Geller Crushes Gunzburger In $$$$


It is highly unusual for a challenger to be collecting more money than the incumbent.

That is exactly what is happening in County Commission District 6 in South Broward.

Former state Senate Minority Leader Steve Geller is crushing his opponent County Commissioner Sue Gunzburger in fund raising.

After the first quarter of 2010 figures were released Monday, Geller now has far more money in the bank than Gunzburger.

Geller now has over $240,000 on hand. Gunzburger has just under $169,000.

Geller raised $56,325 for his campaign and another $30,000 in his political committee for a total of $86,325, in the three months ending March 31.

His money was donated by the development and gaming industries and folks like Anthony Lomangino, a waste industry executive, and Jodie Siegal, a lawyer who worked for the Davie Commons.   

Gunzburger raised $13,862 during the same period. Money came from the construction, real estate, insurance industry and Bill Julian, a Hallandale Beach commissioner


“She got what money she could collect,”  Geller said. “How many clients does Bernie Friedman have?”

The reference was to lobbyist Bernie Friedman, who known around the Government Center as Gunzburger’s pet lobbyist.

What Geller doesn’t say is that Gunzburger, a multi-millionaire, can self-finance her campaign. 

Gunzburger had a lengthy statement delivered by e-mail.  Here it is:

“If Steve is saying this proves he is the candidate who is truly favored by the special interests and developers, I don’t think that was ever in doubt. 

“Keep in mind that in any tough election I’ve ever faced, I was always my own biggest contributor.  And I will be again this year. 

“It is what has always enabled me on the Commission to remain independent and stand on the side of the residents. 

“Unlike my opponent, the special interests know that they’ll never own me. 

“Finally, let me assure you of something very important: my campaign will not run short of money for ANYTHING we need to do to win this election.  I will see to that.”

Bottom line:  Both will have plenty of money in this campaign.

The two are running in the Democratic primary for the South Broward county commission seat Gunzburger has held since 1992.

11 Responses to “Geller Crushes Gunzburger In $$$$”

  1. Geller Is A Tool says:

    It is easy for Geller to collect all that money because he is a lobbyist for the developers and gamblers. Gunzburger is an honest woman.
    The contest is lobbyist versus public servant.

  2. Out with the old says:

    Here comes the Gonesburger apologists spinning the fact that more people would rather see Geller get elected than their own candidate get re-elected. So now comes the Gonesburger lies about Geller’s character. Face it, people are tired of Gonesburger and want real leadership on the Broward County Commission!

  3. Start the Excuses says:

    It’s that time to start the excuse machine up for the Gunzburger campaign.

    She demonized unions when they endorsed Geller. She treated them like angels when they supported her.

    She claimed her honest poll was…well honest, until the University of Florida shot it down. Then she turns around and ridicules Geller’s poll for being unscientific.

    Then she claims that Geller couldn’t raise any money. Now that he crushes her in fund-raising, she’s whining about his lobbyist ties. (Amazing how many checks have been written to Gunzburger from lobbyist pockets.)

    She takes money from Scott Rothstein, then slams Geller for doing the same. At least he has returned all of the tainted money. Same can’t be said for Gunzburger.

    If I’ve seen a double talker…it’s Gunzburger.

  4. Truthiness says:

    David, you’re right. More lobbyists, developers, ponzi schemers, and special interests types want to see Geller win. He’s got priciples. When you buy Geller, he stays bought. F*** the people, pave it all!! That’s the change we need.

  5. Truthiness says:

    It was Gunzburger who returned all the Rothstein related money ($600 from Rothstein + his wife, plus $7000 from every other check tied to his firm) on the first day the scandal broke. It was Geller who took $50,000 personally from Rothstein and then held onto it for months as he stalled returning it in court motions. Plus the $21,000 Geller took from the Mutual Benefits ponzi scheme. If anyone if the ponzi/felon candidate, it’s clearly Geller.

  6. Resident says:


    When was the last time someone running for county commission actually spent all of their campaign dollars in an election? From what I can recall, they always have plenty left over so once they pass the level they really need, the rest is for show.


    hey Truthiness:

    Gunzburger took rothstein money the day before voting on one of his clients. buddy, you should check this out. QUID PRO QUO TO THE MAX!!!

  8. PLEEEEEAAAASE equals Geller says:

    PLEEEAAAASE is obviously Steve Geller or his flunky, David Brown.

    Geller is the candidate of lobbyists. He makes a living as a developers lobbyist. He is the candidate of the ponzi frauds Mutual Benefits and the Scott Rothstein law firm. He took money from both and used his votes in the Senate to pass bills that favored the Mutual Benefits insurance scheme.

    Geller and Brown throw stones at Sue Gunzburger because they are on the wrong side of the issues. Geller wants over-development to start again, like highrises along interstates like I-75. He would vote for highrises outside Century Village.


    to #8 response:

    no, no, no, no…no, no, no…stop your fucking lying on the interstate stuff. win fairly, not by lying. argue stances, argue votes, argue issues, …don’t “f”ing lie, you goof.

  10. Tommy the Fry Cook says:

    Sue GONESburgers comments are some of the most disturbing things I’ve read in a long time. Frankly, it borders on mental illness.

    She flat out admits that she will spend any amount of money necessary to buy her way to re-election. I’m sorry, but that’s just freakin’ sick.

    How egomaniacal do you have to be to commit to that?!? Instead of dropping $300-400K (or whatever she’s willing to do), why not give that money to charity? Why not renovate a park? Do SOMETHING useful with it rather than feed your own ego.

    There is nothing she could have said to better illustrate exactly why she needs to go and go NOW!!!

    Then, to hypocritically complain about Geller raising money from lobbyists when the whole world knows she’s bought and paid for by Bernie Friedman is even MORE ridiculous. When she speaks at a commission meeting, you can watch Bernie lip synch along with the words because he’s the one that put them in her head to begin with.

    Once again, I wish her a long, healthy, and happy retirement because it’s more clear now than ever that SHE HAS GOT TO GO. Her time on the commission has come and GONE(Sburger).


    To Truthiness:

    are you related to Cheech and/or Chong? your view and perspective is so wrong, i believe you have to be inhaling perfunctory substances (okay, take a second to go to a dictionary and look up perfunctory, and then get back to us)….

    i know some one who can help you with your substance abuse problems….Rev. Ted Haggard, he can help, he is a good spiritual person, trust me on this.