Update: Fort Lauderdale Civic Activist’s Challenge Shakes Up Politics


Civic activist Jackie Scott has quit the Friends of the Shippy House after complaints she was using her membership as a springboard to run for the city commission.

Scott sent the Board an e-mail today resigning.  Her resignation came a day after Browardbeat.com revealed displeasure among board members with her filing to run against City Commissioner Romney Rogers.

Her resignation letter is here:

From: Jacquelyn Scott <>
Date: Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 8:58 AM
Subject: Leave of absence
To: shippeyhouse@gmail.com

Jacquelyn Scott <jackie@jackiescott.net>
Date: Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 8:58 AM
Subject: Leave of absence
To: shippeyhouse@gmail.com


November 22, 2011


To:  Alysa Plummer, President

       Paul Caillaud, Vice President

       Friends of Shippey House


From:  Jacquelyn Scott, Secretary and Treasurer

            Friends of Shippey House



This letter is to inform you of my leave of absence from the board of Friends of Shippey House, Inc..

I am stepping aside until March 14, 2012 as I will be campaigning and must also focus on my business commitments.

As authorized agent for the owner of the Shippey House I will facilitate relocation of the house, on his behalf, up to and through the move on December 11, 2011. On all other matters I will step aside effective immediately.

It has been a pleasure working with you and the Friends of Shippey House and I have no doubt this community-wide project will continue moving forward to a highly successful conclusion.

 An earlier version of the story is below.


Long-time civic activist Jackie Scott roiled Fort Lauderdale’s politics Tuesday when she jumped into the city commission race in the final minutes of qualifying.

Scott’s challenge to Commissioner Romney Rogers has divided Fort Lauderdale’s political community.

A lawyer running for re-election after his first term, Rogers is an east side city resident who has a lifetime of contacts and supporters. A nurse turned Realtor, Scott has a politically potent group of friends from her work as a fierce advocate for city neighborhoods.

The battle immediately split the Friends of the Shippey House board, prompting resignations from the volunteer group that is trying to save the historic structure.  Scott has been a driving force behind the effort.

“I guess some people are more concerned about politics than they are about saving a historic home,” Scott said.

The beef is that Rogers fought to preserve the Shippey House. Now one of the volunteers he worked with is running against him.

“I was sucker punched,” two sources quoted Rogers as saying.

Rogers could not be reached for comment.

Browardbeat.com obtained the resignation letter from activist Michael Ahearn:

To Whom It May Concern:

Please be advised that I hereby resign from the Friends of Shippey House effective immediately.

While I believe everyone has to the right to run against any office holder they so choose, I cannot stay involved in light of the fact that Jackie Scott has filed to run against Fort Lauderdale Commissioner Romney Rogers. I feel it would be disingenuous on my part to advocate and seek additional continued support for Shippey House from the City of Fort Lauderdale while Ms. Scott is running against Commissioner Rogers.


Michael G. Ahearn, Esq”

Ahearn is a lawyer who works out of Mayor Jack Seiler’s office.

Other resignations from the Board are expected to follow.

In other Fort Lauderdale political news, Seiler has two opponents in the Jan. 31 primary: Earl Rynerson and Gabriel Crimi.  Commissioner Charlotte Rodstrom has two opponents: Michael Ferber and Lester Zalewski. Mary Graham  is challenging Commissioner Bruce Roberts.

Commissioner Bobby DuBose has no opposition.

There are strictly rumors that I can not confirm at this point that Scott and Graham were encouraged to run by Charlotte Rodstrom.

There is also talk that Rynerson was responsible for Crimi running. Former Commissioner Tim Smith posted a story on his blog outlining the alleged deal, quoting Crimi.

Again, I can not confirm either of these reports, but they are widespread.  Anyway, nothing is illegal is alleged…just interesting.


7 Responses to “Update: Fort Lauderdale Civic Activist’s Challenge Shakes Up Politics”

  1. good luck says:

    Ahearn, or Aturd, as he is known in legal circles is Seilers’ lackey and rumored to be a dirty political player. Good Luck Jackie! She has always been involved in helping her community.

  2. watcher says:

    I don’t keep close tabs on city politics but I know lots of people in the Second Pres and Collee Hammock neighborhood…and know they were at each others throats over expansion of the church ..all I know is they worked it out…it was Roger’s district so he’s good at his job I guess

  3. Fort Lauderdale Change says:

    Jack Seiler is behind thechallenges. Ahearn was at city clerk’s office on Tuesday taking notes and making calls to Jack. They were seeing if the candidates they put in the race like Graham and Scott showed up. Ahearn is in deep with both those campaigns.
    Vote for change. We need a real leader instead of a political Boss Tweed.

  4. palace coup says:

    The Rodstroms and Dan Lewis just pulled of what could be seen as a palace coup…

    It’s all about 3 moves aheard.

    Seiler is most likely not going to run for another term, leaving the Mayor’s spot open in 3 years.

    Mary Graham and Jackie Scott are fknow Charlotte and here they are running against Rogers and Roberts.

    As with every campaign, some blood will be shed and wounds exposed. If Rogers and Roberts won without opposition they would be very strong candidates for Mayor in 3 years. Now they will have to go make new enemies in those that support their opponents.

    Dubose, everyone knows he is in line to follow Perry Thurston that is why he didnt get an opponent.

  5. Anti-Earl says:

    @Fort Lauderdale Change- really Earl????

    You really should spend your time campaigning and not blogging… Sealer is going to kick your butt again, just as he did 3 years ago!

  6. Anti-Earl says:

    Sorry Mayor Seiler (auto correct)

  7. Just Wondering says:

    Why doesnt J Scott have more information on the web about why should people vote for her and not RR?