endorsement from the Broward AFL-CIO and many of its locals.
Geller’s opponent, incumbent County Commissioner Sue Gunzburger, has union endorsements, too. She has gotten support from some Broward police and hotel workers, but Geller has four times the local unions endorsing him.
Above is Geller receiving his award from Bill Cea, of the Florida branch of the group. The event took place Saturday at the Hollywood home of Geller’s campaign manager, David Brown.
February 23rd, 2010 at 6:38 am
Is this becoming the official Geller for County Commission website? This post could easily be a press release from the Geller campaign.
How about a little analysis . . . what is Geller’s appeal to the unions?
No, this isn’t the Steve Geller website as proven by Sue Gunzburger’s website — –, which has a quote from on her home page.
I have dealt with Geller and Gunzburger’s appeal to the unions in numerous posts. Check them out.
February 23rd, 2010 at 8:32 am
I still think he needs a Jenny Craig endorsement
February 23rd, 2010 at 8:50 am
The real endorsement will be on election day.
Sue is out with voters every day. I know because I’ve seen her.
Sue has delivered. For years she has been on the county commission, requiring developers to give back to the community before beginning construction.
Steve Geller is a lawyer who’s sole clients are developers. That and his involvement in the Mutual Benefits and Scott Rothstein ponzi schemes as outlined in the New Times prove there is only one choice for the county commission.
Sue Gunzburger.
February 23rd, 2010 at 10:43 am
Isn’t it interesting that instead of addressing things like issues, voting histories, leadership, and actual accomplishments, that the best that Sue’s supporters can do is attack Steve’s weight and appearance?!? (Double standard: if anyone attacked Sue’s appearance -which would be completely inappropriate- they’d be howling like banshees)
But that epitomizes this race: Steve’s campaign addresses substantive issues while Sue’s dwells on the shallow and superficial.
That’s why Steve is the better candidate and why he’ll be “Commissioner Geller” in the fall.
February 23rd, 2010 at 12:20 pm
No wonder Buddy is no longer writing for the mainstream media. His rightwing agenda masquerading as political news is laughable. At least he hasn’t gone so far as to call his blog “fair and balanced” which it is clearly NOT.
February 23rd, 2010 at 3:21 pm
I was going with the diabetes angle… But the Fat Farm works for me also.
February 24th, 2010 at 6:03 am
How is an association that is full of retirees considered to have union ties? They were union then retired? Is that a blanket statement or do are you just trying to demean the Alliance?
Not sure if you know this, but retirees don’t really work. In fact, ‘labor’ is quite the opposite of ‘retired.’
This just means that the blue haired voters prefer the younger candidate than the blue haired candidate.
Why would having union ties be demeaning?
Let’s see if I can answer your question: The president of the Alliance is the former executive vice president of the Communications Workers of America; the secretary treasurer is the former second highest official in the United Auto Workers; the group has over a dozen national unions which it called “affiliated members”; the Alliance’s platform is a virtual copy of the AFL-CIO’s platform and, best of all, the Alliance’s headquarters is in the same Washington, D.C. building that is the AFL-CIO’s HQs.
Everybody in national politics knows the Alliance is allied with the AFL-CIO. That doesn’t mean what they do is bad or good. It just means how I described them is accurate.
February 24th, 2010 at 6:51 pm
We don’t want him. There is no hope for him.
Q: What do you get when you take the lipstick off a pig?